165 How to build confidence and decide it’s your turn with Christina Lecuyer


About this episode

The first time I heard of Christina was when I happened upon her podcast. 

Little did I know that the words she spoke and the kind of unshakable faith she displayed would stick with me. “I do my part so God can do his,” I distinctly remember her saying. My mind was blown. 

Fast forward to today, and I’m SO excited that you get to experience her rock-solid mindset for yourself. 

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering if you can completely uproot your life and choose a different path in pursuit of happiness and purpose, this episode is for you. 

We talk about how to stop “shoulding” on yourself, own your worth, cultivate confidence, and ultimately decide it’s your turn to live a life you love.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with guest Christin Lecuyer about:

  • How tomorrow isn’t guaranteed so now is the time to decide it’s your turn and go after what you want

  • The moment Christina describes as her rock bottom, and how this will help you to find your own purpose (no matter what that looks like)

  • How Christina became obsessed with mindset work and understanding that you have the power to change your life by changing your thoughts

  • FAITH, finding it, and an honest conversation about how it’s guided both of us on our own business journeys

  • The one thing that you can do TODAY to build trust in yourself

  • A life- and biz-changing mindset shift that is going to help you to make decisions faster and build confidence (plus how Christina practices what she preaches on this!)

  • How to stop living in indecision and start taking action toward your most purposeful and profitable life!

Sincere Sales Call

I truly believe that confidence in your business begins with confidence in yourself. Not only that, but it’s more like a dial than a light switch. It’s something that you turn up bit by bit over time, rather than simply waiting for the day the switch will flip (because what I’ve found to be true is that it hardly ever happens that way and expecting it to can keep you stuck). 

The same holds true when it comes to your confidence around sales. You don’t have to have a natural-born talent for sales to believe in yourself, your business, and your offer—and be compensated accordingly. 

That’s exactly what I’m here to support around and why I love offering my free Sincere Sales coaching calls. Together, we’ll get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge when it comes to sales (whether it be confidence or something else entirely!) and do a deep dive on how to shift it so you can close sales with more ease than ever before. 
I only do a few of these each week so grab a time that works for you at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales!

About Christina Lecuyer

Christina Lecuyer is a former professional golfer turned Confidence and Success Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Host of “Decide It’s Your Turn: The Podcast”. 

Through one-on-one coaching, mastermind programs, retreat’s and Decide It’s Your Turn: The Network; Christina helps you shatter limiting beliefs, become more confident, and holds you accountable to creating and executing your most purposeful and profitable life!


166 Getting clear on your ideal client (so you can actually land them) with Kendra Swalls


164 How to become Future You faster with Amanda Joyce Weber