Three mindset shifts to show up consistently and attract ideal clients (even when things feel hard AF)

There I was – red in the face, tears rolling down my cheeks, snot making it difficult to breathe, wondering if this was just how business was going to feel forever. Before you ask: yes, I used to (read: sometimes still do) have the tendency to be a tiiiiny bit dramatic when business doesn’t feel like it’s going my way.

I was having what seemed like the millionth coaching call with my business coach where I was convinced that it was the “beginning of the end” and it was “never going to work.”

It was the year that I had hit my first $10k month. I was thrilled AND the series of $5k and then $3k months that followed sent me into a tizzy.

The irony of all of this is that I had been getting consistent clients. I had data that tracked that the business was growing. And yet there I was, in a bit of a dip – and I was making it mean A LOT.

What if this is the beginning of the end?

What if I never get another client ever again?

What if my pivot from design to coaching was a mistake?

What if I poured so much into this business and it never worked?

Sound familiar? 😅 The reason I know this is because I’ve quite literally been there and these are the very same thoughts I coach my 1:1 Future You in shifting because we ALL need someone in our corner supporting us in this way.

And I probably don’t have to tell you that when those are the thoughts that are spinning around the vortex that is your online business brain, hardly any good can come of it.

I was spiraling. FAST.

“I don’t get it, I’m so good at manifesting things in my life. Why can’t I manifest what I want in the business?” I sobbed.

I’ll paraphrase what followed because I was too up in my feels to remember exactly what it is my coach said, but it was something to the effect of:

“Because you’re still looking in the direction of what you don’t want instead of what you DO want.”

Meaning, what you focus on expands. And what I was focused on was all the reasons that this business wouldn’t work… which was consequently making it a million times harder to show up for the things that would actually help it TO work.

One of my favorite quotes is by Elizabeth Gilbert and it reads, “I've never seen any life transformation that didn't begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullshit.”

And at that moment, I decided I was finally tired of my own bullshit. I knew that if I wanted business to look different then I had to start thinking about it differently.

And that shift? Took me from a $3,626 month of crying, tears, and bullshittery (™🤣) to an $11,181 month that followed.

**Important note: These stories are always SO layered. Of course, there was more than ONE mindset shift that happened to make this possible and so much more at play here. But if I boil it down to the one thing that made the biggest difference? It was this.**

The reason that I’m telling you this isn’t to glorify how “hard” it is to build a business but rather to give you evidence of the power of shifting your mindset and taking aligned action to sell – even and especially when it feels like nothing’s working.

The truth is, that $11k month was built during the $3k months prior to it. I just couldn’t SEE it yet.

And if you really think about it, that’s what faith boils down to: believing in it before you can see evidence that it’s working and trusting the Universe to show up if you do. And it's also the practical piece of how differently you show up when you actually can see how it IS working.

That’s why today I’m sharing with you three mindset shifts to show up consistently and attract ideal clients (even when things feel hard AF) because your five-figure month very well might be your next.

The challenges in your business don’t always mean what you think they do

Sometimes things just don’t go the way you want them to in your business. Trust me when I say it happens to the very best of us!

We’ve all experienced leads who ghost, lower conversions for a launch, or a handful of unsubscribes to our email lists.

Now, I don’t mean to downplay those challenges by any means. They can be very REAL (and are things I support my 1:1 Future You clients with all of the time!)

If you’re facing a challenge in your business that isn’t going the way you want it to, ask yourself this.

“What am I making those things mean?”

Because what I’ve found to be true in building my own six-figure business is that often, it isn’t so much the circumstances that hold you back but rather what we make those circumstances mean.

When you see a bunch of unsubscribes, and you stop sending weekly emails because of that, you begin to sabotage your sales.

When you see low conversions during a launch so you pull back on selling because you feel like nobody is interested in your offer, you're making those low conversions mean nobody wants to buy from you.

When we have so much emotion wrapped up in those uncomfortable challenges, the tendency is to want to pull back altogether and stop showing up for the sales actions that are actually going to be the thing that grows your business.

Now, I’m all for taking the time to process your feelings but I encourage you to look at the challenge you’re facing from an objective perspective and identify what you can do to continue taking those sales actions so that you can get the bigger result because of them.

And remember → if you stop taking those actions altogether, you won’t see any results at all!

True momentum is built in knowing that there are often small shifts you can make to strategically help you grow, but it means working through the discomfort and the emotions that come up around those challenges.

So, when we can look at the challenges that we face in our businesses and think, “It isn’t so much about the challenge itself, but what I’m making it mean,” it becomes so much easier to solve for what is actually going to boost your bottom line.

There is so much value in being the easy solution

This is your reminder that there is SO much value in being the easy solution.

I live in the mountains, and it can be so hard to get contractors up to our house to do any sort of work. Trust me when I say that was a HUGE culture shock when I first moved here from NYC 😲

So when I see someone pop up on Nextdoor who is ready to make the trek out here and solves the exact problem I have, I do a little celebratory dance 💃 because I know my life is about to get 10x easier.

And your potential clients feel the same way about you when you show up, share value, and become that person in the forefront of their minds, especially when they are looking for someone to hire for that very real problem they have.

They’re out there looking for a solution, and it’s a huge disservice if you make it really hard to find you.

And I say this with love, but playing hard to get is not helpful.

If you haven’t posted to Instagram since 2020 or haven’t updated your blog in the past two years, people who find you might just stop and think, “Is she still even offering website design/social media management/insert your niche here?”

However… when you show up, share your magnetic message, and post to the point that it almost feels like too much – you’ve just become a gift and a blessing for the people who need your work because you’re making it that much easier for them to take the next step with you.

Stick with the stretchy sales actions - even if you aren’t seeing immediate results

So often, there can be a gap between when you start taking consistent marketing and sales actions in your business and when you actually reap the rewards of those actions.

When my 1:1 Future You clients first start to show up consistently, market the heck out of their offers, walk their sales processes forward, do the work to run these things on rinse and repeat with less guesswork, and draw in more aligned clients and grow their businesses in the ways they truly want – they typically don’t see the results they’re after immediately. 

This can be a really freaking uncomfortable time in your business because all of these feelings and emotions tend to pop up that make it SO difficult to stick with the strategy to get those juicy results that are on the other side.

And instead of pushing forward to get to the other side, our brains start to tell us to pull back because of the discomfort (and because it’s their literal job to keep us safe 🫠)

So, when it seems like nothing we’re doing is working, we’re not gaining any traction, and nobody is hitting “add to cart” on our offers, we (maybe unintentionally) decide to hit the brakes. 

But what I want you to remember is doing this is only going to put you on the path to stopping. 

It’s NOT going to put you on the path that leads to the other side of discomfort, even though that’s where you’ll find the bigger business results you desire. 

If you pull back on the sales actions that are going to lead to the sale, there is no sale on the other side of that! 

However, if you continue to show up and stick with those stretchy actions (even when you feel like you’re not seeing results), you’ll be able to move your business forward that much more quickly.

The bottom line…

I think I can safely say that if every business owner has one thing in common, it’s that they all face very REAL challenges that can feel hard AF. 

And what I know to be true is that the right mindset helps them in navigating those challenges so they can create bigger business results and reach the success they truly desire.

Having the right support is an absolute game-changer when it comes to making those mindset shifts (even when things feel super stretchy) so you can continue to show up consistently, sell your offers in a way that feels good, and reach those next-level income months again and again. 

If you’re ready to get to the root of your biggest mindset challenges in your business so you can shift them and start seeing more of the results you want (think $10k, $15k, and even $20k months) with far more ease, I encourage you to join me for a completely free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call. 

I offer a limited number of these sessions each week, so be sure to grab one here at a time that works best for you!


Share with me in the comments:

What’s one very real challenge you’ve overcome in your business? Bonus points if you tell us how you shifted your mindset around it!


My Eras Tour takeaways to help you make more money


The permission you didn’t know you needed to show up and SELL