123 Creating financial overflow with Naomi Powell


Have you ever felt like you need to convince people to buy from you? Or like you have to prove yourself or your value on a sales call? This is something that comes up often when my clients first start working with me and I’ve found that shifting it can be an absolute game-changer for closing more sales and making more money. So today, we’re diving into the mindset shift that is going to relieve the pressure you’re putting on yourself and help you to show up in a way that has people excited to work with you. And spoiler alert: it isn’t by saying the “perfect” thing or applying the “right” strategy. This is 100% mindset and it is going to shift things for you and your business in a BIG way—empowering you to create the financial overflow you desire.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, we chat about:

  • Letting go of the shame you feel around where you’re at now so you can step into “financial overflow” (plus how this mindset will help you create exactly that!)

  • The single most important thought to shift if you want to close more sales in a way that feels good

  • Exactly how to shift the feeling that you have to “prove yourself” or “convince” people to buy from you

  • What magnetic marketing ACTUALLY looks like and why this has nothing to do with saying the exact “right” thing to a potential client

  • Creating a buying experience that your people love as much as you do!

  • How to attract people who are excited and ready to invest in your offer—and how this all starts with YOU

Sincere Sales Call

If you’re struggling to close the sales you want then there’s a good chance that you haven’t found a way to sell that actually feels good to you. And THIS has everything to do with your mindset. It’s also what I’m incredible at helping you shift so you can start closing sales with more ease than ever before. Seriously, helping you shift your mindset around sales is one of my absolute favorite things and I’d love to support you in exactly that on my free 30-minute, Sincere Sales coaching call. Together, we’ll do a deep dive on the underlying belief that’s making it feel so difficult to sell and how to shift so you can sell with ease and alignment. I only do a few of these each week and it’s basically the best free offer out there so be sure to head over to  amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales and grab a time that works for you!

About Naomi Powell

Naomi Powell is a business and mindset coach, sought after speaker and the host of The Lifestyle Edit Podcast. She is on a mission to support heart centered coaches and consultants to break out of the feast to famine cycle and step into financial overflow doing meaningful work they love.

Over the past six years, she’s helped hundreds of female entrepreneurs to uncomplicate their businesses so they can work less and live more without resorting to hustle or burnout.

Through her Grow With Intention Membership and Thrive Mastermind, she supports them to go from under-booked and underpaid to consistently attracting and converting ideal clients through magnetic marketing and soulful sales.

Naomi is committed to showing service providers that they don’t need to choose between doing transformative work and running a profitable business.


124 Owning It Series: What I’m afraid to tell you (intro) with Amanda Joyce Weber


122 Believing it can happen FAST with Amanda Joyce Weber