119 Shifting your energy from “hustling it out” to “ready to receive” so you can land more clients with Amanda Joyce Weber


I’ll be honest, I STILL find myself wanting to push through and hustle it out in my business from time to time. I have so many ideas of ways to serve you ladies in a deeper and more meaningful way, and I’m only human in that sometimes I get frustrated that I can’t do ALL the things, ALL at the same time. Yet, I’ve been doing this long enough to know that when my shoulders start to tense and I get frustrated that I’m not further ahead on one project or another, I need to shift that energy. FAST. Not only that but when I dial down the pressure, I see bigger results with far more ease too. So in today’s episode, I’m dishing out my favorite energy hack for landing your next client in a way that actually feels good so you don't have to constantly be in that stressed, hustle state to get the results you want. Even if you’re someone who is far more interested in the practical than the woo, this mindset shift is going to change the way you show up in your business and the results you see because of it.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat about:

  • How dialing down the pressure I was putting on myself and my business led to 3 YESes from leads in less than 24 hours (this sh*t works!) 

  • Exactly how I shift my energy when I feel the pull to just “hustle it out and get it done” so I can feel better in my business and consequently see more results too

  • Becoming an energetic match for landing your next client, what the eff that even means, and why this works on a practical level too (it’s not as woo as it sounds!)

  • When I see clients have the best results and I promise you—it's probably not what you think!

  • What to do if you feel like hustling is the only way to get results and you’re terrified to try this instead (and why that means it’s exactly what you need!)

  • The most important thing to remember when you find yourself wanting to pile on more and more projects so you can get the results you’re ACTUALLY after

Free Sincere Sales Call

If you had told me five years ago that I would be talking to you on a podcast about how shifting your energy can help you to land your next client, I would have thought you were absolutely off your rocker. And yet, I’ve found that shifting my mindset (and therefore my energy) around sales has allowed me to build a business that I absolutely love—one that has me excited to get on a call with potential clients so I can serve and sell on a whole new level. And I want you to feel the same so you can see bigger results in your biz! If you’re ready to shift the way you feel about selling and close more of them in a way that actually feels good, then I’d love for you to join me for my free Sincere Sales coaching call. On this 30-minute call, we’ll get to the root of the biggest mindset challenge you have when it comes to selling (and shift it!) so you can start seeing more results like leads, clients, and money in the bank. I only do a few of these free sessions each week and have limited coaching spots available, so head over to amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales to grab your spot today!

About Amanda Joyce Weber

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset coach who helps creatives and entrepreneurs who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed to take the RIGHT actions to grow their business. Through one-on-one coaching, she helps them to cultivate the mindset they need to create a beautiful, balanced life and a successful, thriving business because she deeply believes you can have BOTH. She is also the host of the mindset podcast, One Simple Shift. Amanda started her career working with some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes, despite their absolutely beautiful branding. Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward creating a more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free coaching call here.


120 My number one priority this year (2021 word of the year reveal!) with Amanda Joyce Weber


118 CROWD FAV: How to create a vision board that actually works with Amanda Joyce Weber