133 Approaching business with a "scientist" mindset with Orly Wachter


I think we can all agree that piling on the pressure is the exact opposite of fun and ease. Yet, when you find yourself trying to control the outcome of every little thing in your business, things start to feel heavy and hard real quick. That’s why today, we’re talking about the mindset shift that’s going to make it easier than ever to show up in your business and take action toward your goals. We let you in on our own business struggles, what we learned from them, and how you can start applying these lessons now for more results. If you’re someone who struggles with perfectionism, is overwhelmed by the possibilities, or finds yourself waiting until you have the “right” plan to take action, this episode is exactly what you need to hear to approach your business from a scientist mindset and grow it in a way you genuinely enjoy!

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, we chat about:

  • How thinking about your business from a “scientist” mindset can help you let go of perfectionism for faster growth

  • The approach to business that is going to be your new best friend in informing every decision that comes next

  • How to have more fun and experience more ease in your business rather than putting so much pressure on every. single. thing.

  • Amanda dishes out the embarrassing story of where she got the MOST hung up early on in her business and how this will save you from doing the same

  • Orly lets us in on the the thing she created that didn’t work out the way she had hoped and how this was actually a good thing

  • Why having the “perfect plan” matters far less than you may think when it comes to seeing bigger results

  • The strategy we both agree makes it easier and easier to run our businesses (you’ll definitely want to borrow this approach!)

Free Clarity Call

Today I’m popping in here with an extra special announcement and I’ll cut straight to the point: my coaching rates are going UP! I’ll be honest. I really only have one spot that just opened up. Mayyyybeeeee two if I decide to take on an additional client (because I love this work and sometimes it’s hard to cap it!). 

I've been full in my coaching practice, supporting clients in achieving incredible results. Results like landing their first $7k project within the first few weeks of working together, having their first $15k cash month EVER, securing their first $19k contract, booking out their projects for the next few months, putting in their notice at their 9-5 and surpassing their monthly corporate income in the same month, and so. many. more. 

I am always encouraging my clients to align their pricing to the value they provide, and so it's time for me to do the same! BUT rather than simply filling that spot and saying so long to my current rates, I’m offering you an amazing opportunity (like, I’m surprised my business coach didn’t talk me out of this—it’s that amazing—kind of opportunity)

So here goes… if you decide to move forward with Future You coaching in the next two weeks (ending April 26th), you will be locked in at the current rate of $899/month for 6 months of 1:1 coaching.

Yep, you heard me loud and clear. I want this to happen for you, and I know so many of you have this on your vision board, so it's time to make it your reality.

It is time to stop waiting, stressing, and obsessing, trying to figure it out all on your own with minimal results to show for it, and step into Future You NOW. Want to chat and be sure Future You coaching is the best next step for you? You got it.

Grab a spot for a free clarity call at amandajoyceweber.com/claritycall where we can chat about where you’re headed and determine if mindset and sales support is THE THING that will help you get there.

About Orly Wachter

Orly Wachter is a dietitian turned Business Coach who helps ambitious health pros create a profitable and impactful business, without hustling or working 24/7.

She built her own six-figure business while working less than 20 hours/week and now helps other health pros do the same.

When she’s not coaching you can find her scribbling in a journal, building LEGO with her son, or taking walks by the lake.


134 Client Breakthroughs: Building the six-figure business with an energy of fun and ease with Emily + Wheeler Juell


132 Client Breakthroughs: Booking Out Your Business by Trusting Your Instinct and Intuition with Chaucee Stillman