3 ways to create more compelling content that actually converts

If you aren’t getting the kind of inquiries you want in your biz, there’s a good chance you aren’t getting SPECIFIC enough in your marketing content. Cue crickets.

I know this can be a difficult concept to wrap your mind around so here’s what I mean...

There’s a kid in our neighborhood that does odd jobs. He’s a high school student and he’s been posting about it pretty regularly on Next Door (which is like the neighborhood version of Facebook).

Props to him for getting visible and putting himself out there, because we all know how essential that is to running a successful and sustainable business, let alone just making some extra money on the side.

But this week, I saw a post from him that absolutely blew my mind because THIS is what I see so many of my Future You clients missing in their marketing when we first start working together (and hey, if you can nail it in high school—I’m just saying, BIG things are ahead for you).

You see, here in Colorado, we got DUMPED on with snow. This is a fairly regular occurrence up in the mountains this time of year, but that doesn’t seem to stop the tizzy that follows.

And so, his normal posts about odd jobs shifted to a “WILL SHOVEL SNOW!” post. How’s that for loud and clear?!

As you can imagine, the comments section quite literally blew up, making it the most popular post on Next Door. Questions. Comments. Requests. Ensued. 

I’m pretty sure that kid made bank on shoveling snow—not bad for a day off of school.

But the reason I mention this is that it’s SUCH a simple mindset shift that we can all learn from, and that is getting SPECIFIC to the pain points of your clients and customers. 

Yes, it has to do with niching too, but even if you didn’t niche (because that is a post for a different day!) you can STILL do this in your marketing.

I’m serious. “I do social media and stuff” does not speak directly to your people. 

It doesn’t tell me what pain points they have, what platform you’re on, what specifically you do to help them, and the transformation that you offer.

Now, if you tell me that you refresh stale Instagram accounts by focusing on increased engagement so your clients speak directly to their dream customers, 10x their audience, and get more inquiries than ever before… all of a sudden, I’M LISTENING.

See the difference there?

I want you to get creepy specific in your marketing content. Like you’re in their head, “how does she even know I need that?” specific.

And I’d be willing to bet that the next thought that’s on your mind is, “But I don’t even know HOW to do that. How do I get that specific?” 

My first answer to that is: this is something I can absolutely help you shift in my Consistent Clients marketing + visibility intensive so you can start speaking to your people in a way that lands you more inquiries turns them into clients again and again. 

But my second answer is: you get to know your audience.

Does it take some initial leg work? Yes, but truly very little in business doesn’t. And it is 100% worth it because the time you put in will see far more of a payoff.

So this week, I’m talking about 3 ways to upgrade your content this week for more inquiries ASAP so you can experience your very own shift in results from “I do odd jobs” to “WILL SHOVEL SNOW!” in your biz. 

Make it really clear what the next step is with a call to action

You’d be REALLY surprised how many people are missing this seemingly obvious piece in their marketing content.

So I’m going to ask this loud and clear:


And if you’re thinking, “Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Amanda. Of course, it does.” I want you to take a moment and go back to the last three pieces of marketing content that you put out there.

No, seriously. I’ll wait. 

Because it may sound super obvious but I see far too many people in my Consistent Clients marketing + visibility intensive THINK they’re doing this but in actuality, it’s missing from their content.

The good news? This is a super easy shift.

Simply ask yourself, what is the next step that you want people to take? 

For example, these are actual CTAs I use so you can get an idea of what this could look like for you:

→ If this post resonated with your double-tap and leave me a few emojis in the comments below!

→ If you’re struggling to connect with your ideal clients so you can generate more leads and make more sales, grab a spot for my absolutely free clarity call where we can talk about how to do exactly that!

→ Have you been including a call to action in your marketing content? Let us know how often you included a CTA in your last three posts in the comments below!

Because let me tell you, people are not thinking, “Oh, this post is just so wonderful. I wonder how I can support her so her content is favored by the algorithm and seen by more people.” 

They’re likely not going to connect the dots on their own so it’s up to YOU to invite them to take that next step by including a Call to Action in your content!

More, more, more

You ladies know that I am ALLLL about working smarter, not harder and the same thing holds true when it comes to your marketing content.

Because the truth is that writing great content is only half of the equation when it comes to attracting leads and landing clients.

You also need to get that amazing content in front of the right people.

Yep, you heard me. Visibility at it’s finest.

That means you likely need to be putting content out there far more than you are right now because more frequency = a better chance of being seen + more opportunities to sell.

See how that goes hand in hand?

I’ve worked with enough women in my Consistent Clients marketing + visibility intensive to know that even the very thought of showing up more often in Facebook groups or posting more to Instagram makes you feel “spammy” and wonder what other people are going to think.

And while I hear you, those are also the very same thoughts we need to shift so you can start showing up more often and being seen by more people.

Because “I post once a week to a Facebook group” is not a marketing plan.

That’s like putting up a billboard for one day and wondering why no one seems to remember it.

So maybe instead of thinking that there’s something “wrong” with your content or “you’re too expensive” or “no one wants what you have to offer,” (notice how those are literally ALL mindset challenges!?) you simply aren’t sharing it enough.

What I’ve found to be true is that if you make it a goal to share 3x as often as you are right now and you will absolutely see an uptick in leads.

Open up more in your content marketing

You know what we’re all craving more of in this day in age?!


How do I know this? Because it’s human nature to want to be seen, heard, and understood.

Us humans aren’t actually that complicated, you see.

And while the word ‘vulnerability’ gets thrown around here there and everywhere lately, there’s really something to it.

It’s comforting and encouraging to know that there are others out there who have been where you are now, had similar struggles, and that transformation was possible for them (and is for you too!).

And THAT is why opening up in your content can seriously change things for you.

I mean really think about it…

People buy from people they like, know, and trust.

And one of the best ways to establish that trust is to let people in. To share your story. To help people get to know you and your work on a deeper level.

When I first made my pivot to coaching, I was TERRIFIED for people to find out that I built up a successful design studio before that. 

I wanted to sweep that part of me under the metaphorical rug.

It was as though because I wasn’t fulfilled by design in the same way I once was—I had somehow “failed” and I wanted nothing more than to pretend it never happened. 

But in my attempts to hide that, it also meant hiding the fact that…

→ I had once worked as a designer for a major international fashion brand, attended runway shows, worked on projects for celebrities, and the like 

→ I had built up a design studio that was profitable since day one

→ Was landing $10k website design projects

→ Have design clients that went on to be featured in Anthropologie and land shows on HGTV

Aka it meant hiding the very things that make me an effing incredible coach. The same aspects that I was trying to ignore were actually part of my genius all along.

And of course, when I became more comfortable OWNING that, SHARING that, and SELLING how I could help others create their own amazing, mind-blowing results in my content, I started landing more clients than ever before.

THAT is the power of opening up in your content. 

So if you’re wondering what you can shift to start getting more engagement, generating more leads, and landing more clients, ask yourself if you’re really allowing people to SEE you in your marketing.

The bottom line:

If you’re running an online business then it’s absolutely essential that you start showing up more for your ideal clients and getting more visible through your content marketing. 

Otherwise, how can you possibly expect people to be aware of the value you provide, how you can help them, and how they can hire you? 

The three tweaks we talked about today are only the beginning and I truly believe that marketing and sales go hand in hand.

If you’re looking to shift your mindset around visibility so you can generate more leads and sell with more ease, then join me for an absolutely free Sincere Sales coaching call where we can talk about how to make that happen for you!


Tell me in the comments below:

What’s one call to action you’ll be adding to your content marketing this week for more results?

Photography by Sandstone Creative


Upgrade your money mindset to sell in a way that feels good and converts better


The mindset I'm bringing to 2021 ✨ (PART 2)