132 Client Breakthroughs: Booking Out Your Business by Trusting Your Instinct and Intuition with Chaucee Stillman


I’m SO excited to be coming at you today with an extra special episode. Have you ever wondered exactly what it’s like to be a client of mine? Or exactly how mindset work can be THE thing that makes the biggest difference in your life and business? If so, you are for sure in for a special treat because today I’m sitting down with my amazing client, Chaucee Stillman, and we’re going deep on the mindset shift that has made the biggest difference to her in our work together. This is the shift that made it easier than ever for her to take sales calls, show up consistently in her marketing, and feel empowered to make better business decisions—helping her to book out her web design business and add a new aligned offering to her lineup. If you’re someone who has wondered why everyone else seems to be having success with ease apart from you, you’re absolutely going to love the vulnerability and mindset shift we dish out in this episode

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, we chat about:

  • How to trust yourself around money again after past investments didn’t pan out the way you had hoped (and how this has everything to do with the results that follow!)

  • How Chaucee transformed from someone who absolutely dreaded discovery calls to someone who booked out her web design business because of them

  • Chaucee’s core mindset “thing” and how getting to the root of this shifted absolutely everything that followed

  • Rewriting past beliefs and the “out there” exercise that Amanda gave as homework that will have you wanting to do the very same for more results!

  • How to know when an action feels uncomfortable vs. when it’s just not for you and what to do in either situation so you can grow your business

  • The one mindset shift that significantly reduced stress when it came to discovery calls, booking projects, and client communication so Chaucee can build her business in a way that feels good and serves her clients beautifully

Sincere Sales Call

Honestly, cultivating self-trust can be an absolute game changer when it comes to selling in a way that feels good and seeing more results because of it. BUT I also know that it can be difficult to see exactly how to get there—how to shift your thoughts so you can take the “ick” out of selling and make money on rinse and repeat. If you constantly find yourself thinking that you just don’t know what to say on a sales call, feel like no one wants what you have to offer, or one of many other mindset challenges around sales that I support my clients through on the regular, then you’re absolutely going to want to take me up on my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching session. Together we’ll uncover your core mindset challenge when it comes to sales and one simple action you can take to start closing them with more ease. You have absolutely nothing to lose by signing up for this call and absolutely everything to gain so be sure to grab one of the limited spots available at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales.

About Chaucee Stillman

Chaucee is a web designer and marketing strategist who helps creative and wellness entrepreneurs attract more aligned clients and generate consistent income so that they can stop worrying about where their next client is coming from and start doing more of the work they love.

She does this through high-converting website design and 1:1 marketing coaching. She believes your marketing and website should be working just as hard as you are to land that next client and increase your income, and if it’s not doing just that, then it’s holding you back.

When she’s not connected to her MacBook she’s either picking up a new foster dog, feeding her reading habit, or working on her mountain home property.


133 Approaching business with a "scientist" mindset with Orly Wachter


131 How to ditch the overwhelm of owning your own business with Melissa Koehler