176 Grow a wildly profitable business based in pleasure with Julia Wells


About this episode

You’ve never heard an approach to business quite like this one… and I have a feeling you’re going to love it.

Today we’re doing a deep dive on a unique blend of sexuality, money, and business. Yep, you heard me right. And why it’s exactly what you’ve been missing in growing your business.

In this episode, we fill you in on how you can use pleasure to step into your full power, run a wildly profitable business, and make the difference you’re here to make. In fact, today’s guest used this exact approach to go from 4 years of struggle to 2 million dollars.

If you’re sick of the way you feel like business HAS to be done—you know the dry, masculine, struggle your way to success kinda vibe, and are ready to access your highest self, the divine, your full power, pleasure, and so much more—keep listening because this shift is going to be every bit as powerful as it sounds.

Show notes

In episode 176 of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with my guest Julia Wells (@juliamothereffingwells) about:

  • The exact mindset work Julia did to take her from four years of struggle to two million dollars

  • Why women need to stop doing business like men (hint: our bodies literally work differently!)

  • A deeper, richer, power center (that you may have never considered had a single thing to do with your business success!)

  • How to use pleasure to step into your full power, run a wildly profitable business, and make the difference you’re here to make

  • P*ssy → how to wake her up and bring her into your business, even if you feel like you’re the most vanilla b*tch on the block

  • The one thing Julia never does in her business, plus how this helps her clients stop waiting for the other shoe to drop (andddd an affirmation you’ll want to borrow!)

  • How you self-regulate and why this has everything to do with expanding your capacity for more of the good sh*t in your life and biz

Sincere Sales Call

So much of what we’ve talked about in today’s episode goes back to finding what feels good so you can grow a thriving online business.

And what I know to be true is that if you’re not closing the sales or getting the clients you want, you likely haven’t found a way to sell that actually feels good to you.

That’s what I’m here to help you uncover on my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call.

Together, we’ll get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around sales and shift it so you can start selling in a way that feels about a million times better, plus has the results to show for it.

I only offer a limited number of these calls each week so be sure to grab yours at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales and find a time that works for you!

About Julia Wells

Julia is a CEO, coach and creator of pussy based business, a unique approach that allows women to use pleasure, mindset and practical tools to step into their power and turn on and use that to grow thriving online businesses. Her approach is designed to show that there’s another way besides hustle to do big things in the world.


177 The “secret” to attracting and landing more of the right clients with Amanda Joyce Weber


175 CROWD FAV: The Simplified Mindset Practice that will help you thrive in life and business with Amanda Joyce Weber