86 The Money Mindset Series: How I handled a recent monetary setback and how you can make the most out of a challenge with Amanda Joyce Weber


Throughout this series, we’ve talked a lot about how to manage your mindset around money on a NORMAL day. But what about when your bank account takes a hit? What then? In today’s episode, I’m sharing my very own experience with a rather large monetary setback (and what followed!) so that I could see more of the results I wanted, not less. The mindset shift I share in today’s episode will shift your perspective on what a monetary setback (or any challenge!) REALLY means and how you can use it to your advantage to take more actions that are in alignment with what you want. I’m not saying it doesn’t sting at first. I’m not saying you have to pretend everything’s ok. But I AM saying that your ability to reframe during challenging times will determine absolutely everything that follows, ESPECIALLY your ability to make more money!

Show notes

In this episode, I chat about:

  • A major money setback I experienced—I’m talking about the initial sting of it and the perspective I used to work through it (that you’ll definitely want to borrow!)

  • How to shift your mindset from a disempowered place to an empowered one so that you can make better decisions and more money!

  • How this experience actually SERVED me beautifully even when it didn’t look that way at the time

  • The belief that helped me to not only get through this challenge but actually go on to make more money after it

  • How you can still get what you want after a monetary setback (even and especially if it looks like it will never happen for you!)

  • How to bring this exact mindset shift to your own monetary setbacks for more results and more money and the bank

Grab your Money Mindset Journal

Ladies, reframes like the one I’m talking about in today’s episode have literally changed my life and business—yielding more money in the bank than ever before. Because the longer I sat in the negative, the more my experiences lined up with that. When I started choosing to reframe how everything was actually happening FOR me, rather than to me—I was able to see things from a whole new perspective and consequently, my circumstances changed dramatically. THAT is exactly what I want for you and why I am so incredibly passionate about getting my Money Mindset Journal into as many hands as possible so you can start making more money in your biz. Because journaling around those underlying beliefs is one of the absolute BEST ways to reframe the thoughts that are holding you back from making more money in your biz and shift them FAST. This value-packed 35-page guide includes 100 journal prompts, PLUS a bonus audio Money Mantra Meditation that will help you to integrate your new beliefs even (and especially!) on the days that you’re short on time. Listen to it while you’re putting on your makeup, doing the dishes, taking the dog for a walk or however else this fits seamlessly into your life so you can experience all of the results even on the days you’re busier than ever. Today (May 12th) is the absolute LAST day to use the code ABUNDANT at checkout to receive $10 off, bringing the cost down to a super-accessible $18. If you commit to this work, I know that this guide will basically pay for itself and SO MUCH MORE. Consider this my gift to you and a little extra encouragement to step into this life- and biz-changing work. Grab yours at amandajoyceweber.com/moneyjournal so you can start reframing that negative money mindset and step into the wealth and abundance that I know is possible for you!

About Amanda Joyce Weber

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset coach who helps creatives and entrepreneurs who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed to take the RIGHT actions to grow their business. Through one-on-one coaching, she helps them to cultivate the mindset they need to create a beautiful, balanced life and a successful, thriving business because she deeply believes you can have BOTH. She is also the host of the mindset podcast, One Simple Shift. Amanda started her career working with some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes, despite their absolutely beautiful branding. Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward creating a more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free coaching call here.


87 The Money Mindset Series: Redefining the hustle mentality when it comes to making more money with Amanda Joyce Weber


85 The Money Mindset Series: The single best mindset practice to lessen your fear around money with Amanda Joyce Weber