166 Getting clear on your ideal client (so you can actually land them) with Kendra Swalls


About this episode

Chances are that if you’re building a business (or even THINKING about building a business) you’ve done this ideal client exercise before. 

And yet, I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you’ve done your homework, know what she watches on TV, can explain in detail what she eats for breakfast, and yet still feel like you’re zero steps closer to actually GETTING that ideal client. 

That’s why today we’re discussing the mindset shift that is going to help you understand how to use this ideal client exercise in a way that actually GETS you clients and cash. 

We talk about how to narrow down who your person even is, get clear on how to connect with them in a way that gets them excited to buy, and let go of the fear that marketing more directly to your ideal clients is going to hurt your business or eliminate potential clients. 

If you’re ready to shift your mindset and attract (and convert!) more clients who are excited to work with you, this episode is for you!

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with guest Kendra Swalls about:

  • How this popular “ideal client exercise” may be keeping you stuck, PLUS how to shift your mindset so you can actually land clients (instead of thinking about landing clients)

  • The reason Kendra originally pushed back on this ideal client exercise and how she moved through it to grow her business

  • Where most people get confused when it comes to ideal clients and how to shift your mindset around this so you can make more money in your biz

  • The exact process you can use to narrow down who you love working with so you can start attracting (and booking!) more of those people

  • The one question you can ask yourself that will help you to write content that deeply resonates with your ideal client

  • Letting go of the fear that targeting one ideal client will hurt your business (and how this will actually help you grow instead!)

Sincere Sales Call

Honestly, the ideal client exercise that we’re discussing in today’s episode was a MAJOR form of procrastination for me when I first started my business. 

I had the Pinterest board. I knew who I wanted to attract. And yet, I felt like I wasn’t actually any closer to getting clients (let alone ideal ones!). So I just kept pinning, mood boarding, and thinking about that person… which spoiler alert: did not bring me any closer to closing sales. 

Turns out, that what I actually needed was support around selling in a way that felt good to me—one that led to more clients and cash in my business. 

Lucky for you, I like to think that I struggled so you don’t have to and it’s why I offer my free Sincere Sales coaching calls. 

On these free 30-minute calls, we’ll do a deep dive on your biggest mindset challenge around sales and you’ll have my expert support around shifting it so you can get that first or next client with more ease than ever before. 

I only offer a few of these each week so grab a time that works for you at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales!

About Kendra Swalls

Kendra Swalls is a wife, mom of 2, photographer and educator.

In 2012 she started her first business, Paisley Layne Photography, and everything changed. What started as a hobby alongside her teaching career quickly turned into a successful business.

In 2017 she left her teaching career behind to run her photography business full time and start the Girl Means Business coaching program + podcast.

Now she helps women, like you, take their business from survival mode to success-mode using the same relationship marketing strategies that have been the foundations for her business success.


167 How I manifested a trip to the Maldives with Amanda Joyce Weber


165 How to build confidence and decide it’s your turn with Christina Lecuyer