162 SCHOLARSHIP NOW OPEN! How to take ownership of what you CAN control in your business to skyrocket your results with Chelsea Blackwell


About this episode

My clients get incredible results. Period. But I know it’s one thing to have me say it, and a completely different thing to hear it in their own words. So today I’m re-airing my chat with Future You coaching scholarship participant, Chelsea Blackwell, about the mindset shift that made the absolute biggest difference in our work together. We’re going deep on the mindset work it takes to stop managing the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of others and what to do instead for more results. This is the exact mindset shift that literally changed Chelsea’s life and business. We talk about how mindset and sales coaching supported Chelsea in increasing her rates by 5x, plus how she got fully booked out with a waitlist (and you can too!). If you’re someone who is afraid to raise your rates because of what others might think, is worried about how your clients REALLY feel about working with you, or constantly feel like you’re at the whim of inquiries or referrals, this episode is going to be an absolute game-changer for you!

Show notes

In this episode, we chat about:

  • How Chelsea made the decision to apply for the Future You scholarship and how it drastically changed her life and business!

  • The mindset shift that made the absolute biggest difference in Chelsea’s results during 1:1 Future You coaching (plus, how to apply this shift to your business NOW!)

  • How Chelsea increased her rates by 5x, plus got fully booked out with a waitlist (and you can too!)

  • A closer look at the challenges that Chelsea faced during our work together (there were tears!) and the ONE thing that made the biggest difference in moving through them for more results

  • Exactly how to stop taking responsibility for things outside of your control and start feeling more empowered in your business ASAP!

  • Amanda’s candid take on the reason Chelsea saw so many incredible results and the mindset that got her there!

Future You Scholarship

I’m now accepting applications for this year’s Future You scholarship! That means six months of 1:1 mindset + sales coaching and all of the magical results that come with it, completely free.

My business has undergone some massive transformations over the years. I'm talking my best year in business, my highest income months ever, and more impact all-around. Not only that, but my clients have achieved incredible results with support and many of them have had their highest income months in our work together (like $2k, $5k, $11k, all the way up to $18k months!).

I’m so proud and I'm feeling incredibly grateful. I also know the single best way to keep the good vibes flowing is by passing the gift that is a THRIVING life and biz right along to you. So in the spirit of gratitude, I'm giving away more than ever before! 

I'm taking a private one-on-one client through my six-month, Future You mindset + sales coaching program on a full scholarship. That means you, me, six months, FOR FREE. 

Yep, the very same program that takes you from feeling like “nothing is working” in your business to shifting your mindset, owning your expertise, putting yourself out there, gaining visibility, and closing sales on repeat to thrive in both life and biz. 

The very same program that would normally cost you $6k can be YOURS with this Future You scholarship. The best part? I know you don't have a ton of time so I made this application process easy-peasy. Download the application by clicking the link in the show notes (applications must be received by Saturday, November 13th!). I can’t wait to read yours!

About Chelsea Blackwell

Chelsea is a branding expert and business mentor for designers. She specializes in holistic brand strategy and identity design, along with supporting other designers to build the business of their dreams. Her mission is to help you "come home to your business," because she believes that your business is a place that should feel like home.


163 SCHOLARSHIP NOW OPEN! Weighing the tradeoffs for better business decisions and more ease with Kelsey O’Halloran


161 The mindset shift that will help you write marketing content with more ease with Amanda Joyce Weber