88 The Money Mindset Series: Clearing out your money clutter (mentally + physically!) so you can make more of it with Amanda Joyce Weber


You ladies know that I am ALLLL about the mindset you need to take more of the right actions in your business. That’s why today’s simple shift is a blend of the thought work and execution so that you can see BIG results. I’m talking about results like lessening the anxiety and fear you may have around money, finding money that’s been sitting under your nose this entire time, AND feeling empowered to create even more money in your life and business. Today, I’m guiding you through the simple mindset exercise and the action that followed that led to me finding hundreds of dollars (no joke!) that was going unnoticed and unappreciated and how I shifted that mindset FAST to create even more of it. You’ll walk away from this episode knowing exactly what you have to think and do to unblock your own money flow and it’s probably way less effort (and WAY more fun!) than you might think!

Show notes

In this episode, I chat about:

  • The ONE money mindset exercise that I thought was “too woo-woo” and “out there” until… I tried it (and you’ll want to as well!)

  • The unexpected result of decluttering my money spaces and how this will shift things for you in a BIG way

  • The simplest way to get started with this money mindset exercise that will build your confidence and have you wanting to do it again and again

  • My absolute best tip for lessening the fear and anxiety you have around looking at your bank accounts and other places you keep your money

  • How to get started tracking your money and getting familiar with your numbers so you can start attracting more of it NOW

Grab your Money Mindset Journal

Ladies, I am legit OBSESSED with this journal. I’ve told you throughout this series how important money mindset work has been for me in shifting my perspective and empowering me to create more of it, and I just KNOW if you commit to this practice the same will absolutely be true for you. I’ve got my hands on an absolute gift and I want to share it with as many of you as humanly possible! The best part? This isn’t something that takes a major time commitment. It’s not something that you’ll buy and then it will sit on your desktop collecting dust from now until forever. It is designed to be USED—to fit seamlessly into your life as a busy business owner with only 15-30 minutes of journaling per day OR a 10-minute money mantra bonus audio that is included with your journal. Take your pick! I’ve walked you step by step through how each of these money mindset shifts have made a massive difference in my life and business and now it’s your turn. I KNOW you are meant to live a life of abundance but it all starts with believing it is possible for you and shifting those thoughts that are holding you back. And that is exactly what this journal will help you with. Grab yours at amandajoyceweber.com/moneyjournal. Seriously, at $28 this is an absolute steal that will pay for itself again and again!

About Amanda Joyce Weber

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset and sales coach who helps online business owners who are struggling behind the scenes to cultivate the mindset they need to land clients and make money on repeat. Through one-on-one coaching and her signature Sincere Sales method, she takes the “ick” out of selling and demystifies what it takes to make money in biz so her clients can truly thrive. Clients have gone on to reduce their working hours, close higher-paying projects, and have their first $10k month. She is also the host of the podcast, One Simple Shift, that teaches entrepreneurs that their biggest results start with one simple mindset shift. Amanda started her career designing for some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes and ultimately get the big results (despite their absolutely beautiful branding!). Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward closing more sales and cultivating the right mindset so you can create more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free Sincere Sales coaching call here.


89 Creating an aligned offer that sells with Haylee LaRose


87 The Money Mindset Series: Redefining the hustle mentality when it comes to making more money with Amanda Joyce Weber