5 social media posts you can write right now to gain visibility and generate leads (especially when you're not sure what to say!)
One of the first courses I purchased in my online business was an Instagram course that was designed to help you generate more leads.
I distinctly remember one of the first modules we were given...
“Give your audience more tips and tricks.”
What the what!? I remember thinking.
Being a designer at the time, I could not for the life of me understand how A → Z. How was me telling people tips like “how to establish a consistent color palette for their brand” going to lead to more clients?
Wasn’t that exactly what they were hiring me to help with?
Wouldn’t I run out of information if I just gave it all away like this?
How was I supposed to know what they needed tips on?
These were the thoughts that circled my mind and quite frankly, it seemed like it led to more questions than it did answers.
The course pretty much became a digital doormat, which I’m fairly certain I never finished.
Yes, girl. This is your opportunity to forgive yourself for that course (or courses!) you purchased and never finished because I feel like we’ve ALL been there at some point!
But here’s the thing... it wasn’t that it was a bad course. In fact, I’m certain that the information in there was super valuable IF I had cultivated the mindset and had the support I needed to actually apply the information.
And that’s a really BIG IF.
Because that’s where so many of us get stuck. We start to form stories around what that means about ourselves or our businesses.
For example…
“I purchased a course that I didn’t finish, therefore I can’t show up for my investments.”
“I created a schedule that got thrown off when my dog got sick, therefore I’m someone who can’t stay on schedule.”
“I don’t know what to write in a social media post, therefore I must not be cut out for this.”
But THOSE are the exact thoughts that will hold you back in business because they hinder your ability to show up and take action so that you can see more results.
And that’s yet another reason why I’m so passionate about mindset and one-on-one support being THE THING that is going to move your business forward THE MOST because those thoughts that you don’t have what it takes are 100% optional.
YOU have the power to shift them.
YOU have the power to choose a more empowering thought.
YOU have the ability to take actions that are in support of making more sales in your online biz, even when your brain isn’t totally on board yet.
And showing up like that is exactly what will change the course of your business (and hell, your life too for that matter!).
So today, I’m writing the post I wish I had when I was taking that course. The one that gets specific about what you can write when you’re confused AF about what to write to actually gain visibility and generate leads in your online business.
And I’ll let you in on a secret—even if you write ONE of these posts, you’ll feel a whole hell of a lot more confident going into the next one. And confidence SELLS big time.
Tell a personal story
“I’m not sure what to write.” Raise your hand if you’ve ever had that thought. 🙋♀️
Girl, I’ve totally been there and I see you.
But writing content and getting it in front of the right people is one of the absolute BEST ways to market your business so you can attract more of the people you’d love to work with.
Some more good news?
Our brains love to make it WAY more complicated than it needs to be.
I remember one particular instance where I was sitting at the airport, flight delayed, knowing that I needed to write weekly content for my biz and I just COULD. NOT. make it happen.
First, it was a bathroom break only to come back and stare at a blank screen.
Next, it was a trip to grab a lime seltzer because I like to sip on something while I write.
Then, it was a change of scenery, moving to a new seat with better light (the ridiculousness of this still gets me).
Holy hell, did I put off writing that content.
Because I just had no idea WHAT to actually write and my brain wanted to do just about anything other than stare at a blinking cursor and just start already.
That fear that I didn’t know what to write was paralyzing.
Now, I did actually write the content eventually but it was because I simply decided that I couldn’t let the fear of not knowing what to write or not saying it perfectly hold me back from taking the actions that I knew would move my business forward.
And the same is true for you.
So the next time you’re feeling stuck on what kind of social media post to write so you can actually show the eff up and start attracting dreamy clients to your biz, start with a personal story that adds value to your audience.
Just like I did above because YOU ARE YOUR BEST CASE STUDY.
Usually you once struggled with the exact same thing that you now help your clients with so you can show them the same transformation is possible for them AND that’s exactly why they should hire you.
Not only that, but you’ll also begin to like, know, and trust you which is SO incredibly important for landing more sales.
Tell a client story
My clients always give me the best content... and the same is true for you if you look for it.
Seriously. So much of marketing is about getting in the head of your ideal client.
You want them to read your content and think to themselves, “How does she know that!? She just gets me,” because that is exactly what will entice them to take that next step with you.
And one of the best ways to do that is to note the challenges your current clients have that you help them to overcome.
Think of it this way, “What is the transformation that you offer?”
Personally, I have a client who really struggled to market her business when we first started working together.
She didn’t have a consistent marketing plan that she felt good about and was constantly second guessing what she should post and if she should post what she had written (and therefore didn’t most days).
She didn’t feel confident getting on sales calls, constantly afraid of what would come up on the call and unsure if she’d know what to say or how to handle it.
She felt unsure about her rates and felt like leads were inconsistent at best.
And I get it. I get ALL of it because I’ve been there too. But that’s exactly why I’m able to support my clients in the way that I do and why my clients get such incredible results.
She’s now showing up consistently on social media with a marketing plan she can count on to generate leads, doesn’t think twice about getting on sales calls because she knows they’ve built her business in a big way, has doubled her rates and had her best income months ever.
Talk about transformation!
But the reason I’m telling you all this is because I want you to see how you can craft a post of your own using a client story.
Maybe you’re a website designer and your clients massively increase their organic traffic and page views.
Or maybe you're a photographer and your clients start out camera shy and leave your sessions with a newfound confidence.
Whatever it is—tell us about it! Create a post that speaks to that transformation that you offer so the very people who are looking for results like the ones that you offer can actually find you!
Challenge them to take action
I am ALLLL about the mindset you need to take more of the right actions in your business so you can close more sales and truly thrive.
That’s probably why I love writing posts that challenge my audience to take a specific action in my marketing.
Because what I have found to be true is the more you take the right actions in your business, the more results you’ll see.
More good news!?
You can totally borrow this kind of post for your audience too so you BOTH can see more results! Gotta love that ripple effect.
Think about it this way… What is one simple action you can challenge your audience to take that will get them a specific result?
Maybe you’re a fitness coach and you’re challenging your audience to try ONE ten minute workout.
Maybe you’re a brand designer and you’re challenging your audience to pick five images that really resonate with the mood they’re looking to create.
Maybe you’re a wedding photographer and you’re challenging your audience to think of three words that describe the vibe they’re going for on their special day.
Maybe you’re a visibility coach and you’re challenging your audience to record ONE video, even if they don’t post it anywhere quite yet.
The possibilities are endless, but the point is you want to challenge them to take an action that will bring them one step closer to their desired result.
Because bringing them closer to the results they want builds trust and credibility. It’s the very thing that helps nurture that relationship and turns them into a warm lead.
So this is my challenge to you today! Go write a post that challenges your audience to take action and brings them closer to a result! It’s a win-win for everyone involved.
Give them a quick win
I’m pretty obsessed with quick wins.
Why? Because when you give your lead or potential client a quick win in your marketing content, you further establish yourself as an expert and they’ll come back again for more. Helloooo, credibility!
THIS is exactly where tips and tricks can be so great and I bet you’re sitting on a mound of expertise you’re not even aware of yet.
I’m here to help you shift that. Think of it this way…
What is one quick tip you can give a lead that is going to help them either save time or money?
Maybe you’re a Social Media Manager and you’ve found that ONE particular scheduling platform stands out from all the rest because of a feature that saves you a massive amount of time.
Tell your audience about it!
It may seem obvious to you because you’ve been using it forever, but for all those people out there that have had it on their to-do list forever to look for a tool that does what they want it to, you just saved them an incredible amount of time.
You may be thinking, “But then why would they hire me if I just told them what tool I use?”
1. You want to meet your people where they’re at. They might not even KNOW they can hire someone to do this for them yet, so by helping them with something they’ve been struggling with is already a huge win for them, making them more likely to come back for more info from you!
2. There are TONS of things that you can DIY that you still hire people to help with. We’ve been doing a lot of painting around my house and just because I CAN do that, doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t prefer not to next time. The same thing is true here. Sally would much rather someone else manage her social media for her, trust me.
So the next time you’re stumped on what to write, ask yourself, “What’s my best tip for helping my audience save time or money?” and go write a post on THAT!
Social proof and testimonials
One of my clients is about to have a $13k month for the first time.
Another feels like a faucet was just turned on in her business because so many leads are coming through the door.
Another raised her rates and is landing higher paying projects than ever before and is having her best months in revenue EVER.
Yet another feels like she got her life back because she’s working fewer hours than ever before but seeing far more results.
I could go on, but THOSE are the kinds of results that my coaching clients are getting and I’m over here cheering them on BIG TIME!!!
But here’s the thing… you’d never know that unless I told you, right!?
The same is true for you and your audience.
THAT is exactly why social proof and testimonials are so incredibly important in your content marketing.
Because while you might be really close to the work that you do and the types of results you get your clients, your audience likely is not and that’s exactly why you have to tell them!!
I totally understand that bragging in this way might feel uncomfortable because of what others will think, but I also know that your ideal clients need to know why they should hire you.
This can be as easy as creating a consistent process for requesting testimonials or screenshotting amazing feedback and reviews as they come through (remember, to request permission or to share anonymously!).
Then, share, share, share!!!
The bottom line:
It’s so easy to get caught up in the story that “you don’t know what to say” when it comes to gaining visibility and generating leads.
But I KNOW that you have valuable insight to share with your audience and writing up one post is the best way to build the confidence you need to show up for your audience again and again.
In fact, it’s by continuing to gain visibility that you’ll build a relationship with your audience, turning them into warm leads, and making them more likely to turn into paying clients down the line.
So what are you waiting for!? Go write up some marketing posts and get out there, lady!
Grab your free coaching call:
If you’re struggling to sell in your online business right now so you can land more clients then your mindset likely has something to do with it.
That’s exactly why I created my absolutely free Sincere Sales coaching call. During this 30-minute call, you and I will uncover the mindset challenge that is holding you back the most from selling in your online business so you can shift it and land more clients with more ease.
You’ll walk away with one simple shift you can apply NOW to start seeing more results! I only do 3 of these each week so grab yours here!
Tell me in the comments below:
Which one of these posts are you going to implement in your content marketing this week!? I’d love to hear!
Photography by Jennifer Morgan Photography