196 Anchoring into your beliefs to get more of what you want in life and biz with Amanda Joyce Weber


About this episode

I truly believe that it’s our job to get clear on what we want and trust in the Universe to handle the rest—lining us up with the right people, opportunities, and what feels like straight-up magic to actually get what we desire.

But I also know that I didn’t always think this way. In fact, sometimes I’m shocked at how quick I am to remind my husband that “we live in an infinite and abundant Universe” or reflect to a client that “it’s always this or something better.”

Andddd that being said, I’m also not here to tell you what’s true for you. I know that for you, that higher power may be the Universe, God, Source, or something else entirely and your beliefs may look totally different.

But either way, your beliefs matter… and whether or not you know what they are, they are most definitely running the show.

So today, I’m doing a deep dive on how knowing your beliefs (or more specifically choosing your beliefs) can support you daily in life and business.

I let you in on the exact mindset exercise that will help you get clear on what YOU believe so it can act as a filter for everything else you desire—whether that’s having more fun in life and biz, staying in integrity through your sales process, or landing that next client with ease—anchoring into your beliefs will get you more of what you want.

Show notes

In episode 196 of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat about how you can:

  • Get the inside scoop on a recent convo I had with a biz bestie about what to do when your own beliefs don’t line up with those that are popular in the online space

  • Make a beeline for feeling good about your beliefs NOW (and why this matters more than you may think when it comes to bigger business results!)

  • Ask yourself this ONE question that will support you in getting more of what so you can thrive in life and biz

  • Cut through the noise and anchor into your OWN beliefs—plus how this acts as a filter for almost everything else you’ll do to grow your biz and hit that next income goal!

  • Get clear on where to even start when it comes to choosing beliefs that serve you in making more sincere sales and landing consistent clients

  • Borrow some really powerful beliefs that have served me in booking out my coaching practice so you can do the same (no matter what type of business you have!)

Sincere Sales Call

The Universe wants what you want and it’s here to co-create with you to make it happen. That, right there, is the belief that supported me in staying in it, making sales, and growing my business—even on the days it looked like it wasn’t working. Well, that and a whole lot of the right support.

But I also know firsthand that when you’re IN that place—you know the stressing, obsessing, and second-guessing where the next client is coming from or how on earth this business is ever going to feel sustainable—it can be difficult to know where to even start in cultivating beliefs that will support you in actually getting those things.

If you’re not making the sales and landing the consistent clients you desire in your business, your beliefs definitely have something to do with it.

And this just so happens to be what I’m an absolute rockstar at helping you shift so you can stop spinning in self-doubt and make more money in your business.

I’m currently booked out in my 1:1 Future You coaching, but I continue to offer my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching calls because I love helping you get to the root of your biggest mindset block around sales so you can cultivate beliefs that serve you, sell with ease, and land clients again and again.

I only offer a few of these each week so be sure to grab your spot at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales.

About Amanda Joyce

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset and sales who helps online business owners who are struggling behind the scenes to cultivate the mindset they need to land clients and make money on repeat. Through one-on-one coaching and her signature Sincere Sales method, she takes the “ick” out of selling and demystifies what it takes to make money in biz so her clients can truly thrive. Clients have gone on to reduce their working hours, close higher-paying projects, and have their first $20k month. She is also the host of the podcast, One Simple Shift, that teaches entrepreneurs that their biggest results start with one simple mindset shift. Amanda started her career designing for some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes and ultimately get the big results (despite their absolutely beautiful branding!). Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward closing more sales and cultivating the right mindset so you can create more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free Sincere Sales coaching call here.


197 Convert more sales calls with this simple shift with Amanda Joyce Weber


195 Try this seven-second shift for success with Amanda Joyce Weber