248 | Taking care of your business’s most important asset (your brain!) with Tanessa Shears


About this episode

I say it all the time: Taking care of YOU is taking care of the business.

And yet, today we’re going even deeper and filling you in on how you can take care of your business’s most important asset (your brain!).

Now hang with us here because we’re going to chat about how you can eliminate brain fog and show up as your best self to make more money in your business.

If you’re someone who knows that your sleep probably could be better or you’re often met with that mid-afternoon slump, then you’re going to love the shift my guest, Tanessa Shears (@tanessashears) dishes out in this episode. 

You’ll walk away with simple, actionable tips you can implement now to double your energy and your focus to fuel your business growth.

Show notes

In episode 248 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest Tanessa Shears (@tanessashears) about how you can: 

  • Show up as your best self in your business when you begin to prioritize this one super important thing (I might be nerding out here, but it’s SO cool!) 

  • Feel totally recharged and ready to wind down for the sleep you really need when you adjust this piece of your nightly routine

  • Ditch the icky brain fog so you can boost your focus and fuel your business growth when you add these simple pieces to your morning routine (and no, this doesn’t include throwing down a venti espresso with almond milk the moment your feet hit the floor)

  • Make the absolute most of the quality of your sleep so you can double your energy and run your business from a place of clarity – even when life gets in the way of going to bed on time

  • Dial back the pressure to join the 5 a.m. club, start your day in a way that works for YOU, and make more money because of it

Sincere Sales coaching call

I know that when you’re taking care of yourself, sales flow with SO much more ease.

It’s the energy that translates on your sales calls that has your potential clients so excited to step into your paid containers and to take that next step to work with you.

That’s why I really like to focus on the mindset and energy behind sales so that you can feel even better and more confident going into those conversations. 

One of the questions I get asked all the time is, “Amanda, how do I run a sales call in a way that flows and I feel really, really confident in?”

And while I don’t believe in scripts or one-size-fits-all methods, I do believe that having a flow on the call can be incredibly useful. Not only that, but finding the flow that works best for you, your offers, and your expertise is an absolute game-changer.

That’s yet another thing I love to cover on my free Sincere Sales coaching calls. This is an absolutely free call where you and I get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around sales (whether that’s how these calls should flow or something else entirely!) so that you can shift it and close more sales with ease.

I only offer a few of these free calls each week, so head over to amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales and grab a time that works for you!  


Tanessa Shears is a Kinesiologist, Certified Sleep Science Coach, and health consultant who helps entrepreneurs double their energy and focus so they can make more money in their business with her 12 Becoming Limitless Protocols.

She works closely with business owners to eliminate brain fog and wake up well rested so they can get more done in less time, maintain consistent, stable energy throughout the day and feel better than they have in years.

Tanessa is also the host of The Becoming Limitless Podcast, sharing her expertise on optimizing health and focus for business success.


249 | CROWD FAVORITE: The Simplified Mindset Practice that will help you thrive in life and business with Amanda Joyce Weber


247 How to show up even on the days it feels hard to (and create sustainable success!) with Amanda Joyce Weber