199 How giving yourself permission to chill leads to more clients and cash with Amanda Joyce Weber


About this episode

I’ve heard it from clients on many occasions. “I just never feel like I’m doing enough,” they’ll say. And honestly, I’ve been there too.

When you’re the one who creates your own strategy, your own schedule, your own income goals… well, you get the idea—it can be hard to know what “enough” actually looks like. Seems kinda arbitrary, right?

So today, I’m talking about how giving yourself permission to chill actually leads to MORE clients and cash, not less. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but bear with me.

I’m dishing out when to focus on DOING more in your business vs. when to focus on LIVING more in your life and why this mindset shift is going to make all the difference in creating success that actually FEELS like success.

I’m filling you in on the mindset shift that will help you stop feeling like there’s ALWAYS one more thing to do, one more thing to learn, or one more idea to come up with so you can finally start feeling better, closing more sales, and thriving because of it.

If you’re someone who constantly feels busy and yet it’s STILL not enough, this episode is for you.

Show notes

In episode 199 of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat about how you can:

  • Give yourself permission to chill for MORE clients and cash, not less (I know it sounds counterintuitive, but this episode is going to help you shift that mindset!)

  • Get clear on what “doing enough” actually looks like for you and your business and why this probably isn’t what you think!

  • Uncover the subconscious thought that is running the show and has you feeling like you always need to be busy—plus, tap into your core magnetism so your actions get more bang for their buck

  • When to focus on DOING more in your business vs. when to focus on LIVING more in your life to create success that actually FEELS like success

  • Shift this common pattern that may have you feeling like you’re always working with minimal results to show for it and how this is key to working smarter not harder

  • Discover how you work best so you can create space for more of your desires to flow to you

Sincere Sales Call

I totally get what it’s like to feel like you aren’t doing “enough” in your business to land the consistent clients you desire.

However, what I also know to be true is that if this is the underlying mindset that’s running the show—it’s also likely the thing that’s shaping your circumstances and perpetuating that spiral.

If you’re ready to shift your mindset and finally strike the balance between “doing” and “being” so you can thrive, I’d love to support you on a free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call.

Together we’ll uncover your biggest mindset block around sales—whether that’s feeling like you’re never doing enough or something else entirely—and shift it so you can feel good AND convert better because of it.

I only offer a limited number of these calls each week so be sure to grab yours at amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales and find a time that works for you!

About Amanda Joyce

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset and sales who helps online business owners who are struggling behind the scenes to cultivate the mindset they need to land clients and make money on repeat. Through one-on-one coaching and her signature Sincere Sales method, she takes the “ick” out of selling and demystifies what it takes to make money in biz so her clients can truly thrive. Clients have gone on to reduce their working hours, close higher-paying projects, and have their first $20k month. She is also the host of the podcast, One Simple Shift, that teaches entrepreneurs that their biggest results start with one simple mindset shift. Amanda started her career designing for some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes and ultimately get the big results (despite their absolutely beautiful branding!). Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward closing more sales and cultivating the right mindset so you can create more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free Sincere Sales coaching call here.


200 Flashback Episode: Shifting the struggle for more success that actually FEELS like success (behind the scenes with Amanda Joyce Weber + Coaching by Lacey Sites)


198 Navigating "messy" seasons of life and biz for long-term growth with Amanda Joyce Weber