The mindset that has supported my clients in growing from $2k to $20k months


It might feel like there's some secret that the online business space is keeping from you. 

If there wasn't, you totally would have hit that juicy $20k month or booked out your client roster for the remainder of 2023 already, right? 


What I've learned from being in the online space since 2015 (so freaking crazy that it's already been that long) is that there is no secret. 

There isn't a magic wand tucked away from you that would transform everything if you found it and gave it a nice wave. 

But what I've found to be true in building my own six-figure business and helping my amazing Future You clients do the same is that there isn't just one thing. 

Often I see people put a huge amount of pressure on the sales actions that they're taking in their business, and it can make it feel so defeating when they don't see results from that one post or that one offer right away. 

I'm here to tell you that lasting and sustainable success doesn't come from that one Reel you filmed using that trending sound (though I do love me a good Cody Rigsby truth bomb 😉). It doesn't come from that one $15k month. And there is no secret. 

The BIG results that you're after happen when you show up for those sales actions again and again over time. That and whole heck of a lot of the right support so you can continue to take them with the mindset and energy to match.

So, that "one thing" you haven't uncovered isn't just one thing. It's showing up for that one thing time and time again and watching those results stack because of it.

What I have seen to be true in both my own work and the work I do with my Future You clients, however, is that there are things that will move your business forward faster.

I say this because these are the real results my clients have achieved with 1:1 coaching support: 

🔥 Hitting steady $18k income months 

🔥 Filling up their sales calls slots with dreamy leads 

🔥 Booking projects through the next 6 months (hello, waitlist 👋) 

🔥 Having 200+ sign-ups for a virtual webinar 

🔥 Bringing in $22k in sales HALFWAY through the month while taking a 9-day trip 

Future You is the mindset and sales support that empowers you to build the real, successful, thriving business you truly desire in a way that works for YOU. 

We remove the pressure you see in the online space that says, "this is the secret you've been missing" in reaching that celebratory six-figure mark. 

Believe me when I say my clients celebrate these huge wins because this kind of support is designed to work for THEM so they can feel good making the mindset shifts to take more of the right sales actions in their business and make more money because of that. 

Today, I’m sharing more on the mindset that has supported multiple clients in growing from $2k to $20k months. 

The mindset shift: You can hit $20k months without it being a fluke

It can be really hard to digest that you've built this amazing reality, and you might even feel like you need a pinch to wake up from this dream! 

As those Stripe payments come rolling in and you realize you've hit your first $20k month, the thoughts might come creeping in… “what if this is just a fluke and I can’t ever recreate it?

But here's the thing – and I know this because I've supported so many of my Future You clients in creating those BIG income months… 

You don't just somehow end up hitting your first $20k goal when you've been bringing in $2k for months. It's not something that happens overnight (although how freaking great would it feel to roll over on a sunny Sunday morning to randomly find $20k dropped into your account?). 

What I need you to know is it is completely possible to go from consistent $2k months to consistent $20k months, but there are steps that happen in between so you can feel confident in the big results you achieve. 

When you have a foundation in place – you’re owning what you’re amazing at, you’re marketing consistently, you know how you’re attracting dream clients, and you’re clear on your sales process – you get really damn good at selling and do it in a way that feels good to you.

THAT is the stable foundation that those big income months are built on.

Yes, there will be moments where things might feel a little stretchy or uncomfortable, but when you dial down the pressure and begin seeing your results as something that's built over time with a strong foundation, it will make it that much easier to repeat those incredible results again and again.

The mindset shift: you can achieve results so much quicker when you stop second-guessing the power of mindset

My Future You clients who experience a lot of success (I'm talking about securing their first $19k contract and crossing the six-figure mark in sales only a year into business kind of success) know that mindset is the thing that has led them to achieve all of those HUGE results.

Not only do they understand the power of mindset, but they've seen it play out enough times to have a massive bank of evidence proving that it really supports them in getting results.

The results in your business don't just happen – just like those $20k months aren't just a fluke.

You are the one who creates the results, but to do that, you need to feel connected to them so you can recreate them over and over.

I've seen so many of my clients do a lot of really important mindset work (because hi, that’s why they hired me 👋), and the ones who get big results are not second-guessing if mindset makes a difference. They're working from a belief system that supports them in getting those incredible results again and again.

So, when they wobble or face a new challenge (because, let's face it, that's #entrepreneurlife), they know how to get back to what works because it's worked for them in the past.

When you stop second-guessing the powerful role that mindset plays in your business growth, it shortens the timeline and makes achieving your version of success that much quicker.

The mindset shift: it’s so much easier to go after what you want when you make your challenges less about you

Raise your hand if you think hitting a specific income goal will completely absolve you of any challenges in your business. If you're doing that little half-raised hand, because maybe this feels like a trick question and you're not sure, it's totally okay! When I pivoted to coaching, I definitely used to think this 🙋🏼‍♀️.

But, the true answer is no magical milestone exists, and there are challenges that will pop up at every level of business. So, if you're someone who believes that challenges in your business mean something about you as a person or mean that you're doing something wrong, I want you to know this…

When you make your challenges less about you and start seeing them as something completely normal that happens in every business, it will make it much easier to go after what you want, continue taking action around that, and move your business forward faster.

So many of my Future You clients have experienced the pain point we like to call no-shows (IYKYK). And when this happens, we can be so quick to jump to the idea that we need to rework our entire business because your Zoom waiting room sat empty as you waited for that lead to hop on.

It can feel really freaking disappointing when people don't show up for their sales calls, but the key is to normalize that this is something that happens in every business (and honestly, for anyone who's ever been in sales).

Instead of pouring your energy into the idea that people don't want to work with you or that there must have been something wrong with your offer or your pricing, you can shift your mindset to use the energy as fuel to go out and get more of what you want in your business.

The bottom line:

I believe that things can shift quickly in your business to create BIG results. However I also believe that they shift quickly BECAUSE of a rock-solid mindset, consistent sales actions, and a whole heck of a lot of the right support.

So no, you can't wave a magic wand and watch your business growth skyrocket (even if the online space leads you to believe that’s the key to making six-figures in six minutes). However, you can achieve the results you desire when you make powerful mindset shifts to help you take consistent sales actions and make more money in your business.

I have 2 spots open for Future You, my 6-month 1:1 sales and mindset coaching program that will help you cultivate the mindset you need to close more sales and truly thrive in your life and business. If this is something you've been thinking about, I encourage you to book a free clarity call with me so you can get all of the details and decide if this is the right step in moving your business forward faster.


Share with me in the comments:

I'd LOVE to know – what’s one sales action you’d like to be more consistent with in your business so you can make those $20k months happen for you?


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