Shift these 3 beliefs for more sales this month


This all started because my dog, Ollie, has a crush on the neighbor's dog.

It's cute (you could call it puppy love 😜) because they love to escape and visit each other. One afternoon, the neighbor's dog got out, and I walked her home.

When I got to their house, I saw this beautiful patch of grassy area, and it lit a fire under my a**.

If you're new (hi!), my husband Brian and I live in Colorado, and we've been renovating our home since 2015. Next to our house is what can only be described as a dirt patch (glamourous, I know πŸ˜‰).

I was so inspired by the neighbor's yard that I told Brian we were going to give our dirt patch a makeover, transforming it into an awesome grassy area.

Now, in all honesty, I had a few things going against me.

One, I am the opposite of a green thumb. Plants die in my honor.

Two, living at 8,000-ft makes it hard for plants (read: anything that loves oxygen) to thrive.

And three, I am a little impatient. πŸ˜…

(I may or may not have dug up seeds before to check if they were growing. Whoops.)

But I went to Home Depot, determined to figure out how to grow grass.

It ended up being a four-hour project on an 80-degree day, removing all the rocks, pulling weeds, getting everything level, putting down topsoil, and finally, putting down seed starters (that's a technical plant term, btw).

The thing is, I had to have A LOT of belief that this was going to work.

Because if I didn't believe it truly was going to work, I wouldn't have spent all that time and money getting the dirt patch ready to grow. I wouldn't have invested in multiple sprinkler systems and researched how to get grass to grow at that altitude.

I had to have the belief first in order to take meaningful action.

And that same thing is true for our businesses. The belief comes first.

For example, in your marketing, you have to first believe that your marketing will connect with the right people to continue writing your newsletter every week. You have to believe that visibility really does help you and supports you in growing your business to post on Instagram regularly. Simply put, you have to believe that showing up consistently helps you get more clients.

Then, you can take actions fueled by that belief. And the combination of those two things is when you'll start to see amazing results. It's when potential clients show interest, book calls, and sign up. Building self-belief is one of the foundational pieces that support my Future You clients that leads to their next sale and snowballs to even bigger results – like their first $10k (or $20k!) month.

I know the same is possible for you, but it starts with you and your beliefs. And, in this month's blog post, I wrote about three beliefs you can shift right now for more sales this month. I bet you've said at least one of them to yourself this week, and you can click here to read how to shift them into beliefs that actually serve you in creating sustainable success.

Oh, and, in case you were wondering, there are some little green sprouts happening in my yard right now! 🌱

Build that belief.

Here are three shifts to start practicing right now to help you stay in the game and get more sales.

Shift #1: β€œIf they wanted it, they would've bought it already.”

Recently, I've been seeing all kinds of marketing and ads for a self-tanner I know I want.

Did you catch that part? I know I want it.

It comes from a company I already know, like, and trust. I've seen it in ads on Instagram and Facebook, before-and-after posts, tutorials, and rave reviews, but I still haven't clicked "purchase" yet.

That's not because I don't want it, or because I don't think it's gonna work, or that it isn't amazing. It's literally because I have not been in the right pocket of time to click purchase.

That's it.

And the same thing can be true for your online business with your potential clients. We often have to hear things multiple times before clicking purchase or signing up for a free call.

Where you may get caught in a mindset wobble around this is when you believe that, because people haven't purchased yet, it means that they don't want it or it's not good enough. (Which can be quickly followed by feeling like you need to rework your offer, or create something totally different!)

When, in reality, it may just mean that you have to keep showing up. You've got to keep selling. You have to keep reminding them why they want your offer and why you're the person to work with.

In my example with this self-tanner, I know I'm going to buy it eventually when I'm in the right pocket of time. But if all of a sudden, that product disappears or they stop marketing it to me, I may not buy it. I might forget about it eventually.

And that's why it's so important to stay visible and continue to market and sell your offers. When you keep showing up, keep marketing, and keep selling, it shortens the sales process and actually makes it easier to say YES. This is your reminder to trust that your people just need to hear from you and stay in the long game because you are going to see SO many more sales and clients on the other side of that.

Shift #2: β€œIf I had more time, I’d be more successful.”

Okay, a tiny caveat: This is true to a certain extent. If you have ZERO time to work on your business, it's going to feel challenging to move forward.

That said, what I find to be true is that when this, "I don't have time," story pops up, it's less about the amount of time and more about using it creatively.

For example, some of my Future You clients are super busy mamas who are really pinched for time. They're juggling childcare, commitments for the kids, and all the other life stuff that comes up.

And really, that lack of time is usually one of the reasons they created their businesses in the first place – to have more time for their kids and what they want to do.

So often what comes up for them (and let’s be honest, all of us at times!), is getting stuck in this mindset of, "If I had more time, then this would be successful, or I'd sell more, or I'd be able to create more content."

The shift I like to offer my clients is this: Instead of wishing for more time, what can you do with the time you have now?

You're probably always going to have some element of being busy (welcome to literally being a human!), so understanding HOW you manage your time and more importantly, your mindset around that time, is only going to serve you in getting more of what you want no matter the circumstances.

A while back, I had a week where my dog got sick, my tires needed changing, we hadn't started packing for a camping trip yet, the cleaner was coming, and I hadn't pre-cleaned (you do that, right? πŸ˜…).

It would've been so easy for me to say, "This won't work because I don't have enough time."

But I knew the problem wasn't that I was short on time, it was that I hadn't decided how I was going to make my business work in the time I had available.

And sometimes that means we have to get creative about what that looks like, so we're not scrambling when the dog is sick, the car needs attention, or your kids are home sick.

When you can stop making yourself wrong for those things and instead lean into working with the time you have available, you'll be able to move your business forward no matter what.

This shift has been such a game-changer for my Future You clients allowing them to hold that belief and take action that gets higher paying clients more consistently. You’ll notice immediately how much easier it is for us to take action from a place of feeling good (and getting more done because of that!).

I really encourage you to think about how you can work with the amount of time you have available. Some questions to get you thinking: How can you give yourself permission around that? And how can you do the mindset work to move your business forward during that time, so you can make more sales and money in your business?

Shift #3: β€œIf people aren’t buying, there must be something wrong with my offer.”

What I find to be true about this thought is that it has less to do with your offer and more to do with how you market and sell your offer.

For example, I remember having a burger that was essentially a heart attack on a plate.

I'd just started dating my boyfriend (now husband), Brian, and we went to a restaurant that was known for serving unique burgers with all kinds of combinations. There was even one that was a burger patty literally smashed between two Krispy Kreme Doughnuts (I'm not sure if we should cheer or cry).

The coolest part of this was that they totally owned their uniqueness and their 100+ crazy burger combinations.

But let's say they weren't making sales. It would probably have less to do with them not being the, "right kind," of burger (not organic enough, not using the finest ingredients, etc.) because that isn't how they were marketing themselves.

They got clients in the door by owning their uniqueness and leaning into it.

So often I see entrepreneurs get tripped up in online business thinking, "This isn't selling, so I must be doing something wrong." And they'll immediately change up the offer or service.

But really, the shift here that I think is helpful to see is around mindset, rather than your offer.

The owner of the burger joint totally could have gone out and created an organic, less-than-six-ingredients burger, but that wasn't the lane they wanted to own. They leaned into what made them different.

And that's my challenge to you. When you can dig in and ask yourself, "What really does make me special and different from others in my niche?" you'll be able to create and sell from a place that feels really good.

And when mindset wobbles come up, you'll be able to say, "This is my lane. This is what makes me unique and special. This is what I do differently, and this is what I do really well."

That is when sales are going to happen. That is when people are going to get excited about your offers.

But step one is doing the inner work to own what makes you the absolute best option for them!

The Bottom Line

Your subconscious beliefs are one of the biggest factors in your success, and your willingness to shift beliefs that aren't serving you, is a huge piece of landing more clients and making more money in business. The mindset shifts I talked about today are just a few of the building blocks for cultivating the right mindset to take more of the right actions in your business .

If you're ready to create MORE in your business (from money to right-fit clients to ease and everything in between), you're going to want to grab a totally complimentary Sincere Sales coaching call. We'll get really clear on the beliefs you hold, which ones are serving you, and the biggest mindset block to shift to call in more clients, money, and success in your business. Grab one of the limited number of sessions I offer each week at!


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I'd LOVE to know – what makes you unique and different from the rest?


3 mindset shifts to make your sales process feel GOOD


🍍Piña coladas, making sales, and landing clients