85 The Money Mindset Series: The single best mindset practice to lessen your fear around money with Amanda Joyce Weber


Does anyone even want what I’m selling? Will anyone buy this? Will all that money, time, and effort be for nothing? Do I know enough to share this? What if I don’t hit my income goals? What if I actually lose money on this? Is this the right investment? I’d be willing to bet one or two of these thoughts (heck, maybe all of them!?) have crossed your mind at some point in your biz. I’ll be the first to raise my hand because they totally have for me, and they held me back from making more money in my business at every turn. That was until I found this ONE journaling exercise that shifted things in a BIG way for me. This simple journaling practice is the single best mindset hack I know. It only took me 15 minutes a day and helped me to take more actions that were in alignment with what I wanted, and consequently, make more money in my biz. If you’re someone who gets hung up on all the “what if”s and “I don’t know”s of running a business then this episode is exactly what you need to start making more money with more ease, in probably way less time than you think.

Show notes

In this episode, I chat about:

  • How the release of my money mindset journal brought up some thought gremlins of my own and how KNOWING this is so important in continuing to sell and serve

  • How to identify your own worries in your biz that are keeping you staying stuck, PLUS how knowing this will shift your results

  • What all my worries had in common and how to work THROUGH them rather than avoiding them altogether

  • The ONE journaling exercise that eased my thoughts of constant worry in a BIG way

  • Everything you need to know to apply this journaling exercise to your biz TODAY so you can take more aligned action that yields money in the bank

  • How to shift those fearful money thoughts to neutral so you can make better decisions in your business to see more income and impact

Grab your Money Mindset Journal

This ONE journaling exercise shifted things in a massive way for me. That’s yet another reason I’m so committed to getting my Money Mindset Journal into as many hands as possible so you can start making more money in your biz. Because if that’s the power of ONE of these prompts, just imagine what kind of results you’ll see with the 100 I’ve included in this value-packed 35-page guide. I know that if you commit to making this work a part of your daily practice, your life and biz will shift in a BIG way. Not only that, but I included a BONUS AUDIO Money Mantra Meditation that will help you to integrate your new beliefs even (and especially!) on the days that you’re short on time. Listen to it while you’re putting on your makeup, doing the dishes, taking the dog for a walk or however else this fits seamlessly into your life so you can experience all of the results even on the days you’re busier than ever. AND if you use the code ABUNDANT at checkout, you’ll receive $10 off, bringing the cost down to a super accessible $18, if you purchase before May 12th. Consider this my gift to you and a little extra encouragement to step into this life- and biz-changing work. Grab yours at amandajoyceweber.com/moneyjournal so you can step into the wealth and abundance that I know is possible for you!

About Amanda Joyce Weber

Amanda Joyce Weber is a mindset coach who helps creatives and entrepreneurs who are feeling stressed and overwhelmed to take the RIGHT actions to grow their business. Through one-on-one coaching, she helps them to cultivate the mindset they need to create a beautiful, balanced life and a successful, thriving business because she deeply believes you can have BOTH. She is also the host of the mindset podcast, One Simple Shift. Amanda started her career working with some of the biggest brand names in New York City before moving out west and starting her own design studio. She spent years honing her process and working with creatives and entrepreneurs that struggled to cultivate the mindset they needed to take the RIGHT actions behind the scenes, despite their absolutely beautiful branding. Today, she operates her coaching practice in the mountains outside Denver, Colorado. When she’s not supporting clients, she’s going for early morning trail runs, mid-day walks with her puppy, and Friday sushi dates with her man. To connect with Amanda and take the first step toward creating a more profit and fulfillment, schedule your free coaching call here.


86 The Money Mindset Series: How I handled a recent monetary setback and how you can make the most out of a challenge with Amanda Joyce Weber


84 The Money Mindset Series: The simple money mindset exercise that changed my life with Amanda Joyce Weber