70 The exact process I use to manifest discovery calls and how to apply it to your biz with Amanda Joyce Weber


My heart goes out to those of you who hate getting on the phone with leads and potential clients or who simply don't even know how to GET people on calls. Like really, I feel for you. Because I used to BE YOU. My heart used to race at the simple IDEA of hopping on a call and I’d worry about it for days beforehand. But I’ll let you in on a secret. Putting THAT much resistance around sales calls is only going to do one thing for your business—make it harder to get on sales calls. Then you'll start freaking out about not knowing HOW to get the calls and so on. Maybe you're there right now? Let me tell you, there is absolutely NOTHING like what real, authentic, human connection can do for your business. So if you’ve been telling yourself that “I just don’t know how to land more clients” or “I don’t do well on sales calls” or even "I just don't know how to get people to WANT to get on a call" then it’s about time we look at how we can shift those thoughts to start landing more discovery calls with more ease and consequently see more results. You’ll walk away from this episode knowing the exact process I use to manifest more discovery calls and how to apply it to your business NOW, not months from now!

Show notes

In this episode, I chat about:

  • The one thought that is holding you back THE MOST when it comes to landing more sales calls

  • My exact process for manifesting more calls even if you don't know "HOW"

  • How you’re creating resistance in your biz and you may not even know it (plus, how to shift it FAST)

  • The belief that changed absolutely everything for me when it came to sales calls and how I started to manifest them faster and with more ease

  • My single best tip for making these calls SO MUCH easier on yourself without sacrificing results

  • The one thing most people AREN’T doing on sales calls that will be an absolute game-changer for you and your biz

  • How to think about discovery calls in a way that closes more sales in the long run!

Join me for my free Next Step, Next Client coaching call!

So you’ve been nodding along to today’s episode and you know that sales calls are a major pain point for you right now, but implementing this kind of thinking in your business feels like SUCH a stretch. I get it. I know it can be one thing to THINK about landing more discovery calls and a totally different thing to know what you should actually do or say ON the call so you can start landing more clients with more ease. That’s exactly why I created my free, Next Step, Next Client coaching call. Together, we’ll talk about what’s holding you back THE MOST on your sales calls and how to land that first or next client FAST. Head over to amandajoyceweber.com/nextclient and grab a spot for this free 30-minute, laser-focused session. I only do three of these each week, so grab yours before it’s gone!

About Amanda Joyce Weber

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset coach who helps creatives and entrepreneurs who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed to take the RIGHT actions to grow their business. Through one-on-one coaching, she helps them to cultivate the mindset they need to create a beautiful, balanced life and a successful, thriving business because she deeply believes you can have BOTH. She is also the host of the mindset podcast, One Simple Shift. Amanda started her career working with some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes, despite their absolutely beautiful branding. Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward creating a more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free coaching call here.


71 One of the absolute best ways to get more of what you want in life and biz with Becky Mollenkamp


69 How my word of the year transformed everything for me (and it can for you too!) with Amanda Joyce Weber