Shift these three mindset blocks that may be holding you back from hitting your highest income month yet

I had no idea when I started this business, that THIS would be what it would look like. Sure, I had dreams, goals, planners, vision boards… you name it I’ve tried them all (and they all helped to an extent).

But what I couldn’t see at the time was how it would all fit together—how one thing would lead to the next to stack up quite perfectly to make my dreams a reality.

Flashback to when hubby and I were running the Airbnb out of the ground floor of our house, alongside running my design studio AND making my best attempt to pivot to coaching…

And I can still feel how overwhelmed I was as I folded the top sheet under the mattress and fanned the quilt over the bed before our next guest arrived.

How was it all going to fit? I thought to myself.

There was a long while there where it all felt a bit, well… delusional.

There was no way I was going to be able to fulfill my design commitments, write all this marketing content, clean and run the Airbnb, AND take on enough coaching clients to make that a full-time gig.

I just can’t do it all, I thought, as the panic started to sink deeper into my stomach.

But here’s the thing…

Those doubts, fears, and capacity issues I was bumping up against were so much more about the future than anything that was showing up in my reality at that moment.

Sure, I couldn’t see how the pieces would all fit together to form the bigger picture… because I was working with the pieces that were my reality NOW, rather than the pieces that were going to be at play as I moved toward my goals.

For example, I couldn’t understand where I was going to fit coaching clients because my schedule had design work taking up that space at the time. My brain just couldn’t compute that there would be a time when I would feel stable enough in coaching to let that go, so it was trying to squeeze everything in as I projected the future. Cue overwhelm.

This sort of future thinking is so easy to fall into (and actually quite a bit different than the Future You journaling that I encourage as a regular mindset practice so there is some nuance here) because it gets in the way of the actions that are important to take NOW to get one step closer to the overall goal.

Think of it like a staircase: you don’t just magically end up at the top of the stairs. You take it one step at a time.

When I was struggling to see how it would all fit to add up to my full 1:1 client roaster, six-figure coaching business, all while working 20-25 hours a week, plussss dreamy beach vacations (there have been many 🏝️)… I was trying to get to the top of the staircase from step one.

I think back and the only thing that should have been on my mind at the time was how I was going to book my next sales call so I could book my next client. 🤣 

If I had been thinking in that way, I’m sure I would have hit that next income goal a heck of a lot faster with a heck of a lot less stressing and obsessing.

I’m sharing this today to help you build the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be and normalize that it’s really, truly okay if you can’t see how all the dots connect quite yet.

And honesty? The pieces all sorted themselves with divine timing and the right mindset and coaching support—most even better than I could have imagined.

But when you’re IN that place it can be so hard to see those blocks for what they are and know exactly what to shift to make that next sale, land that next client, and grow your business. 

That’s why today you’ll want to keep reading because today I’m sharing three mindset blocks that may be holding you back from hitting your highest income month yet.

It may be exactly what you need today to hear to shift it and make your goals a reality, too.

Feeling like you have to convince people to buy

People are going to buy from you when they KNOW it’s the next best step for them, not because you’ve convinced them to go all in. 

The story of “I don’t feel good selling because I don’t want to convince people to buy from me” is really prevalent in the online space and a belief I help my 1:1 Future You coaching clients shift all of the time. 

The truth is that you’re not there to convince anyone that your work is valuable. Deep down, I know you already know that it is. 

You’re there to speak to the results that are possible, show them the value of what you have to offer, and give them all the information they need to make an empowered buying decision.

I know that my potential clients are healthy, empowered adults in the sales process, so I can trust them to make the very best decisions for themselves and their businesses. 

Instead of trying to convince them that all of their problems are going to magically disappear the moment they decide to go all in with me (because let’s be real, that’s just not how this works) I share how I can support them in shifting their mindset for more sales (meaning more clients and cash). I want to be sure that they have all the information and support they need to make the best decision for them.

Leading the conversation with the results that are possible and personalized feedback as to why working with you might be the best next step for your potential clients adds integrity to your sales process, so it feels good for everyone and consequently converts better too.

Not practicing what you preach

One key thing that comes up for my 1:1 Future You coaching clients when we first start working together is the idea of congruence.

By that, I mean – are you a living, breathing, walking, talking example of what you are selling? 

Because if you're not, there just might be a disconnect between what you're talking about and what you actually believe behind the scenes. And when this happens, it is going to be a whole heck of a lot harder for you to show up and actually sell the thing.

But hang tight because I have some amazing news for you. This is such an easy mindset shift that will help you make more sales and put more money in the bank because of it.

When you fully believe in what you're selling, you can go deeper when you're showing up and talking about it → and that is the mindset and energy that converts.

If you've been hanging around here for a while, you KNOW that I believe that if you cultivate the right mindset, you'll take more of the right sales actions in your business that will lead to consistent clients. I also believe this is what leads to the thriving business that Future You desires.

And because of that, this work is SO incredibly important for me to do personally because it makes it that much easier for me to show up and sell that.

I'm not just TALKING about the impact that…

✨ pouring into myself first

✨ going for a daily walk

✨ doing my simplified mindset practice

✨ journaling and meditating

 ✨leaning on my coach for support

✨ shifting out of thoughts that don't feel good and into new ones that feel far better

…had on building this business to six figures. I'm actually showing up and doing the work day after day. 

If I wasn't, it would probably feel really difficult to sell because I wouldn't have that much to talk about.

So, my question to you is: are you really being congruent with what you're selling?

If your answer feels more like 🥴, I encourage you to do the work to shift that internally so you can see bigger external results like leads, clients, and money in the bank. 

It will make it so much easier for you to sell (and get paid!) when you're the living, breathing, walking, talking example of what you're selling. 

More money means more problems

If you’re looking to grow and reach that next income goal of a $10k (or even $20k) month but are super overwhelmed because you feel like you could never hold that much, you need to hear this… 

Typically what I find to be true is that if this is coming up for you, there’s an underlying money belief that you haven’t fully shifted yet (not ALWAYS the case, but more often than not). 

If you feel like money is hard to make, feels like a struggle, or only comes your way when you are SUPER busy, you may be unknowingly finding ways to recreate the struggles you hold around it because your subconscious mind is telling you that’s what you NEED to do to make more of an income when that’s simply not the truth. I know, so rude. 🙄

So, instead of putting in MORE hours, signing clients WAY PAST your capacity, and adding MORE work to your already full plate, ask yourself this: 

Do I really fully believe… 

✨ money flows to me with ease

✨ clients flow to me with ease

✨ business is allowed to feel easy

✨ the work I’m already doing is enough to grow my business

Because when you start to make those shifts and lean into those beliefs, you start to see the results you desire reflected back to you and show up in your experience. 

I totally recommend taking a day-by-day look at the beliefs you have around money and where they were created (my Money Mindset Journal is a great place to start with this) so you can rewrite the stories you’ve been telling yourself and clear out those unhelpful beliefs so money can flow to you with that much more ease. 

The bottom line:

Hitting that next-level income goal is totally possible for you no matter where you are in your business (if your brain needs some extra evidence, check out these client stories).

When the vision you have for Future You feels so far away from where you are now, it’s easy to question exactly HOW it’s going to happen. That’s why shifting the mindset blocks you might be (unknowingly) holding onto is so important so you’re able to take that next best step to make your next sale.

If you’re ready to get to the root of your biggest mindset block so you can land that next client with more ease, I invite you to join me for a free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call. 

We’ll chat about the number one challenge you’re facing right now when it comes to sales and how you can shift it so you can keep your online business, not just running, but THRIVING.

I offer a limited number of these sessions each week, so don’t wait to grab a time that works for you!


Tell me in the comments below:

Which mindset block resonated most with you? Bonus points if you tell me one way you’re going to work on shifting your mindset around that!


Three ways you may be sabotaging your sales (plus how to shift it!)


Three questions to ask yourself to hit that first $20k month