How to stop spinning your wheels and move past mindset blocks faster


When my Future You client, Marion, first came to me, she was convinced she had a systems problem. (It was the same level of conviction we felt in 2007, when we stood in front of a full-length mirror with chunky bangs and gaucho pants and thought, “Hell yes.”) 

During our initial intensive, she wanted to have better workflows in Dubsado, step-by-step processes, and “everything perfect.” (Who else is 🙋🏼‍♀️and 😅 right now?) 

After chatting for a while, we discovered that what was hidden under all those systems and processes was this: She felt like once she got her automations in place (thus creating the feeling of a white glove service), she could justify charging what she wanted to charge. (Who is still 🙋🏼‍♀️and 😅?)

At that point in her branding and design business, she didn’t have a huge roster of clients, so we talked about how she could trust herself to respond to her new clients. When we really looked at it, she didn’t need all those automations in place, and, actually, it would be a higher level of service for her to give her clients more one-to-one attention and touch points of connection with her.  

This realization totally rocked her world. 

She left the call with a big stretch goal of signing one $2500 project. 

And you know what

She came back two weeks later having booked a $7k project. 

If I could scream one message from the rooftops, it would be that MINDSET IS SO FREAKING IMPORTANT (also, all wine glasses should have stems 👏🏼). 

And Marion’s situation is a perfect example of this. 

So often, entrepreneurs think that, if they could just get their automations in place, THEN they’d be able to close more sales. Or, if they could just make X amount of money, THEN they’d be happy. Or, if they could just have a six-figure business, THEN they’d travel all the time. 

The truth is, it’s your job and your work to make all of those things a priority now. That way, you're energetically aligned with the things you're calling in, and your mindset is in a place to receive the things you want.

And getting support is the key to making that easier and happen faster. 

You could spend hours and weeks (or even months 😬) spinning your wheels and revisiting the same problems over and over (and trust, me maaaany people do), and maybe one day, you’ll get to the place where you feel justified charging the rates you want to charge. 

Or, you can get support to shift those beliefs and create new ones that actually serve you. And that can happen fast (like, in 30 minutes on a Sincere Sales coaching call).

When you have someone to reflect back to you what they see coming up, it makes it easier to see where you’re blocked and get supported to change those beliefs. 

Marion had been spinning for a while, and it took having me reflect back to her, “This is a story you’re telling yourself,” for her to be able to let go of that belief. 

From that, she was able to shift her thinking to . . .

✨ I can trust myself 

✨ I can charge what I want to charge

✨ I am not reliant on automations for success 

And, in case you didn’t catch it earlier, two weeks later, she closed a SEVEN THOUSAND dollar project. 

So many of my Future You clients have come to me with ideas of what they thought needed to happen before they could have the beautiful, balanced life and successful, thriving business they want. And what I help them see is that the work IS cultivating the mindset that makes you a match for that and receiving the results that will follow. 

And it never fails. Every week, my Basecamp notifications are filled with clients sharing things like how they made $11,866 in the last 30 days, or how potential clients are now reaching out TO them, or how they’ve been getting at least two discovery calls a week since we started working together. 

 Here are three key ways you stop spinning and start shifting your beliefs to start creating the sustainable success you want right now. All you have to do is gather up the courage to claim it. 

Feeling good is actually way more important for making sales than you may be giving it credit for.

What I see happening a lot in our space is a tendency with entrepreneurs to think, "Once I have the clients, then I'll focus on feeling good, then I'll focus on having a life, then I'll focus on actually enjoying my days." 

And what I've found to be true is that those beliefs are a more integral part of the sales process than you may think. Because feeling good has a direct impact on your sales. (Read that again!) 

Your potential clients can feel when you're miserable or not excited about your offers and programs. Human beings (of which we both are 😘) pick up on energy, and, even if they think you have a great offer, if you don't seem genuinely excited, they're going to pass. 

Whereas if you actually feel good, if you're actually pumped about the work that you do and how you support your clients, that energy and excitement will translate. And your potential clients are going to buy into that as well. 

One thing I hear from so many people is this idea that, if they can just get to the big income goal, they'll be able to enjoy their business or travel or have more time for the things they want to do. And that means hustling. 

What I've seen in my own business and with my Future You clients is that, if you can focus on how to have fun along the way, it makes the process so much more enjoyable.

And when YOU have more fun and enjoy your business (and life too for that matter!), your people are going to want to be in your energy so much more than if you're desperate to get sales and just get clients through the door. 

Now, that’s not to say you have to feel good 100% of the time. Obviously, as humans, we have emotions and feelings to process through. I actually believe that feeling your feelings is part of the way that we focus on feeling good, because it's a lot of energy to stuff those things down and pretend they don’t exist. It’s like holding a beach ball underwater . . . eventually it’s going to come exploding to the surface. 

When my clients start focusing on having fun as the goal while they’re on the path to sustainable success, that's when they're able to send me messages that say things like, “Remember when I told you I had an influx of inquiries two weeks ago? ALL OF THEM SAID YES!” and, “Another $15k month!!! That’s 3 in a row!!!!! I’m floored 🤯”

Give yourself space to separate the thoughts in your head from what’s on the page.

So often I'll have clients come to me, and they're spinning around the same decision (usually something we’ve talked about in a previous session). Totally here for that, it’s literally the point of coaching. And we'll talk through those things as much as needed to get them to the other side. 

But what I find to be true so often when we're spinning on those things is that we’re making ourselves wrong for it. 

You think, Ugh, I thought I already decided this, and now I’m going back and forth. Is this the right decision? Should I do it this other way?

And suddenly it feels EVEN HARDER to pick a direction and decide. 

One thing I recommend here is writing down those thoughts, writing down your options, and creating some separation by getting things down on paper. 

When you get that distance (even just from your brain to a sheet of paper), you’re able to see things differently. 

You can see it's really clear that you want X, but you’re telling yourself that you can't get it because of Y, or you'll see a specific fear coming up. And when you can recognize those things, it’s easier to work on them. The mindset work becomes so much clearer than when you’re just spinning in your head.

When you keep things bottled up, they run in the background, and you keep overthinking. So, next time you’re spinning, get a piece of paper, give your thoughts a container to go into, and process through those thoughts, so you can move your business forward faster. 

Know your patterns to move through mindset blocks faster.

Recently, I had an amazing, Consistent Client Intensive with an amazing human. And she came into the intensive thinking, Oh, my gosh, I do not have a marketing plan. Marketing is my main problem and the reason I need your help

As we talked through things on the call, it became obvious to me that she actually did have a marketing plan and was clear on the steps that she needed to take. What was actually going on was more of a team implementation challenge.  

When we were able to get to the root of that, it was SO much more obvious what actions needed to happen. 

I am all about getting in the right mindset to take more of the right actions in your business, and this was such a good example of that. 

What I have found to be true is a lot of the clients that I work with have written up the marketing plan, like 15 times, but haven’t cultivated the mindset to actually take action on it. And that’s why it’s so helpful to know your patterns or defaults. 

When you know what you tend to fall back on, it’s easier (and faster!) to solve for the right problem and move your business forward. 

This is part of the work that I love doing to support my clients and why I continue to offer my free Sincere Sales coaching calls to help you get to the root of your biggest mindset challenge around sales. 

So often I see people spinning on the wrong things and getting hung up on one thing when it's not actually the thing that's keeping them stuck. 

I continue to offer these (even though I am fully booked in my business!) because I freaking love coaching you in those breakthroughs. I would much rather you hop on a call with me for 30 minutes and get to the root of the pattern or problem. 

In fact, here’s what one client said after an intensive together:

"I loved how she made me feel seen. That was really the feeling I got from my first interaction with her on the Sincere Sales coaching call. I was struggling so much with overwhelm, and I really felt like she held space for me to express my thoughts. 

I was amazed with how quickly she spotted the mindset blocks holding me back and gave me so much clarity on what to do next. 

When we were going through the Consistent Clients intensive, I really appreciated how she was always so mindful that the direction and action steps we were creating felt good to me instead of just outright sharing her expertise and spoon feeding me tips to follow. 

I’ve encountered so many people in the online space who tell entrepreneurs what they SHOULD do, and those encounters always leave me feeling intimidated and overwhelmed. 

In contrast, the intensive with Amanda gave me so much relief because it was focused on crafting a strategy that was tailor fit to my skills, my energy, my mindset and what I enjoyed doing in business. In just two hours, she was able to answer my questions and help me craft a simple strategy that I felt really good about. 

In the week-long email support that was included in the intensive, Amanda also diligently answered my follow-up questions and reviewed EVERY piece of my content from the visuals to the captions. 

I appreciate how the whole intensive felt so personal and how she is so generous with the value that she shares. Even after the intensive, I still go back to the recording of the call and Amanda’s advice on content creation. This was my first experience of 1:1 support from a coach, and I truly learned so much!

The Bottom Line

Understanding your mindset patterns and focusing on how you feel are two game-changing pieces you can work on in your business. And while it seems like those aren’t directly related to sales, when you can move past mindset blocks quickly, create space to make decisions in your business, and learn to enjoy the process, sales will come easier and faster. 

If you’re ready to get to the root of what’s holding you back so you can take action and see real results, I want to invite you to grab a complimentary Sincere Sales coaching call. In one half hour, we’ll figure out and shift the biggest mindset block stopping you from creating bigger results in your business. Sessions are limited each month, so grab yours today:


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I'd LOVE to know – What do you typically do when you find yourself spinning with the same thoughts?


The mindset that has supported my clients in growing from $2k to $20k months


The mindset to build a six-figure business you love