281 | Copywriting that creates connection-led conversions with Jess Jordana

About this episode

Sure, you may know that quality content is essential to your online business…

But have you ever stopped to think about how the words you use to talk about what you do are so much more than what you write on a sales page?

That’s what I’m diving into in today’s episode with my amazing guest, Jess Jordana, where she shares how the words you use can create your entire WORLD—no exaggeration.

Copywriting runs so much deeper than just your tagline or program statement. I can connect on a whole other level to share your story and your heart with those you love to work with.

Join us as Jess fills you in on the exact mindset you need to create connection-led conversions that feel good for both you AND the clients you serve, plus grow your business because of it.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest, Jess Jordana (@jessjordana) about how you can:

  • Utilize storytelling to speak to the heart of your perfect-fit clients and help them see how your offer was made for them!

  • Include these 5 stories in your marketing (Jess does a deep dive on each!) to create connection-led conversions

  • Tap into the one thing AI doesn’t have when it comes to writing copy that will encourage micro-conversions on the journey from potential client to paying client


Know you need to be selling more than you are, but aren’t feeling 100% confident in how to talk about your offer in a way that feels authentic to you?

I’ve got you covered because starting now, you can grab my totally free, absolutely BEAUTIFUL sales slides to use on Instagram stories.

But I’m not just handing over the Canva template either (though you get that too)!

I’m also giving you an amazing, value-packed workbook in Google Docs where you can nail down the details of your offer, know exactly what to say to get it out there, and have your potential clients next-level excited to buy from you.

No more thinking and overthinking about what to write.

No more stressing and obsessing that your design doesn’t match what you have in your head.

No more putting it off for when you have a brand you feel better about.


Grab them at the link below and don’t forget to share them with me when you’ve created them because I WANT TO SEE (and cheer you on obvs!! 👏)

About Jess Jordana

Jess Jordana is a copywriter (a.k.a. heart translator) who helps creative business owners turn their passion into words people actually "get." She runs Jess, XO, a copywriting agency for creative entrepreneurs, is the founder of The Promptlate® Shop and host of The Feel Wealthy Show. She drinks iced coffee all year round, and firmly believes if date night isn't tacos, you're doing it wrong. She couldn't do a day in business without her cute hubs (Presley), her toddler firecracker (Parker Jane), and her doodle pup (Joey Tribbiani). She's worked with everyone from solopreneurs to organizations like The Rising Tide Society, The GUIDE Culture, Sabrina Philipp, Lacey Sites, and The Social Bungalow. She is so grateful to be able to navigate what building (and re-building) her dream business can look like in balance with building her dream life.


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