283 | Client Breakthroughs: Treating your business like a business with Andrea Barras

About this episode

I could not be more excited to share this client breakthrough episode with you.

Today, I’m sitting down with my amazing client, Andrea Barras, and we’re talking about the mindset shift that made the absolute biggest difference in our work together.

When Andrea and I first started coaching, she was in the midst of one of the most difficult years of her life but she came to me with a big goal to hit more consistent income months in her business.

Through our work together she made some really significant mindset shifts that helped her to niche her work, attract perfect-fit clients, and craft a sales process that felt good.

In this episode, we let you in on exactly what shifted that helped her start treating her business like a business and seeing bigger more consistent income months because of it.

Andrea is one of the most genuine and relatable people I know, so no matter where you are in life or business, you’ll want to tune in because I know there’s a breakthrough of your own waiting to happen.

Show notes

In this episode of the One Simple Shift Podcast, I chat with my amazing client, Andrea Barras (@andreabarras_branding) about how you can:

  • Borrow the mindset shift that helped Andrea to shift her fears of niching, plus how this change was the catalyst for incredible business growth

  • Craft a sales strategy that aligns with your values, leverages what you’re already amazing at, and feels really good to you—so you can land more consistent clients

  • Set big goals and do the work to make them your reality—you’ll hear about the tool that supported Andrea in hitting consistent income months and the mindset that made it possible

Sincere Sales

I’m super transparent in this episode that Andrea really put in the work to shift her mindset and make those consistent income months a reality.

But I also know that BIG results like the ones she experienced in Future You coaching are possible for you as well—IF you have the right mindset and support.

It all starts with finding a way to sell that feels good to you so you can land clients on repeat and make more money because of it.

That’s why I love offering my free Sincere Sales™ coaching calls to help you understand where you might be getting suck in your sales process and what you can do to shift it so you can land more consistent clients in your business.

I only offer a few of these each week, so head over to the link below to grab a time that works for you!

About Andrea Barras

Andrea Barras is an experienced Brand Designer helping service-based business professionals to create captivating, intuitive and stand out brands. She also specialises in high-level White Label Brand Design for fellow creatives for who are booked out and need a helping hand; and for marketing/web agencies who want to expand their service offering to include branding. Through her work, she loves to inspire, empower and connect with people who recognise the value (and power!) of good design, collaborating with those who want to grow their businesses and bring their ideas to life with the help of a dedicated creative partner.


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