What I’ve learned from my worst sales call ever (to get more “hell yes” clients!)


Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some really strange sales calls over the years.

But hey, it makes great content, so I’m not exactly mad about it. 😜

I distinctly remember one in particular where the lead was baking cookies during the Zoom call, so she didn’t turn on her camera until halfway through. Yes, really. I can’t make this up.

I thought perhaps that would be the turning point in the call, we’d be able to gain some traction…

Whelp, I thought wrong.

She went on to let me know that she really didn’t feel a connection with me and wasn’t interested in what I had to offer. 🥲

At the time, it felt a bit like the punch to the gut, but I’ve learned that sometimes the opinions that hurt most, also matter least (because let’s be real, there’s only so much connection one can expect with a coach when you’re stirring dough at the same time, ya know?)

Look, I love a warm, gooey, chocolate chip cookie as much as the next person, but I can tell you right now, that should have been a red flag. 🍪 🚩

But perhaps not for the reasons you’d think…

I really believe that the Universe is a mirror, and that when we attract less than desirable circumstances, there’s almost always something internally that circumstance is inviting us to reflect upon.

In this case, it was a big, fat, open invitation to look at the types of leads and clients I was calling in.

There’s a lot of talk about attracting “hell yes” clients in this online space.

I effing love “hell yes” clients. Totally here for it. I booked out my coaching business on “hell yes” clients. 💁🏼‍♀️

But the thing about attracting “hell yes” clients that I wish I had known then, is that it starts with YOU.

It starts with you holding your time, your offer, your clients, and your results in high regard. It starts with being a “hell yes” to YOU and your business.

I look back and I can see how wishy washy I was. How that certainly WASN’T the case in that instance of cookies and criticism—I was NOT holding my program or time in high regard. And that wishy-washiness translated to wishy-washiness in sales as well.

THIS is why I’m so freaking passionate about mindset work being THE WORK that makes the biggest difference in your business.

Because when I started being a “hell yes” to myself, my Future You coaching program, and my business as a whole, EVERYTHING shifted. I started attracting “hell yes” clients who were ready to buy and excited to pay me.

Not only that, but that “hell yes” energy translated to incredible results for them—landing clients on repeat, leaving their corporate jobs, paying off credit card debt they’d had since starting their business, and their best EVER income months.

What I know to be true is, it starts with you. It starts with the internal work. And consequently, that’s also where you’ll see the biggest results—like landing “hell yes” clients with ease—attracting people who KNOW they want to work with you, and are EXCITED to pay you the big bucks.

YES, this is totally possible for YOU (even if it doesn’t feel that way at the moment!), and I’m here to help you bust through your mindset challenges so you can start enjoying sales calls and land “hell yes” clients in a way that actually feels really freaking good—and make more money in your biz because of it. 💰

P.S. If this online industry has your head swimming and you’re overwhelmed AF then I would be willing to bet you’re making sales more complicated than it needs to be. That’s exactly why I created my Consistent Clients Intensive so you can simplify your sales strategy and cultivate the mindset to land clients on repeat. You’ll walk away with massive clarity, a deeper understanding of yourself and your patterns, and the right mindset to take more of the right actions to close sales with ease. I have limited spots for these intensives this summer so don’t wait, book your spot! Questions? Trying to decide if this is the right fit? Hit reply and I’m happy to support you in making the best decision for you!

Stay in it for the long game

Can I let you in on a “secret” about “hell yes” clients??

(Btw I’m laughing at how many air quotes I had to use there because of how much BS is thrown around in this industry.)

Many of my “hell yes” clients—the ones that knew they were ready to move forward on the call—I talked to years ago.


Now, I’m not saying that it HAS to take years. I’ve definitely seen results faster than that and so have many of my clients.

But I think there’s something really interesting worth looking at here because so many people stop shy of those kinds of long-term results.

Why? Well, because our human brains love instant gratification. We love evidence that it’s actually working.

And when we don’t get it, we’re really quick to tell ourselves that it ISN’T working, feel the discomfort of that, and want to stop altogether.

But what if you really truly believed that staying IN IT was the secret to “hell yes” clients?

I can tell you that many of my clients converted years later because I stayed IN IT, building the relationship over time.

I mean, imagine if I had stopped putting out podcast episodes or completely stopped showing up on Instagram over those years… it probably wouldn’t have happened that way, right?!

My point being, what if you knew in the depths of your soul that even though that one lead wasn’t a “yes” today, tomorrow, a week, or even a month from now… they would come back and they WOULD be ready.

Would that shift your energy around offering free calls?

Would you tie up less of your mental energy with thoughts that “it isn’t working” because you know it IS actually working?

Would you feel more confident showing up each and every day rather than getting derailed by that one time or money objection?

Yes, I believe you would.

And that right there is why cultivating the mindset to stay in it for the long game is incredibly important so you can reap the long-term rewards of that in your business and get more “hell yes” clients.

Create space for what you’re looking to call in

I’m going to ask you an annoying question and I want you to answer honestly…

Do you actually have space for the thing that you say you want?

Meaning, do you actually have room in your schedule for another client, or in all honesty, are you overwhelmed AF and the thought of having one more makes you want to burn the whole thing to the ground?

Because that would be really great information to have (just sayin’).

So often we say that we want “hell yes” clients, but the truth is that we don’t even know where we would PUT a “hell yes” client even if they did come in.

The energy of the thing that we say we want and the energy that we’re living in aren’t a match.

Or to put it a different way…

That overwhelmed AF energy is going to attract clients who are overwhelmed AF… and overwhelmed people typically aren’t standing in their power, making strategic and resourceful decisions, and claiming what they desire.

SO this is actually amazing news, because it means that landing more “hell yes” clients actually starts with you first.

It starts with working on your mindset so you can feel more spaciousness in your schedule, delegate before you feel “ready” (because we’re never truly ready), and create from that energy of ease so that you actually have the space to welcome those clients in.

Not only will that make building the business a hell of a lot more enjoyable but it will also be the exact energy to attract more clients who are ready to move forward and excited to pay you!

Be available to offer a different perspective

When I made my first BIG, scary investment in a business coach, I was probably what you’d consider a “hell yes” client.

I knew that I needed support if I was going to create the big results I desired and I was confident that I had found the right person. Heck, I really believe that hitting five figure months and filling my coaching practice never would have been possible had I NOT had that support.

But don’t get me wrong… that decision was scary as hell for me because of where my mindset was at the time.

And it was my coach’s ability to hold space for those fears and offer a different perspective that ultimately secured my “hell yes” client status.

So let’s break that down because I think this is a really important conversation that not nearly enough people address.

Much of the industry gives the impression that a “hell yes” client is one without any fears around investing, any difficult questions to answer on a sales call, or even someone who WANTS to hop on a sales call for that matter.

Sorry, but over here I believe in humans having a human experience which means I am 100% available to coach around those things before anyone pays me a dime because hello:

1. That is my job, and

2. When you ARE available to coach around those things, they just tend to happen less often (I know, ironic, but true).

Even if you’re NOT a coach, I encourage you to offer a different perspective to potential clients. You can still share perspective and “coach” even if that isn't what you consider your role in business.

Meaning, if you’re a designer and they’re someone who can’t see the value in investing $5k in branding, offer them your perspective.

You’d be surprised how far it goes to offer, “I totally understand that this is a big investment in your business and one I don’t take lightly. From my perspective, elevated branding has supported many of my clients to go on and land their products in stores like Anthropologie which has supported their overall business growth.”

Aka, I hear what you’re saying but I see this as an investment in your overall business growth that you’ll see a return on.

Remember, a “hell yes” client is someone who is ready to move forward and excited to pay you, but please don’t mistake that for meaning that there isn’t something they may need to process through first or it won’t take them a day or two to sit with it. I mean, I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there, right?

The more available you can be for those conversations and the more readily you can offer a different perspective, the better your sales will convert overall.

The bottom line:

The mindset challenges we covered today are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to landing “hell yes” clients in your business. And believe me, if you’re not closing the sales you want, then your mindset is definitely playing a part.

If you’re ready to get to the root of YOUR biggest mindset challenge around sales so you can make more of them and get more of the right clients, be sure to join me for a totally free, Sincere Sales coaching call where we’ll talk about how you can start selling in a way that feels good and seeing more results—like more sales, clients, and money in the bank!

Grab one of the limited number of sessions I offer each week at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales!

Tell me in the comments below:

Which of the mindset shifts above are you going to implement in your business so you can start landing “hell yes” clients with ease?


🍍Piña coladas, making sales, and landing clients


✨ The mindset and energetics of my $16k month