32 Getting your time back (in life + biz!) with Dannie Fountain


About this episode

Many of you are in service-based businesses, which means so much of your time is spent, well... serving others. No surprise there. But what may come as a shock is what happens when you put better boundaries around your time, spending less energy on activities that PULL your attention in different directions, and create better habits around PUSHING your energy where it’s needed most. It’s in that push that you’ll stop feeling so overwhelmed by every single thing that lands on your plate. You’ll become more aware of what’s on your schedule, why it’s there, if it’s actually the best use of your time, and if putting your time and energy toward it will create more of the results you actually want. If you’re someone who struggles with constantly feeling behind or is easily pulled in different directions, and you’re ready to take more of the RIGHT actions that will boost your bottom line, this episode is for you!

Show notes

In this episode, we chat about:

  • Whether quitting your day job is REALLY all it’s cracked up to be, plus our best tips on how to create more of what you want no matter where you are in your business

  • Some #realtalk about how traveling to exotic locations or stocking up on designer handbags can absolutely be a core motivator for you (no shame in that game!) and how knowing that can help you make better decisions in your life + biz

  • How this side-hustler with a full-time job at Google best manages her time WITHOUT the stress and overwhelm (yep, you’re going to want to steal this to boost your business without a lot of extra effort!)

  • Dannie’s single best tip for managing push vs. pull activities that will change the way you think about time management FOREVER so you can get more done and feel good too

  • The most common pull activities that you may not even realize are draining to your time and energy (plus how to shift this!)

  • Some mind-blowing stats about the true cost of multi-tasking so you can officially let it go and actually get more done

  • How to communicate and set expectations with people who aren't okay with you adjusting your push vs. pull focus and why this is actually better for everyone involved!

About Dannie Lynn Fountain

Dannie Lynn Fountain is a marketing strategist and whip-smart whiskey drinker currently working at Google. She has 10+ years of experience as an entrepreneur and strategist. Today, she works with creative entrepreneurs and corporations to strategize and implement marketing processes to increase their leads and sales. Her specialty is focusing on passionate storytelling, regardless of industry. Beyond strategy, Dannie is the author of four books and a regular speaker on marketing and entrepreneurship worldwide. She is also the founder of the #sidehustlegal movement. Her work has been recognized by Forbes, Bustle, Business Insider, Cosmopolitan, Girlboss, PR News, and more.


33 Mastering your money mindset so you can make more of it in your biz with Amanda Dennelly


31 How to post less on social but see more results with Ashley Mason