218 Why you shouldn't avoid failure to create BIG success in business with Elise Danielle


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About this episode

Obviously, I want you to have a successful and thriving business but what if I told you you shouldn’t avoid failure?

Now, what if I told you that it was actually the key to a successful business? 😲

The honest truth is that failure actually moves you forward faster. I know it sounds counterintuitive, and while it’s one of the hardest things for your brain to get on board with, we have a feeling this mindset shift we’re sharing is going to seriously help.

Today, I’m joined by business mentor and mindset coach, Elise Danielle, and we’re going to dish out exactly what you need to hear to shift that and start failing faster so you can reach big success of your own. 

If you’re someone who hesitates to show up and sell for fear of failing or looking silly, then this episode is for you!

Show notes

In episode 218 of the One Simple Shift podcast, I chat with my guest, Elise Maisonneuve (@elise_danielle_) about how you can:

  • Make the one mindset shift that will allow you to recognize and embrace failure in your business so you can become unstuck (even if you think you might not be!) 

  • Create more safety and security as you learn to fail – and how Elise worked two part time jobs as she went all in building her coaching business from 0-1 Million in under 4 years

  • Cultivate the ‘run at it’ energy that supports Elise’s clients and has allowed them to grow to $10k, $20k, and even $80k months

  • How your fear of selling and not making sales (or looking silly selling) may be keeping you stuck and what to do instead for bigger results 

  • Normalize failure by asking yourself these two questions every day so you can learn and grow from it

  • Stop falling into this one selling trend (trust me, it’s BANANAS!!) so you can start showing up and selling in a way that shows your clients you truly care

embodied ceo intensive

Embodying your best, six-figure CEO self isn’t something that happens after the money rolls in. It’s the foundation you lay now SO the money can come rolling in.

That’s exactly why I created the Embodied CEO Intensive. Because honestly, if you aren’t landing the clients or making the money you want then your sales mindset has everything to do with that.

Together, we’ll do a deep dive on your sales mindset and identify your blind spots so we can get to the root of what’s REALLY holding you back from getting consistent clients in your business and building the six-figure business you desire.

Not only that, but we’ll create an action plan to get you there. You’ll walk away with massive clarity, a deeper understanding of yourself and your patterns, and the right sales mindset to take more of the right actions to close sales with ease. It’s time to embody that next level and I’m here to help you turn that dream into reality.

Learn more about this intensive and book your complimentary clarity call here: https://amandajoyceweber.com/embodiedintensive

About Elise danielle

Elise Danielle is a badass business mentor and mindset coach who’s obsession is helping you create a wildly purposeful and profitable business that actually feels FUN to run, fits YOUR unique lifestyle and desires and supports YOU to with the finances, freedom and fulfillment you deserve.

She’s an expert at supporting you to start, grow and scale businesses that defy the ‘rules’ of marketing and logic.

Elises’s clients are leaders in their varying fields and have been known to go from zero- 6 Figures in under 6 months, create multiple 6 Figure businesses whilst working part time and scale their businesses whilst being present parents and friends all whilst living their best damn lives.


219 The most important part of your business (and how to get better at it!) with Amanda Joyce Weber


217 The mindset to stop chasing and start attracting potential clients with Amanda Joyce Weber