246 The obvious place you may be overlooking for landing dream clients with Belinda Smith


About this episode

You've probably heard me talk about the power of real, genuine relationships in the online space. 

However, it can be so easy to skim over the power of real, genuine relationships in real life. 

Now, hang with me here for a second because I know that the shift that we dish out in today’s episode will absolutely help you to grow your business.

Today, I’m diving in with my incredible friend, Belinda Smith @belindaunhooked and we’re chatting about how to normalize talking about what you do, where to even start when it comes to getting the word out about your business, and how you can utilize the relationships you ALREADY have to really catapult your business growth.

Show notes

In episode 246 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest, Belinda Smith (@belindaunhooked) about how you can:

  • Leverage the relationships you ALREADY have to grow your business and your bottom line – and why this matters so much more than you may be giving it credit for

  • Stop feeling weird and start getting comfortable telling people what you do with this simple antidote to “the dreaded elevator pitch” 

  • Ditch the “ick” you may feel talking about your business when you make this one simple mindset shift – and why it’s actually really freaking important to do this

  • Fill in the missing piece of your sales process when you start doing this one thing to land more clients

  • Book your calendar and start signing more aligned clients when you start telling EVERYONE (yes! even people you meet at the airport) about your business

Make moves + get paid coaching call

Are you ready to get paid to take sales actions in your business? 

My free MAKE MOVES + GET PAID coaching call is back, and I’m literally paying you to do just that.

What I mean by that is you join me for this absolutely free 30-minute coaching call, where we get to the root of your biggest mindset block when it comes to landing clients in your business. 

Once we identify this, I’ll assign you homework for one specific exercise you can do that is going to help you to shift this particular block and move you forward faster. Not only that, but we’ll also identify the one sales action that is going to make the biggest difference in your bottom line so that you can start making moves now. 

As an added bonus and to celebrate you in both completing the mindset exercise and the sales action, I will send you a $15 Starbucks gift card if you send me evidence of those actions within one week of our call. 

So, if you’re someone who feels like they know the actions they need to take but are dragging your feet in taking them OR if you feel really lost right now (that’s okay, too), we’ll clarify where you're going to see the biggest bang for your buck in terms of your effort. 

You have literally nothing to lose and so much to gain on the other side of this! I only offer a few of these coaching calls each week, so be sure to grab one of the limited spots at amandajoyceweber.com/make-moves.

About belinda smith

Belinda is a Success and Mindset Coach who lives in Nashville, TN. She has been a coach for 10 years, beginning her practice by mentoring songwriters.

Her work has evolved from there as she has coached clients who grew to $1.4 million in sales to those who needed to reinvent themselves, and everything in-between.

In addition to being a Coach, she is also a professional songwriter. Belinda is a Dove Award winning writer with several other nominations to her credit. She has written #1 songs, various top #10's, top #20's and top #40's. She also released a Christmas collection called, "Once You've Seen the Star."

She is a staff writer for Daywind Publishing. Belinda also enjoys dry humor, streaming 30-minute shows on television (she doesn't like to commit to an hour) and she saw Beyonce on the "Lemonade" tour and Taylor Swift on the "Era's" tour. Also, she does not allow Nutella or Oreo's in her house because they are too dangerous.


247 How to show up even on the days it feels hard to (and create sustainable success!) with Amanda Joyce Weber


245 The impact of the decisions you make TODAY (and how to leverage them) with Amanda Joyce Weber