72 The mindset you need to leave your full-time job and create big opportunities with Danielle Uhl


About this episode

There’s no denying that leaving your full-time job to go off on your own can feel like a giant leap of faith. Even if you’ve been rocking your side hustle for some time now, the idea of going ALL IN is enough to send your head spinning. And chances are, no matter how solid your plan, it’s probably going to look a little different than you might have originally thought. So today, we’re talking about how to take action to reach your goals—whether that be leaving your full-time job, hitting a new income goal, or any other BIG result you want—when you’re not sure exactly how it’s going to happen to you. You’ll walk away from this episode with the mindset you need to say “yes” to the right opportunities (even if you’re not exactly sure how they’ll play out) and reach your goals with way more ease than staying in “planning mode” or waiting to feel 100% ready.

Show notes

In this episode, we chat about:

  • What it’s REALLY like to leave your full-time job and go ALL IN on your side hustle

  • Danielle’s “year of YES” and how it led her to some mind-blowing opportunities for her and her biz in ways she could never have imagined

  • How Danielle found herself photographing nationally AND internationally for karaoke competitions (yes, that’s a thing and you read that right!) and it proved to be the stepping stone for leaving her day job

  • The honest truth about those long days and late-night tears (because we’ve all been there!) and how it was a catalyst for BIG results in her life and biz

  • How to persevere toward your BIG goal even when you’re not exactly sure how it’s going to happen for you and why this even matters in creating the exact results you want!

About Danielle Uhl

Danielle started her first business in 2013 as a Professional Photographer. Learning mostly through trial and error, she quickly discovered how fulfilling it was to do what she loved and make money doing it. Understanding the challenges of getting a business started and the personal struggles that follow, it became her mission to help other entrepreneurs do more of what they loved -- birthing the start of her second business.

However, in the process, Danielle was tired of people telling her that she needed to choose just ONE thing in order to be Successful. She didn’t WANT to choose – and frankly, she couldn’t.

So she didn’t.

Today, not only did Danielle go against the grain and create her Multipassionate Success, but she runs 3 businesses, hired her husband to help him transition out of his day job, gets to sing/perform, travel, spend quality time with her family (mostly fur-babies), AND still take the best care of herself!

As a Multipassionate Success Coach, Danielle help her clients gain clarity & direction, create a plan, and get them out of their own way to be Multipassionate AND Successful without having to choose just one thing.


73 “I don’t have enough time” and other lies holding you back from success with Kate Crocco


71 One of the absolute best ways to get more of what you want in life and biz with Becky Mollenkamp