193 Trusting the Universe to meet you halfway with NYT best-selling author Stephanie O’Dea


About this episode

I could not be more excited to share this client breakthrough episode with you.

Today, I’m sitting down with my amazing client, Stephanie O'Dea, and we’re talking about the mindset shift that made the absolute biggest difference in our work together.

When I first met Stephanie, she was a New York Times best-selling author and crockpot blogger who had been in business for herself for a long time but knew that she wanted to write about more than just crockpotting 24/7.

Through our work together she shifted her mindset and trusted the Universe to meet her halfway as she went all in on coaching women who wanted to make a change in their lives.

We talk about how she rebranded, landed clients, launched a podcast which appeared in the top 100 in multiple categories, wrote 2 book proposals and found a new literary agent after 4 years of being told she needed to "stay in her lane".

We let you in on exactly what shifted her mindset from "if it's meant to be it's up to me" to "it IS to be and it's happening for me"—so you can apply these very same shifts to create more success in life and business that actually FEELS like success.

Show notes

In episode 193 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest and amazing client, Stephanie O'Dea, about how you can:

  • Go after what you want and pursue the dream that’s on your heart—even when others are telling you to “stay in your own lane”

  • Shift imposter syndrome even (and especially) after feeling like you’ve “failed”

  • Borrow the mindset that supported Stephanie in starting her podcast and getting featured in the top 100 in multiple categories

  • Pivot your business, go all in, and create more success that actually feels like success

  • Trust the Universe to meet you halfway with the right people, opportunities, and what feels like straight up magic again and again (plus how this mindset led to Stephanie finding a new literary agent!)

  • Hear what working with me and getting mindset and sales support is ACTUALLY like—you’re going to love Steph’s analogy on this!

Sincere Sales Call

I know that it can be really difficult to see your own blind spots (hence the name, right!?) so I know that you may not see the path from getting where you are now to creating the kind of big results that you desire.

And that’s yet another reason I’ll continue to offer my free Sincere Sales coaching calls (even though Future You coaching is currently full and we’ve moved to a waitlist!).

Because honestly, I love helping you get to the root of your biggest mindset block around sales so you can sell in a way that feels good and land more clients with more ease.

So whether that looks like getting another “pair of eyes” on your brain and business or taking more sales actions and trusting the Universe to meet you halfway, I’d love to support you in getting your mindset right so you can skyrocket your results.

I only offer a few of these each week, so head over to amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales to grab a time that works for you!

About Stephanie O’Dea

Stephanie O'Dea is a New York Times best selling author who has written 10 books. She is best known for her A Year of Slow Cooking website that she started in 2008 as a New Year's Resolution to use her crockpot slow cooker every day for a year and write about it online.

That site started with absolutely no money down as a way to legitimately work from home while caring for her children -- and it took off. Within a year she had been on national television multiple times, landed a juicy book deal, and was attracting more than two million visitors a month to her free blogspot URL, which created roughly a thousand dollars a day in ad revenue.

When I first started working with Stephanie, she was going through an identity crisis. She didn't want to be known as "the crockpot lady" for the rest of her life and while she LOVED helping readers and answering their questions, she knew there was more in her than simply different ways to cook a potroast.

In our one year of working together, Stephanie began life coaching women who wanted to make a change in their lives and started the Slow Living podcast.

You can find her online at StephanieODea.com


194 The mindset shift that will help you write marketing content with more ease with Amanda Joyce Weber


192 How feeling good is the path to more sales (PART 2) with Amanda Joyce Weber