185 Building genuine relationships on social media that result in more sales with Jennifer Winsor


About this episode

It’s no secret that social media can be an amazing tool for building relationships that lead to more sales in your business. Andddd we also know that without the right mindset, it can be a source of major burnout.

But the truth is that social media isn’t all vanity metrics and cold DMs… in fact, if you’re thinking of it that way, then you’ll absolutely want to keep listening.

We’re here to shift your perspective around social media so it can feel real, genuine, and fun again, PLUS create amazing results in your business.

If you’re someone who has trouble seeing the path from the infinite scrolling and generic comments to more leads, clients, and money in the bank, then you’re absolutely going to love the mindset shift we dish out in this episode!

Show notes

In episode 185 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest Jennifer Winsor (@waves_and_willows) about how you can:

  • Build real relationships on social media that can give you amazing business results

  • Anchor into this ONE belief that will help you stress less about your social media metrics and connect with more dream clients

  • Feel better about showing up on social media, sharing your truth, gaining visibility and get bigger business results because of it

  • Engage more authentically on social media with a suuuuuper specific example of a convo Jen and I had, so you can start applying this to your own business now

  • Know when it’s time to outsource your social media vs. when it’s time to shift your mindset—and how identifying this will save you serious money in the long run

  • Build your self-trust around how you show up on social media for more clients and cash in your biz

Sincere Sales Call

If you’re struggling to see how building relationships on social media can result in closing more sales and landing clients with more ease then I would be willing to bet there’s some mindset work to be done there.

Because while it may feel uncomfortable, like a waste of time, or like it flat out isn’t working at times… Those are the exact thoughts that we need to shift so you can create a totally different experience around it. One that results in way more DMs from dream clients asking about your next availability.

That’s why I continue to offer my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching calls so we can get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around sales, and shift it so you can sell with more ease than ever before.

I only offer a few of these each week so be sure to grab yours at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales.

About Jennifer Winsor

Jennifer Winsor is the founder of Waves and Willows Social, a social media management company. She is also a mindset & success coach and engineer.

Her mission with Waves and Willows Social is to help business owners build more of the right connections and land dream clients on social media without the hustle – which means more time for deep breaths, sipping coffee, and carrying out the grand vision for their business.

Her entrepreneurial spirit, mindset and love of true connection through social media have successfully taken her from the world of engineering to coaching and social media management as well as guest expert contributions to podcasts and articles published in U.S. News & World Report, BestLife, Bustle and Up Journey.


186 Using your intuition to guide your brand and biz so you can stand out online with Haylee LaRose


184 Client Breakthroughs: The mindset shift that led to an $18k month with Carly Russell