186 Using your intuition to guide your brand and biz so you can stand out online with Haylee LaRose


About this episode

Ready to stand out online in a way that feels really freaking good AND builds deeper long-lasting relationships with dream clients? Heck yes, you are.

Today we’re diving into the mindset shift that’s going to make all the difference in creating a brand and biz that moves beyond surface level and taps into who you really are for bigger results.

If you’re someone who has ever felt like you’re screaming into the void, has gotten swept up in all the noise of the online space, or finds it hard to differentiate yourself in a sea of others doing the same thing, keep listening because this shift is going to be an absolute game-changer for you.

We go deep on how to start feeling into your own unique energy and intuition, plus how this may be the thing you’ve been missing when it comes to growing your business in a way that feels really good to you!

Show notes

In episode 186 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest Haylee LaRose (@seekbalancedesign) about how you can:

  • Tap into your intuition and stand out to more of the RIGHT people who are excited to work with you (without becoming something you’re not!)

  • Create a brand that moves beyond surface level and taps into who you really are to build deeper, long-lasting relationships with dream clients

  • Balance the masculine “doing” energy with the more feminine “being” energy (and what the eff that even means practically speaking if that sounds a bit too woo to you!)

  • Get into the energy of receiving in your business and experience more ease around receiving ideas, clients, and more money in your biz!

  • Shift feelings of jealousy or comparison and use them as powerful information that works FOR you and your biz as a catalyst for serious growth

  • Start feeling into your own unique energy to get bigger results—in everything from how well your brand resonates with potential clients to closing more sales in a way that feels good

Sincere Sales Call

I am ALLLL about the mindset to take more of the right actions in your business. Because the truth is that you need both the mindset AND the actions to close more sales and land consistent clients in your business.

I mean really think about it… You can work on your mindset all day long, but if you’re not taking action, chances are you’ll have very little to show for it. And if you’re all action but don’t have the mindset and energy to back it? It’s going to feel empty and your potential clients are going to feel it.

That’s why selling truly does begin in the subconscious. It begins with believing that you are the absolute BEST person out there to help you potential clients so you can’t help but share that with them and invite them to take the next step with you. And THAT starts with mindset work.

I’m currently booked out with a waitlist in my 1:1 Future You coaching, but I continue to offer my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching calls because I love helping you get to the root of your biggest mindset block around sales so you can shift it, sell with ease, and land clients again and again.

I only offer a few of these each week so be sure to grab your spot at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales.

About Haylee LaRose

Haylee is a brand and website designer for online coaches, creatives, and healers who want to create a positive impact on the world and those around them.

With 10+ years of experience working in the creative industry, she helps her clients to completely up-level their brands, through both stunning visuals and highly-converting strategy. Her design work taps into each client’s unique energy so that they stand out online, feel empowered and confident in their online presence, and become magnetic to soulmate clients who love to pay them well for what they do well.

She lives in NY with her husband and two cats. She is also a spin class devotee, lover of nature, Earl Grey tea, and cooking competition shows.


187 Convincing to Confidence: Ditch this story for more sincere sales with Amanda Joyce Weber


185 Building genuine relationships on social media that result in more sales with Jennifer Winsor