The mindset to build a six-figure business you love


In 2018, I KNEW I needed to make this work. 

The desire and passion I once held for my design business were seriously waning, and I knew that stepping into the coaching space was going to be the thing that would set my soul (and dreams) on fire. Yet, nothing I tried yielded the results I was looking for, nor did it deliver the clarity I needed to pivot. Sure, I was posting on Instagram daily (and talking about anything BUT what my ideal client needed to hear to convert) and I had made the marketing plan MANY times (only to stare at a blinking cursor with dread when it was time to actually write a newsletter). It wasn’t a fun place to be, to say the least.

Then, on one magically sunny day (or at least I like to think that's how it was), I decided to go all in and invest in 1:1 support. That support has been invaluable over the years as I've helped hundreds of women shift their mindset, enjoy selling in their businesses, and become Future You versions of themselves. Not only that, but I did this while stepping into a life and business that allows for midday client check-ins on the beach in Costa Rica, brainstorming my latest offer by the pool in Hawaii, and a last-minute change of flights when my baby nephew decided to arrive early and his Hindu naming ceremony was bumped up.  

If there's one lesson I've learned from running an online business, building a business will press on you in personal and professional development from both sides. As humans, we tend to overcomplicate things around reaching success. We tell ourselves, "I have to work 90 hours a week to make $15k months," or "I can't book that trip to Bali until I've signed three more clients." 

But really, the principles of business are very simple. We just need to do the internal work to stop standing in our own way so we can show up and freaking shine. When we realize that and have the right people in our corner cheering us on, life as an entrepreneur begins to overflow with fun, enjoyment, pleasure, and joy – not to mention big income months. 

Over the past four years, I can recall so many times my business coach had accepted me into her Zoom room, only to find tears running down my face six seconds later. The inner work it takes can be so difficult, and the things you're forced to work through to come out on the side of sustainable success are so charged. 

When we’re scrolling on our Instagram feed to watch a dancing Reel of how so-and-so hit her second six-figure year, we don't get to see behind-the-scenes of the internal work and mindset work it took to get there. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think it’s totally normal (and healthy, might I add) to have parts of your life and business you choose not to share online. But when we only hear about the highlights, it’s easy to feel disconnected from what it actually takes to step into Future You as we scroll on to the next post. 

Building a beautiful, balanced life and successful, thriving business isn't just about hitting that six-figure goal. Yes, the numbers are nice, and the money is beautiful, but those aren't the only components to building a business you love.

Last August, I sat down to crunch numbers and realized that I was on track to hit six figures for the first time in my coaching business. As I celebrated with a HUGE grin and an "OMG! We've almost made it!" shouted out loud to Ollie, I realized how little the "you love" part is talked about.

Building a beautiful, balanced life and successful, thriving six-figure business is about so much more than what you see when you open your banking app – and it goes so much deeper than just finding the right systems and strategies. 

It's about finally being able to soak in that hot tub – mountainside – for years with full trust in yourself and your business. It's about taking that trip to Hawaii (or anywhere else on your must-visit list) without pressuring yourself to work the entire time. It's about being able to buy your very first Louis Vuitton bag because you've finally given yourself permission to experience a little luxury (even if you're not a handbag type of gal.) 

The best part? I work roughly 20-25 hours a week. This is not to say that I don't have seasons that are busier than that because I definitely do. But the majority of my business runs on that schedule – often poolside – because that is what feels really good to me. This is proof that you can build a business that allows you the freedom and flexibility to work in a way that feels good for YOU, supports YOUR energy, and allows you to show up as the highest version of yourself for YOU and your clients!

I am sharing three powerful things I've learned that will support you in building a six-figure business you love. 

stay in the game.

I know that this is one of those things that can be so annoying to hear because, more often than not, we want results, like, yesterday. So you probably catch yourself daydreaming, while sipping on your Hazelnut latte in between client calls, about how amazing it would be to bring in an extra $5k or $10k (or even more!) each month while also feeling so frustrated that you're not there yet. And maybe even feeling like you won't ever be there. 

Trust me when I say we've all experienced those moments of self-doubt – and possibly even considered giving up altogether. However, this is what I want you to know (even though it seems pretty obvious.) 

Staying in the game is really so important. 

The reason I think that this matters most when trying to reach your big, beautiful six-figure goal is that our brains want to tap out when it gets uncomfortable. And if I'm being honest, you will experience bumps that are pretty freaking uncomfortable along your journey. 

When you want to throw in the towel and go back to working for someone else's dream rather than your own because you're not getting the results you'd like, it might feel like second nature to change things up. So you might dash straight toward your sales page, website, or even your offer to see where you can make bold tweaks in your messaging or flip the layout completely. 

But you need to remember this – even if it looks like what you're doing isn't working, it ultimately is. 

For me, I've been taking the same exact actions in my business since 2018. I even had one of my clients recently tell me how boring that sounds (but I promise it's actually not!) And here's why… 

When I began recording my One Simple Shift podcast in 2018, I had no freaking idea what it was going to look like or turn into. The clarity I hold now around who my people are and what they want was basically non-existent four years ago. But despite all that, I stayed in the game and made small shifts while sticking to what I already had and knew to be true. 

I played in the same container week after week (and still do), knowing which actions to expect. If things don't feel like they're working, I can experiment, test, and tweak them without actually changing what I do.

There have been times when I've thought, "let me just change up the whole 'beautiful, balanced life and thriving, successful business' thing." But the truth is, that messaging is so true now, the way it was so true when I first started coaching. Over time, I've gained so much clarity around the micro-messaging surrounding it and how important sales is to creating that, but it's been the one constant that has worked for my business. 

When you stay in the game and take the same actions again and again, it’s easier to see what works. When you know what works in your business you’re able to do more of that and ultimately build the momentum it takes to grow. Often it isn’t about taking a different action but rather taking the same action and allowing your efforts (and results!) to compound. Remember, the only way you can possibly fail in your business is if you choose to stop.

it’ll happen when you’re ready for it.

Your brain might be screaming, "I'm ready for that six-figure biz now!" And while that sounds like it's going to be life-changing, some pretty heavy things need to line up before it happens. 

I know for sure that I couldn't have possibly handled my business the way it exists now back in 2018. I wouldn't have been able to hold the number of clients I have, and I wouldn't have been able to navigate the challenges they bring to our sessions with the high level of support that I offer now. Not to mention, my nervous system certainly wouldn't have been prepared for any of it back then. 😅 

I can confidently say that I had to experience my journey to six figures – from launching my coaching business to hiring 1:1 business coaching support to building my team – in the exact order I experienced it to create the beautiful, balanced life and successful, thriving business I have today. All the things I have cultivated over the past four years have allowed me to show up and serve my clients fully. 

What I am about to say is so (almost embarrassingly) cliche, but it's essential to this point. And that is to focus on enjoying your business journey more than you believe you'll enjoy the destination. If you can focus on enjoying the day-to-day and really live the life you want, the results show up so much faster. 

My husband and I (sometimes accompanied by Ollie) traveled the most we ever had this past year without worrying about when I would hit the next level in my business. Instead, I kept showing up, living on the side of adventure, enjoying cocktails poolside in Mexico while doing the day-in-and-day-out actions that I knew would help me achieve the success desired.

It was when I ran my numbers in late August that I realized I was on track to hit six figures and have my best year in business yet. Over the past few years, I sincerely believed that my success was inevitable. All I needed to do was grow into it. If I didn't enjoy the process of getting to the level I'm at now, I would have been profoundly depriving myself.

I stopped waiting for the things I thought I could have on the other side of a successful, thriving business and began to embody them. So, if your inbox isn't filled with Stripe notifications and new clients, I still encourage you to sit in the excitement of knowing it IS going to happen for you. 

Remember this: Your results are inevitable. I know it’s uncomfortable to remove the timeline you've pinned for yourself, but in reality, we will never know exactly what the timeline will look like. Instead, lock in on your results and ask yourself, "How can you enjoy your journey right now? How can you have more fun along the way?" 

There is something so beautiful about having to experience the journey to reach those next goals and create a sustainable business.

invest in the 1:1 support.

When I decided to fully and wholeheartedly commit to becoming a mindset coach for women in the online space, I knew I wouldn't be able to make the impact I desired without enlisting the right support. 

If I had known that I would build a six-figure business over three years, I would have said, "Sure! I can stay in it for three years!" But the level of success I would reach was uncertain initially, so having the 1:1 support to help me get through all that uncertainty was what worked.

All of the moving pieces within my business felt so much more stable and clear to me by way of going through the journey with the support from my coach. Even when things looked like they weren't working – and yes, sometimes I felt like it was the beginning of the end – the thing that kept me in the game was having someone to lean on. 

You can build the sustainable success you desire and actually, truly, embody it year after year after year. But what you need to do that is a strong and stable mindset and sales foundation. 

If I had embarked on this journey alone in 2018, I would have found so much evidence pointing to the belief that I couldn't do it. Now, that's where 1:1 support really shines. We can't always see that our success is right around the corner and that we can absolutely hit those five-figure months working just 20 hours a week on our own because we all have blind spots that we need to work through. 

It was 1:1 support that helped me identify those blind spots and empowered me to break through the complex, internal stuff. Let's be honest; a lot of people don't want to face their fears or address the stories they keep telling themselves about why they aren't succeeding. But doing the internal work is one of the most important factors that will help you build sustainable success and stay in your business long enough for it to happen. 

This’s not to say that I was absolved from every challenge when I began to hit big number goals month after month. I still have fears and self-doubt that pop up, but it's the same stuff that comes up after every level, and I'm grateful to have personalized and specific support from my coach to help me work through it. 

I’ve seen the same thing to be true for my clients and it’s why they’re crushing their goals and celebrating a $22k sales month, a $115k revenue year, and picking up a Vitamix at Costco on a random Tuesday because they give themselves permission to live the life they love NOW.

The Bottom Line

When you feel discouraged that you haven't reached six figures in your business yet, it can be so easy to feel like you're treading water – without experiencing joy or pleasure – doing everything wrong, and maybe like it's time to throw in the towel. 

Focusing on the hard (but must-do) inner work has allowed me and my clients to grow their businesses in a way that feels GOOD while also reaching those $10k, $15k, and even $20k months! 

To grow with more clarity and confidence, try focusing on these three mindset shifts so you can build your business to six figures while finding sustainable success and living a beautifully balanced life.

If you're ready to take this work a step further and shift your mindset so you can make more sales with more ease, be sure to join me for a totally free Sincere Sales coaching call. 

During this free 30-minute session, we'll discuss the specific mindset shift that will make the biggest difference in navigating your sales process from start to finish so you can grow your business in a way that feels good while confidently closing sales on repeat.

Reserve one of the limited sessions at!


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I'd LOVE to know – What is one action you take daily to help your business grow?


How to stop spinning your wheels and move past mindset blocks faster


How to create an unstoppable sales process with three simple mindset shifts