How to create an unstoppable sales process with three simple mindset shifts


The last product I recommended to a friend was a seamless thong from Bombas. ⁠

⁠Look, I've never been much of a thong person. Perhaps, TMI, but hey, we're all friends here.⁠

⁠But I wasn't just like, "It's good. You should get it."⁠ I told her EXACTLY what it was that I loved about it.⁠

"It doesn't ride up, the waistband doesn't roll, it hasn't shrunk in the wash," I gushed on and on.⁠

The product wasn't even mine, and yet all my energy was behind telling her how amazing it was.⁠ But the thing is, I wasn't trying to convince her either. I already KNEW that if it had been THAT life-changing for me, it couldn't help but make her life better too.⁠

I didn't NEED her to buy it. There was no attachment there. And because of that, of course, she's even more likely to go and make a purchase (do you see where I'm going with this, here?)

The way I see it, we all need to add a dash of "life-changing thong energy" to our sales process.⁠

Yes. I said it, and I stand by it.⁠

Think back to the last time you recommended a product to a friend.

Now, think about the language that you used around it. 

Were you enthusiastic and excited about it? Did you share every single detail about why it's so freaking great and what they'll be missing out if they don't run to grab it off Amazon NOW? 

And then I want you to reflect on this: Is the way you recommend a product to a friend anything NEAR what you bring to your own sales process?⁠ 

If you're shaking your head or going, "Ummm, not really" then it's time for you to start using that same mindset and energy that I used to share about the Bombas thongs (and why they will be LIFE-CHANGING) and start applying it to the offers in your business. 

Okay – maybe your offers won't have features such as anti-ride or a no-shrink guarantee, but you totally get what I'm saying! 

The clearer YOU are, the better you can communicate it to your people and, consequently, the more sales you'll convert.⁠

But shifting your mindset and energy around your offers is just one part of the sales process that will have you signing more clients with ease and reaching those big goals you have for yourself and your business in the fastest way possible. 

I’m sharing three key mindset shifts you can make to build an unstoppable sales process that feels good to you AND your potential (but soon-to-be-paid) clients!

focus on confidence over conversions.

Okay, okay, calm down. I know how that sounds.

And I think there's a good chance your brain is low-key screaming, "BUT I HAVE TO MAKE MONEY, AMANDA!" And I totally hear you. 

But if you're at the beginning of your sales journey and you're just starting to offer sales calls for the first time or learning how to pitch in a way that feels good or following up with potential clients more than once (YAY, you!), then focusing on conversions can be the fastest way to feel defeated and like "nothing's working."

However. . . when you flip the script from focusing on making alllll the sales and begin focusing on how you're building confidence in yourself, your offers, your pitch, and your sales process, you'll become downright unstoppable when it comes to sales. This might feel super counterintuitive, but this mindset work will set a solid foundation for your entire sales process so you can ultimately sign more clients and make more money in your business.

AND spoiler alert: It's ALSO the mindset work that actually leads to conversions. 

This is how so many of my clients have their first $10k months when they work with me! We focus on getting their mindset right so they can take more of the right actions in their business (like those marketing and sales activities!) and stop feeling like they're throwing spaghetti against the wall over and over again while absolutely nothing is sticking. 

So instead of getting disappointed that someone didn't buy, telling yourself that "it isn't working," or feeling so defeated that you stop altogether, focus on the confidence you're gaining.

The more you build that confidence in yourself and your business, the bigger results you'll see, and the faster you'll become Future You (the version of yourself with the thriving life and biz you crave)!

Simplify (and solidify) your sales process.

Have you been thinking, "I'm so ready to commit to a solid sales process that WORKS!" but haven't found "the one" that feels good – like popping the question and immediately saying, "I do!" good? OR do you feel really intimidated when it comes to the thought of selling? 

If either has your name written all over it, I have great news for you! 

Selling isn't nearly as complicated as our brains like to make it (yes, really!).

When you simplify your sales process and center it around building relationships, you get to see exactly where to focus your efforts to become Future You (a.k.a. the highest version of yourself who is eating chips and queso in your hot tub at 2 pm in the afternoon while your business is confidently and consistently making you money) faster and landing clients on repeat.

To start, so much of business is about building relationships. And that same way you wouldn't go on a first date and expect a proposal, you also likely aren't going to post about your offer for the first time and close a sale (you can breathe now).

So how exactly DO you take someone from a potential client to a paying client?

First, you INITIATE the relationship. 

This is literally someone's first interaction with you. It's when you leave a comment on their post. When they find your podcast for the first time. When they opt-in to your freebie. There are SO MANY WAYS to initiate the relationship, and where most people get stuck is in thinking too narrowly about this. Like, thinking it can ONLY be a freebie, and yet you've been designing that for 6 months because there's so much pressure around it (because you think it's the only way). It's not; relax. There are countless ways to initiate relationships, so find what feels good to you. 

Then, you NURTURE the relationship.

This takes a dash of strategy and a hell of a lot more consistency. Most people have to hear from you MANY times before they like, know and trust you enough to buy from you. That means that the best way to nurture those potential clients is by consistently showing up in your marketing. And the best way to show up consistently? To find a place you actually LIKE to show up and share how you can help, and then well, keep showing up and sharing to nurture that relationship!

And lastly, you TRANSFORM potential clients into paying clients. 

This is the part of the sales journey where you make the pitch. Exactly how this goes down depends on you, your business, and your potential clients, but when you're early on in biz, I highly recommend getting on a call (and I promise it's not as scary as it sounds!). Getting on a zoom call can build a relationship in a way that would take you a hell of a lot more exchanges DMs. It's a consistent, repeatable process that can help you understand your ideal client and exactly HOW to close sales in a way that feels good to you, so you can do it again and again.

focus your energy on relationship-building.

When you're just starting to market your online business, posting consistently (on your platform of choice) to gain visibility is a win in itself. You got a few relevant comments on that Reel you worked on for hours? Sweet! People are starting to notice you! 

However, posting alone isn't the thing that's going to get you that first or next client. I know this is good news/bad news. The good news is now you can stop wondering "why all of the hard work I've been putting into posting isn't working," so you can start doing this instead . . .

There's typically a heck of a lot more relationship-building that needs to happen before a potential client transforms into a paid one! 

Think of it this way – I could literally drive by a billboard every. single. day. for weeks thinking about how I wanted to try out that new taco shop advertised on said billboard. And yet, I could be exactly zero steps closer to actually going there.

And yet, if I'm walking down the street one day and someone from said taco shop says they're giving away free tacos, I am absolutely 100% getting myself to that taco shop to try them. 

And once I'm in there, and they're solid? I'm definitely going to want to go back because they're building relationships with potential customers (and their tacos are freaking GOOD.)

So let's apply this to your online business. 

Your posts are an amazing way to build relationships with your potential clients. It's how you remind them what you do, how you can help them, and invite them to take that next step. But that next step is key because, like the free taco offer, it will establish the foundation of your relationship. 

Assessment calls can be a fantastic tool to use as that next step for building relationships. Give them a taste of what it would be like to work with you (aka get them to try the tacos!). If you're a web designer, offer a free website audit. Get them to hop on a free coaching call if you're a coach. If you're a copywriter, do a free copy critique. 

While you might be thinking, "give away my services for FREE?!" this is actually an amazing tool for so many reasons—it's great market research for you, it gives them a chance to see if you're a good fit, and it solidifies that relationship with real human connection which is basically the meat and potatoes (salsa and guac?) of sales!! 

The Bottom Line

When you feel shaky about your sales process or like you don't have a clear path from start to finish (finish being "I have a new, awesome client!"), sales is bound to feel a lot harder than it has to (and you’re bound to DO a lot more than you have to) to yield the results you desire.

Selling with a clear – and unstoppable – sales process in place has allowed my clients to grow their businesses in a way that feels GOOD while also reaching those $5k, $10k, and even $20k cash months! 

To sell with more clarity and confidence, try focusing on these three mindset shifts around your sales process to begin building authentic relationships with potential clients, so they decide to buy your beautiful offers without feeling icky or uncomfortable. 

If you're ready to take this work a step further and shift your mindset so you can make more sales with more ease, be sure to join me for a totally free Sincere Sales coaching call. 

During this free 30-minute session, we'll discuss the specific mindset shift that will make the biggest difference in navigating your sales process from start to finish so you can grow your business in a way that feels good while confidently closing sales on repeat. 

Reserve one of the limited sessions at !


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I'd LOVE to know – What's your favorite platform to build relationships with potential clients?


The mindset to build a six-figure business you love


3 mindset shifts to make your sales process feel GOOD