251 | Shifting the fear that no one is buying right now with Meghan Lamle

About this episode

Perhaps you’ve experienced a shift in the first half of this year – maybe things just seemed, well… slower than usual.

This is a conversation that’s been happening behind the scenes that we’re aiming to shed light on in today’s episode where I chat with my amazing guest, Megan Lamle.

Because while you may very well be experiencing a slow season, we’ve found that the belief that no one is buying right now is likely doing you more harm than good.

We’re talking sales psychology and behavioral economics to fill you in on how we know this is fundamentally not the case, plus how to shift your mindset to close more sales.

Even if you haven’t seen this trend in your own business, the mindset shift we discuss is absolute GOLD for any slow season or dip in your business income so you can get more of the clients you want.

Show notes

In episode 251 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest Meghan (@meghan.lamle) about how you can:

  • Get more leads, clients, and cash – even during the slower seasons – when you reframe this one mindset block

  • Create the bigger results you desire when you shift your beliefs that “no one is buying right now” (because that’s simply not true!)

  • Create a beautiful, balanced life and a successful, thriving business EVEN during a recession when you start applying these key takeaways we’ve learned from big businesses

  • Give yourself far more credit for the thing you’re probably ALREADY doing (because consumers have gotten smarter, but it’s actually a good thing!)

  • Use AI as an amazing tool for growth and learn what it might mean for the future of your business

  • Focus on the future growth of your business (and get bigger results because of it!) when you use this amazing visualization exercise

Leave a review for a chance to win…

I know you know that I love and appreciate you so much for being here.

I really want to get this podcast into as many earbuds as possible so I can spread the mindset work that One Simple Shift supports so many business owners in to create the beautiful, balanced life and successful, thriving business they desire. 

So, I’m asking for your help! If you leave a review on the podcast by the end of July, I will enter you to win one of the three giveaways that I am doing! 

  • One Consistent Clients Intensive (normally $799). This is an incredible 2-hour intensive where we do a deep dive on both your sales strategy and sales mindset so you can land consistent clients in your business. I know that having that personalized one-on-one support in your business can be a game-changer. We are often so close to our own businesses that we can’t see where we are getting ourselves stuck. During this 2-hour intensive, we will dive into your biggest opportunities to shift – whether that’s your sales mindset or sales strategy – so you walk away feeling confident AF and start attracting more of the right people to you. 

  • One Blocked to Booked sales mindset programs (normally $249). This is an eight-week, self-paced drip program where you dive into some of the biggest sales mindset blocks that entrepreneurs have. This is designed to help you uncover those thoughts that have been keeping you stuck so that you can shift them and land more clients because of that. This is the deep inner work that will help you reprogram your subconscious mind so you can achieve those big external results when you close more sales, land more clients, and make more money in your business. The Blocked to Booked cart is currently closed, so the program is not available for purchase, but I will be choosing one winner who will gain exclusive access to the program NOW!

  • One Money Mindset Journal (valued at $28). If you’re someone who wants to shift the way you think about money so you can attract more of it with ease, this is for you! Inside are 100 days of journal prompts so you can dive deep into your money mindset. This will help you understand how you think about money so you can identify where you’re getting stuck, work through your own money stories and grow your business because of it. 

So, if you leave a review on the podcast by the end of July, you will be entered to win one of these giveaways! AND if you’ve already left a review, you can share the podcast on Instagram stories and tag me @amandajoyceweber for the chance to win!

About Meghan Lamle

Meghan is a corporate dropout turned multiple six figure business owner.

After taking the last $200 in her bank account and creating a multiple six figure business in her first year, she learned the power of sales.

Meghan has taught sales to over 200+ entrepreneurs in the last three years, has had $100k+ launches, and over 8 years of experience in the sales space.

Meghan blends the power of sales psychology and behavioral economics to teach entrepreneurs how to scale their business and master their sales.


252 | The missing piece in your business growth (it isn’t what you think!) with Amanda Joyce Weber


250 | My biggest takeaway from 250 episodes of One Simple Shift with Amanda Joyce Weber