173 The shift from “Boss Babe” to CEO with Jennifer Morilla


About this episode

Boss babe. I’d be willing to bet you’ve heard it before. Heck, maybe you even refer to yourself as one.

And while there’s zero shame in that, there IS a major shift in identity that happens when you shift from considering yourself a “boss babe” and step into your role as CEO.

That’s the shift we’re diving into during today’s episode. We’re discussing what it really means to be a founder and CEO of a company, plus how to start thinking in that way NOW.

If you’re ready to look at your business like a CEO with long-term vision and perspective (even if that feels like the furthest from where you are now), this episode is for you.

Show notes

In episode 173 of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with guest Jennifer Morilla (@jenmorilla) about:

  • The identity shift from “Boss Babe” to CEO, what that even means, and how it’s going to transform the way you think about your business

  • How to start looking at your business with long-term perspective and vision

  • Truly owning your role as a founder and CEO, plus how thinking in this way will help you make better business decisions

  • A mind-blowing quote that is going to shift how your think about your goals as the founder of a company

  • A deeper look at what you want to do with the money you make—where you spend your money as a CEO and how to be more intentional about it as your business grows

  • Our own speculations on where we think the future of online business is headed and how you can start thinking in this way now

Sincere Sales Call

So much of what we’ve talked about on today’s episode goes back to mindset. 

And heck, I know that it can be difficult to even think about stepping into your role as founder and CEO when you’re not even sure how you’re going to land that next client OR go from barely making enough to making more than enough money in your business. 

What I know to be true is that if you’re not getting the clients you want, then your mindset is definitely playing a part. 

That’s why I’d absolutely love to support you on my free Sincere Sales coaching call so we can get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around sales and land that first or next client with more ease than ever before. 
Head over to amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales to grab a time that works for you!

About Jennifer Morilla

Jennifer Morilla started her business as The Social Girl Traveler back in February of 2015 when she traveled the world as an impact travel blogger.

Formerly known as The Social Girl Traveler, Jennifer Morilla started her business journey back in February 2015 when she quit her corporate career to travel the world as an impact travel blogger. Obviously, she’s not your average babe!

After experiencing over 44 countries and carrying clean water filters to developing countries, Jennifer discovered her passion for teaching others to grow profitable and impactful businesses with a real purpose online with her new brand, Jennifer Morilla, in 2018.

Since then, she’s built a successful six-figure mentoring business, and she’s worked with brands like Microsoft, Skype, Google, Aruba Tourism, and Waves for Water.

She’s also been featured in some pretty epic publications such as Forbes, Huffington Post, CNBC, Oprah Magazine and Thrive Global.

Through her courses and coaching programs, She’s helped hundreds of women (and counting!) start their own businesses while teaching them how to build a business that supports their desired lifestyle- while creating the results they dream of too.

Her client wins include skyrocketing from $60K to $100K+ a year and taking many people from 4 figure to 5 figure months… and even $50K launches.

Many of her clients have also landed publications in top brands, like Google.

Jennifer has now scaled her online coaching business to a multi-six-figure online business and continues to impact the online space with her business-building expertise.


174 Permission to keep it simple for faster business growth with Amanda Joyce Weber


172 Expanding your capacity for things to be really freaking good in life and business with Amanda Joyce Weber