54 Shifting your energy to create more results with more ease with Sandra Kermode


About this episode

Chances are you’ve experienced the topic of today’s episode without ever being able to put words to it in quite this way before. That feeling you have when you’re absolutely dreading sitting down to write that newsletter to your list, only to step away, go for a walk, have a breakthrough idea, and come back to your desk to have the perfect words pour out of you... Well, THAT is the exact energy shift we’re covering in today’s episode but it applies to ALL areas of your business—not just newsletters (and it's the thing that will get you the biggest results). Because you know that you always see more results in your biz when you feel aligned to what you want and how you want to create it. But what you may not be aware of is exactly how to notice when you’re NOT in the right headspace or feeling the right energy and how to shift it so you can get more done in a way that feels good. So if you feel like you’re going through the motions, taking actions, and STILL not seeing the results you want, today’s episode all about shifting your energy is going to seriously blow your mind and help you see more results with more ease. Even if this feels a little woo-woo, trust me, it's a gamechanger and you're going to want to give yourself the space and permission to listen and implement!

Show notes

In this episode, we chat about:

  • How to stop ‘going through the motions’ in biz and start applying the right mindset and putting the right feeling behind it to see more results (because the vibes you’re putting out DO matter!)

  • Why pushing harder and longer is NEVER the answer and how to break the cycle today to get more done with less stress

  • How Sandra’s expertise as a Montessori teacher helped her to tap into redirecting her energy in her biz and experience more ease and fulfillment

  • Amanda’s all-time favorite ways to redirect her energy when she just isn’t feelin’ it that you can borrow today (and they won’t cost you a dime!) so you can make more money tomorrow

  • The absolute best way we know how to tap into what you’re needing in-the-moment while still honoring your goals and taking action toward them to create ultimate success

About Sandra Kermode

Sandra is an Intuitive Healer, Breathwork Facilitator, Keeper of Joy and Holder of Space. 

She believes that we are here to enjoy life, to feel lit up and to light others up. It’s about getting to a place where we believe that we are worthy of a joyful life and worthy of change and it’s about doing the emotional, physical and spiritual work to live that joyful life that we are so deserving of.

Her areas of expertise are navigating life as an empathic, sensitive and intuitive child or adult; unlearning stories & limiting beliefs and expectations from self and others; releasing generational pain and healing aspects of the inner child; and learning how to ultimately trust yourself and your connection to the Divine above all else. 

Sandra believes that we are here to live and act from a place of love in an ever increasingly fear based society; that we are deserving of shifting & changing in any moment when things don’t feel right; that we are our greatest healers and that nobody knows us the way that we know ourselves. To trust ourselves, our ideas, our desires and our needs. 

As a highly sensitive and empathic human, she understands how feeling our stuff can be hard. She also knows how overwhelming the world can feel for little ones who are born so connected and tapped in. She enjoys working with women 1-1, children and couples in breath work and healing sessions both in-person in San Diego and online. 


55 Going all in on pivoting your business with Monica Doyle


53 Standing out online in a sea of sameness with Christine Blubaugh