140 Tapping into your energetic blueprint for bigger business results with Betsy Milne & Laura Milne


About this episode

I am a total newbie when it comes to understanding Human Design but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t totally intrigued by the concept.

In today’s episode, we’re doing two things we’ve never done before on the podcast. 

First, we’re having two guests back on that show for another incredible episode.

And second, we’re letting you in on my own Human Design chart and hashing out what this means for me, my business, and how I work best to create bigger results.

It’s real, it’s vulnerable, and it’s insightful in the best possible way so I know you’re going to love it!

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with my guests Betsy Milne & Laura Milne from @luscious.hustle about:

  • The inside scoop on Human Design and how you can apply it to your business for bigger results

  • How tapping into your energetic blueprint can give you serious insight into HOW you work best in your business—and feel damn good about it too

  • Specifics on strategy, inner authority, your wisdom, and your not-self theme that is going to give you a heavy dose of permission to be successful just as you are

  • How each energy type works so you can create a business that you actually enjoy being in or create even MORE enjoyment in the business you have now

  • Why we need to stop letting our minds take the lead with strategy and decision making in life and business and how your energetic blueprint can help you do this

  • Betsy and Laura read Amanda’s Human Design chart and fill you in on the surprising insights they learned (let me tell you, I felt SO seen!)

Sincere Sales Call

Ready to sell in a way that feels really freaking good and converts better because of it? Of course you are!!

Join me for my absolutely free Sincere Sales call, where we’ll chat about the number one challenge you’re facing right now when it comes to sales and how you can shift it so you can keep your online business, not just running, but THRIVING.

Together, we’ll get specific about how your mindset is holding you back from selling your services (because trust me, if you're not getting the clients you want, your mindset is playing a part!) and what you can do to see more results!

You’ll leave the call with one simple, actionable step you can take now to boost your mindset and actually feel good about selling again and again!

About Betsy and Laura Milne

Betsy Milne & Laura Milne are transformational business and branding coaches, podcast hosts, and creators behind the growing tribe and coaching brand, Luscious Hustle!

So you’re probably thinking they’re sisters, right?!

In fact, they're total strangers! ...who just happen to have the same last name. After connecting through an Instagram DM in 2016, Betsy and Laura became fast friends and business partners while living 3000 miles, in two different countries.

Betsy and Laura were brought together through a shared common purpose: To empower women with the tools and motivation they need to turn a spark of an idea into a full- fledged business and sought-after brands.

Born from the ashes of burnout, Luscious Hustle was created to redefine what it means to “hustle” as an online entrepreneur. In less than a year, they harnessed their passion to build a six-figure business that supported the lifestyle and time-freedom they craved.


141 How to build real, genuine connection with your ideal clients that has them excited to buy with Amanda Joyce Weber


139 The mindset to price in a way that feels good and converts with Amanda Joyce Weber