160 How to be the “lazy” CEO of your biz and make bank with Facebook ads with Alexandra Ramirez


About this episode

When you think about Facebook ads, the first thing that comes to mind is likely data and analytics. And while that’s definitely part of it, our guest today takes a decidedly different approach—one that focuses on femine flow and alignment first.

In this episode, we’re diving into what it means to be the “lazy” CEO of your business—the CEO who values freedom and works to enjoy it. We talk about the mindset that will help you to avoid the comparison trap and step into what feels right for YOU and your business. And we talk about a few woo-friendly business practices when it comes to Facebook ads.

If you’re someone who feels like so much of what you hear in the online space is far more complicated than it needs to be, today’s episode is going to deliver a heavy dose of permission to find simplicity, alignment, and your own way of doing things for bigger results.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with my guest Alexandra Ramirez (thealexandraramirez) about:

  • The woo-woo approach that Alexandra takes to Facebook ads and how her commitment to doing things differently led to generating multiple 6-figures

  • What it really means to be the “lazy” CEO of your business (it isn’t what you think!) and how you can use this to create more time freedom in your life and biz

  • How Alexandra tailored her program to support the simplicity she knew was right for her and her clients (so you can too!)

  • Tuning in to your intuition when it comes to what makes the most sense for your business and the people you’re serving

  • Letting go of comparison, plus a massive dose of permission to follow your gut and do things differently than what you see everyone else doing

  • Releasing exactly “how” your results show up so you can trust that it’s working and grow with more ease

Sincere Sales Call

What I love most about this episode is that it applies mindset work to a topic that is typically very data driven and analytical. And the right mindset is EVERYTHING when it comes to seeing bigger results in your business. That’s why I love offering my free 30-minute, Sincere Sales coaching calls where we can uncover your biggest mindset challenge when it comes to sales and shift it so you can convert with more ease than ever before. These calls are so much fun and people walk away with real results so I encourage you to take me up on this. I only do a few of these each week so be sure to find a time that works for you at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales!

About Alexandra Ramirez

Alexandra Ramirez is the owner and founder of The Facebook™️ Ad Freedom Agency dedicated to helping coaches scale their businesses and create freedom through Facebook and Instagram Ads.

After her husband was diagnosed with Lupus along with two other blood disorders, Alexandra, who goes by Alex, began her entrepreneurial journey to serve as a breadwinner for her family. Over the course of nearly five years, a VA business, a trip down Fiverr, and starting her own ad agency, she is now generating multiple 6-figures annually with one focus –freedom for her family and her clients.

Along with operating a successful ad business, Alex serves as the host of her YouTube channel and has been featured on podcasts including Fully Free with Taylor Lee, Savvy Podcasting For Entrepreneurs, Advanced Freelancing and more.

Alex is a woo-friendly, mother of two who loves a good Netflix binge and dismantling the hustle culture.


161 The mindset shift that will help you write marketing content with more ease with Amanda Joyce Weber


159 Finding a business model that feels good with Amanda Joyce Weber