241 The mindset to build your $20K Freedom Fund with Anna Rapp


About this episode

Imagine feeling safe, stable, connected, and empowered around money. 

THAT is the power of building a $20K Freedom Fund and it’s what we’re giving you the inside scoop on in today’s episode.

I’m going deep with my amazing friend Anna Rapp of the Heart Centered Entrepreneur and she’s filling you in on how she grew her savings from $0 to $20K in three months—and then to $200K in less than three years. This was ALL during the most difficult chapter of her life, navigating divorce as a single mom.

This conversation is going to give you so many “Aha!” moments when it comes to your own relationship with money and help you cultivate the mindset to build YOUR bank from $0 to $20K in 90 days.

Show notes

In episode 241 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest, Anna Rapp (@heartcentered.entrepreneur) about how you can:

  • Put this super effective visualization exercise into practice to prime your subconscious and begin building your $20K Freedom Fund

  • Create your own Freedom Fund, and what that means, by putting $20K in the bank 

  • Get started in creating your own Freedom Fund – trust me when I say it’s an absolute game changer for your entire life

  • Turn this one simple resource into your BFF for learning about money (and WTF a high-yield savings account even is)

  • Normalize holding conversations around money as a woman and what you can do to get started TODAY 

  • Shift your mindset around money with this 1-minute reflection exercise that Anna and I both HIGHLY recommend 

  • Use this powerful affirmation to get your brain on board with the idea that $20k in the bank can be a reality even if it still feels like just a dream

Make moves + get paid coaching call

Are you ready to get paid to take sales actions in your business? 

My free MAKE MOVES + GET PAID coaching call is back, and I’m literally paying you to do just that.

What I mean by that is you join me for this absolutely free 30-minute coaching call, where we get to the root of your biggest mindset block when it comes to landing clients in your business. 

Once we identify this, I’ll assign you homework for one specific exercise you can do that is going to help you to shift this particular block and move you forward faster. Not only that, but we’ll also identify the one sales action that is going to make the biggest difference in your bottom line so that you can start making moves now. 

As an added bonus and to celebrate you in both completing the mindset exercise and the sales action, I will send you a $15 Starbucks gift card if you send me evidence of those actions within one week of our call. 

So, if you’re someone who feels like they know the actions they need to take but are dragging your feet in taking them OR if you feel really lost right now (that’s okay, too), we’ll clarify where you're going to see the biggest bang for your buck in terms of your effort. 

You have literally nothing to lose and so much to gain on the other side of this! I only offer a few of these coaching calls each week, so be sure to grab one of the limited spots at amandajoyceweber.com/make-moves.

About Anna rapp

Anna Rapp is a Business Mentor + Mindset Coach, mama to two and founder of the Heart Centered Entrepreneur Podcast and Community.

Anna lives in San Diego but coaches ambitious women internationally to help them launch and grow their service based businesses so that they can have wild, profitable, monetary success... but without compromising what matters most to them like their values and showing up for their family.


242 My answer to "Help! I'm terrible at celebrating my wins!" with Amanda Joyce Weber


240 Shift the doom-scrolling comparison trap and make more money because of it with Amanda Joyce Weber