168 Manifesting your extraordinary life and business with Efia Sulter


About this episode

Today we’re doing a deep dive on aligned manifestation. 

If you’re someone who knows that deep down, you’re meant to live an extraordinary life, but can’t quite see the path to get from here to there, this episode is for you.

We break down the entire manifestation process from a simple, grounded, no BS perspective. You’ll love the insights we share on overcoming imposter syndrome, unapologetically owning your vision, and refusing to settle.

Perhaps you consider manifestation a bit “out there” OR maybe you’ve already seen the impact it can have on your life and business and are ready to take this practice to the next level. 

Either way, you’re going to love the combo of strategy, science, and spirituality we share to help you manifest your own extraordinary life and business.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with guest Efia Sulter about:

  • What it truly means to be become an extraordinary person so you can manifest an extraordinary life

  • The one thing you’ll want to get clear on BEFORE you set an intention around what you want to have (and how this is a game-changer when it comes to manifestation!)

  • A key mindset shift around believing what you want is possible for you and how to get your subconscious working toward it ASAP

  • How to overcome imposter syndrome, unapologetically own your vision, and refuse to settle when it comes to getting what you desire

  • An exact breakdown of Efia’s V.I.B.E.S. method for aligned manifestation (she was SO generous in sharing her expertise so you definitely don’t want to miss this!)

  • How to notice when you’re overcomplicating things so you can take these simple steps to create your life by design!

Sincere Sales Call

I know that when you’re looking to manifest your first or next client, the path there can feel really overwhelming and like the results you want are really far away. 

But what I’ve found to be true (both for myself and my clients) is that it’s often the thoughts and beliefs you have around sales that are the biggest barrier between you and your next paid invoice.

And shifting those? Can feel like straight up magic.

That’s why I freaking love helping you get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around sales on my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call so you can land that next client with more ease than ever before. 

If you aren’t landing the clients you want then your mindset is definitely playing a part and I’d love to support you in shifting it!

I only offer a few of these each week so grab a time that works for you at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales!

About Efia Sulter

Efia is a Mindset & Manifestation Coach, host of ‘The Manifest Edit Podcast’ and creator of the V.I.B.E.S method for aligned manifestation. Her mission is to empower and teach ambitious women how to stop playing small, confidently manifest their desires, and live an extraordinary life.

Serving as a practical example of her work after being orphaned at 14, grappling with mental illness and chronic pain to then moving overseas and building her soul-aligned life + business, Efia has inspired thousands around the world to create their lives by design.

Through her coaching and free virtual retreats Efia highlights the strategy, science, and spirituality behind manifestation in order to provide actionable advice from a grounded, no BS perspective.


169 The compound effect in business and the mindset to make it happen with Amanda Joyce Weber


167 How I manifested a trip to the Maldives with Amanda Joyce Weber