163 SCHOLARSHIP NOW OPEN! Weighing the tradeoffs for better business decisions and more ease with Kelsey O’Halloran


About this episode

You know that I love these client breakthrough episodes and I’m so excited to be sharing another re-air with past Future You scholarship participant, Kelsey O'Halloran. 

We’re diving into the exact mindset shift that helped her go from feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and at the whim of whatever came her way to gaining a sense of empowerment in her business and making better decisions with so much more ease. 

If you're someone who tends to struggle with making decisions in your business or choosing the exact “perfect” thing, then this episode is for you.

We dive into the mindset shift that helped Kelsey make better business decisions and ultimately created so much ease for her as she navigated planning for her maternity leave.

This is going to be a game-changer for you when it comes to launching in a way that feels good, creating more ease, building a business that feels good, and achieving bigger results because of it.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with my amazing client and guest, Kelsey O'Halloran (@kelseyohalloran) about:

  • The exact mindset shift that will help you to stop stalling out on making the “perfect” decision in your business and move forward with more ease

  • How Kelsey went from feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and at the whim of whatever came her way, to gaining a sense of agency in her business (and you can too!)

  • What you’ll want to know about hiring support in your business (even when you feel like you don’t have a lot of wiggle room financially) so you can make the best possible decision for you!

  • The way Kelsey created an ease-filled course launch and the tradeoffs of launching differently than she originally intended (you’re going to want to borrow this!)

  • The flip side of NOT doing all the things during a launch and how you can apply this thinking to your next one

  • How Kelsey navigated planning for her maternity leave while weighing the tradeoffs of putting her own self-care ahead of the business

Future You Scholarship

I’m now accepting applications for this year’s Future You scholarship! That means six months of 1:1 mindset + sales coaching and all of the magical results that come with it, completely free.

My business has undergone some massive transformations over the years. I'm talking my best year in business, my highest income months ever, and more impact all-around. Not only that, but my clients have achieved incredible results with support and many of them have had their highest income months in our work together (like $2k, $5k, $11k, all the way up to $18k months!).

I’m so proud and I'm feeling incredibly grateful. I also know the single best way to keep the good vibes flowing is by passing the gift that is a THRIVING life and biz right along to you. So in the spirit of gratitude, I'm giving away more than ever before! 

I'm taking a private one-on-one client through my six-month, Future You mindset + sales coaching program on a full scholarship. That means you, me, six months, FOR FREE. 

Yep, the very same program that takes you from feeling like “nothing is working” in your business to shifting your mindset, owning your expertise, putting yourself out there, gaining visibility, and closing sales on repeat to thrive in both life and biz. 

The very same program that would normally cost you $6k can be YOURS with this Future You scholarship. The best part? I know you don't have a ton of time so I made this application process easy-peasy. Download the application by clicking the link in the show notes (applications must be received by Sunday, November 14th!). I can’t wait to read yours!

About Kelsey O’Halloran

Kelsey O'Halloran is a website copywriter and consultant who helps service-based entrepreneurs turn readers into dream clients. Using her background as a journalist, she conducts interviews with her clients and their customers to create website messages that sound like them, speak to their people, and generate genuine sales. Kelsey is also the creator of Website Copy Academy, a series of audio courses to help everyday entrepreneurs beat the blank page, get clear on their message, and confidently write copy that connects and converts. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and their scruffy rescue dog – along with their newborn baby, Miles!


164 How to become Future You faster with Amanda Joyce Weber


162 SCHOLARSHIP NOW OPEN! How to take ownership of what you CAN control in your business to skyrocket your results with Chelsea Blackwell