178 A spouse’s take on investing in coaching support to grow your biz with Brian Weber


About this episode

One of my favorite things about the work that I do is that I’ve literally walked the walk when it comes to taking my coaching biz from zero to multi five-figure months.

I often mention how I’ve had a ton of support along the way, but what I don’t often mention is the mindset shift that IS deciding to invest in coaching support to grow your business.

Plus, having that convo with your spouse when you’re ready to dish out thousands of dollars to “a stranger on the internet.”

So I’ve decided to give you the inside scoop. And what better person to bring in on that convo than the man himself?

In today’s episode, I’m chatting with my husband Brian about HIS mindset when it came to my decision to invest in a business coach.

And while I know that there are many mindset challenges that can come up when investing, I want you to know that this conversation is far more common than you might think.

I’m dishing out personal details, Brian brings his typical witty banter to the table, and our hope is that this conversation will support you in talking to your spouse about your own dreams and goals to get the support YOU desire.

Show notes

In episode 178 of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with my guest (and husband!) Brian about:

  • What our conversation REALLY looked like when I decided to make a big investment in business coaching support to grow

  • How to value the feedback of loved ones while also making the best decision for you and your business

  • That time when I would have Brian proofread all my emails (yes, really!) and how we both knew it was time for me to get an outside perspective

  • My husband’s candid take on this investment, ROI, and the thoughts that have made it easier to believe in me and my business over the years

  • Money stress—and how it’s shown up for both of us with various different investments (plus, how that’s not necessarily a bad thing!)

  • Deciding to invest from a place of logic or intuition? We weigh in on each.

Sincere Sales Call

I know that if I had not had the guts to get on a free call with my business coach, I would never have had the guts to sign on with her.

It’s amazing the transformation that can happen on a free 30-minute call and how it can shift things for you in a BIG way (and honestly for your clients too!).

That’s why I’m a huge believer in offering these free coaching calls—because not only do people get real results from them, but it can be the catalyst for so much more.

Ready to get a taste of what coaching with me is like, so you can decide if this is the right coaching relationship for you?

That’s exactly why I offer my free, Sincere Sales coaching call. Together we’ll get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around selling and shift it, so you can land that first or next client with more ease than ever before.

I only offer a few of these each week, so head over to amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales to grab a time that works for you!


179 Navigating challenges in biz so you can manifest your next level income goal with Amanda Joyce Weber


177 The “secret” to attracting and landing more of the right clients with Amanda Joyce Weber