135 How to make 6-figures with a passive income business while traveling the world with Suzie Agelopoulos


Perhaps you’ve always wondered how you can travel the world AND have the six-figure business you’re dreaming of. Maybe you’re only a tiny bit curious about that lifestyle and the business model that makes it possible. OR maybe your dream life and business look completely different, but you’re unsure of where to even start in creating what you desire. Today we’re diving into exactly how to trust yourself and intuition to get what you want, even if that looks like the furthest thing from your current reality. We talk about what to do when building the thing feels possible for everyone BUT you, how following your gut can lead to the places you least expect, and how it can turn out even better than you ever imagined. If you’re someone who has thought about building an Airbnb business or traveling the world while making passive income, this episode is for you!

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, we chat about:

  • Suzie fills us in on what it really looked like to leave her job without a solid plan lined up and how it ended up even better than she ever could have imagined

  • How a conversation in cooking class sparked Suzie’s six-figure Airbnb business and led her to a new life

  • Shifting the story that it’s possible for everyone BUT you so you can create the life and business you desire

  • How trusting yourself and your intuition (even when it doesn’t quite make sense yet) can reveal the best next step to take

  • What it actually looks like to run an Airbnb business, including Amanda’s success story and what it made possible

  • The single mindset practice that both Amanda and Suzie swear by in creating their lives and businesses

  • The one thing you can cultivate at EVERY level of your business that will help you create BIG results, no matter what industry you’re in!

Sincere Sales Call

For the longest time, I thought there was a “right” way to sell, and trusting myself and intuition was the furthest from my reality. If I said the exact perfect thing, in the exact perfect way, surely then my sales calls would convert… or so I thought. Turns out that sales has so much LESS to do with what you say and so much MORE to do with the energy behind it. And consequently, that’s where your mindset (and practice!) plays a huge part in your results. If you’re struggling to sell in a way you feel good about so you can convert with more ease, then you’re absolutely going to want to join me for my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call. Together, we’ll get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around sales so you can follow your instinct, trust yourself to say the “right” thing, and start converting with more ease than ever before. I do a limited number of these each week so grab your spot at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales!

About Suzie Agelopoulos

Suzie is the top mentor to travel entrepreneurs around the world.

She uses her background as a 3x entrepreneur, 17 years of psychology research, and extensive travel expertise to help women strategize, monetize, and hit 10k months in their first few months of business.

Known for her brilliance in marketing, jaw-dropping selfie, and sassy ’tude, she navigates the world with enthusiasm, authenticity, and a stacked bank account.

Her infamous motto: If you're traveling the world anyway, you may as well make 6-figures!


136 CROWD FAV: Is Social Media Toxic? with Amanda Joyce Weber


134 Client Breakthroughs: Building the six-figure business with an energy of fun and ease with Emily + Wheeler Juell