Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

90 Taking the mystery out of selling in your business with Melissa Lin

I’ve totally been there—struggling with what the exact right words were to caption that Instagram photo, worrying about what everyone else would think if I talked about my business more, unsure why no one was buying from me and what to do to shift it. Those are the exact thoughts that can hold you back from making money in your business for days, weeks, months, and heck, even years if you let it. Maybe selling feels “icky” to you and you haven’t been able to move past that. Maybe you’re seriously underestimating how many touchpoints it takes to close a sale. Or maybe it just feels greedy to want to make more money in your business. Whatever the reason, today’s episode is going to help you break through those thoughts that are holding you back so you can sell in a way that feels good. You’ll walk away from this episode with the mindset shift you need to convert with more ease than ever before—and make more money too!

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