257 | The seasons of money with Katy Almstrom

About this episode

If you’ve been in business for some time, chances are good that you’ve noticed the natural ebb and flow of it all.

Sometimes, the metaphorical sun is shining, sales are good, and your bank account is blossoming.

Other times, it seems like the metaphorical frost is coming, inquiries may be few and far between, and money feels tight.

There is a time for all of it and KNOWING what season you’re in and how to best show up in that season can make all the difference in your mindset and business growth.

That’s why today I’m chatting with my amazing friend and leading money mentor Katy Almstrom, where she’s filling you in on the different seasons of money, how to know which you're in, and what to do with your money in each.

This episode lends a massive dose of permission (no matter what money season you’re in!) and is bound to give you the money mindset breakthrough you’ve been looking for.

Show notes

In episode 257 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my amazing friend and guest Katy Almstrom (@katy_almstrom) about how you can:

  • Understand the seasons of money in your business, identify which season you’re in, and know exactly how to care for your money in each (this is a BRILLIANT mindset convo that you don’t want to miss!)

  • Release any shame you may be feeling because of debt and give yourself so much grace for the season you were in (plus the powerful money mindset exercise that will help you do this!)

  • Stop waiting for the other shoe to drop and how to think about your business and your money instead for a stronger sales mindset

  • Best prepare for future harvests and business growth during winter seasons of money

  • Hear my absolute favorite analogy for summer seasons of money (and think about that influx of cash!) that will help you better prepare for winters in the future!

Sincere Sales Coaching Call

It is ALWAYS a good season to work on your sales mindset. I mean, really think about it…

When you’re in a winter season of money, you can use that extra time to devote to clarifying how your sales process works, working to sell in a way that feels good, and landing your next client with so much more ease.

When you’re in a summer season of money, the mindset work shifts to cultivating a sales mindset that supports you in holding how good business can be, without inadvertently self-sabotaging those incredible results by pulling back on the work that got you there.

That’s why I love offering my free Sincere Sales coaching calls no matter what money season you’re in so we can get to the root of your biggest mindset block around sales and shift it for even bigger business results!

Take me up on this amazing session by finding a time that works for you here!!

About Katy Almstrom

Katy is a leading money mentor and wealth coach, a teacher and speaker who works with ambitious women who are ready to steward their money in their business and life by creating a sustainable strategy, simplify their process, and build limitless confidence in their money habits and behaviors. With over a decade of experience in teaching and coaching combined with her own debt-free entrepreneurial journey and simplified life, Katy provides a unique service for her clients to help them slow down, map out their own joyful wealth-building journey, and create a life that has WAY less stress around money.


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