189 The mindset to make more sales with authentic storytelling with Kendall Cherry


About this episode

Be authentic. Just be yourself. You’ve probably heard it about 1.2 billion times.

Yet, every time you sit down to write that newsletter to your email list or stare at a blinking cursor on the “About” page of your website, you freeze.

You feel like you have nothing to add to the conversation when your industry is already oversaturated AF.

But you also KNOW that deep in the depths of your soul, you have a message that is meant to be shared… if only you could bring yourself to find the words.

Oh, have we been there and that’s exactly what we’re shifting your mindset around in today’s episode. In fact, we’re so passionate about this topic, the energy is contagious (and you’ll find we basically can’t shut up about it).

If you’re ready to connect with your people in a way that feels good instead of gross and have the mindset to make more sales with authentic storytelling, tune in because this episode is for YOU!

Show notes

In episode 189 of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my guest Kendall Cherry (@candidcollectiveco) about how you can:

  • Get clear on the ONLY five stories you need to be telling in your content to authentically connect with dream clients and convert more sales

  • Go after the life you ACTUALLY want rather than living in default mode, plus how Kendall scrapped it all and started again (and you can too!)

  • Know when it’s time to tweak vs. pivot your biz, plus the mindset that makes all the difference in your results

  • Tap into the values that make you who you are and infuse that in your storytelling for more aligned clients

  • Share testimonials in a way that feels good instead of gross and makes you an absolute magnet to dream clients

  • Ask yourself this ONE question to uncover what differentiates you from others in your industry (yes, even if it’s oversaturated AF)

Sincere Sales Call

If you’re not making the sales and landing the consistent clients you desire in your business, I’d be willing to bet that you simply haven’t found a way to sell that feels good to you.

And this just so happens to be what I’m an absolute rockstar and helping you shift so you can stop spinning in self-doubt and make more money in your business.

I’m currently booked out in my 1:1 Future You coaching, but I continue to offer my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching calls because I love helping you get to the root of your biggest mindset block around sales so you can shift it, sell with ease, and land clients again and again.

I only offer a few of these each week so be sure to grab your spot at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales.

About Kendall Cherry

Kendall Cherry is the founder and creative director at The Candid Collective, a copywriting agency and authentic marketing education brand that's hell bent on helping introverts, visionaries, and rebels WITH a cause to bring their full personality into their business (and make more money while doing it). She's on a mission to create a world that’s more candid and kind.


190 Shift your “all or nothing” thinking in biz for more consistent clients with Amanda Joyce Weber


188 Shift your shame for more sales with Amanda Joyce Weber