The permission you didn’t know you needed to show up and SELL


Is it just me or has the online space gotten, LOUD? Like, Ollie (🐶) barking at deer in the backyard at 5:30 am on a Saturday morning kind of loud (and yes, my neighbors actually are moving away case you were wondering 🤪).

Polarizing content has been taken to a whole new level.

In the words of T. Swift herself… 🎶

You are somebody that I don't know

But you're taking shots at me like it's Patrón

And I'm just like "Damn, it's 7:00 a.m."

Ah, so relatable, right? One scroll of IG can have your head spinning with five million new ideas of how to sell the “right” way – approximately four hundred and ninety-nine million of which you don’t have the time or capacity to take action on at this exact moment. And honestly, who does?

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m totally here for sharing your truth and I know that sh*t sells, but I also know that with that it can be so easy to slip into thoughts that you must be “doing it wrong” (no matter what IT is you’re doing) because of all of the conflicting advice out there.

Pair that with how badly you want your business to work and it’s a recipe for feeling inadequate (read: like 💩) at every turn.

And I know it can feel confusing AF because the truth is that there’s a place for all of it. There’s a place for every sales strategy. And it ALL works if you work it (ok fine, not all of it, but a lot of it).

So the work becomes focusing on and finding out what actually works for YOU.

Because THAT right there is where I see my Future You clients get the best results.

In fact, just last week a client dropped me a note celebrating the below ⬇️

✨ May was a really good income month! 17.5k!

✨ Landed a BIG project with a repeat client that has brought in almost $8k!

✨ Got another client on retainer which both feels good AND is money they can rely on in this next chapter!

But I’m here to tell you that what makes this ⬆️ possible isn’t one single strategy that I spoonfeed all my clients (because spoiler alert: it just doesn’t work like that) but rather the work we do to find the sales actions that feel best TO THEM.

It’s then that we do the mindset work to take more of those “right for them” sales actions consistently.

Read: work through all of the beliefs that say your industry is oversaturated, no one is seeing your content, you’re too expensive, or not good enough yet.

THEN (and only then) is it easier to feel rooted in what you have to offer and sell that clearly and consistently so you can get more leads, clients, and money in the bank.

It’s consequently also what supports you in enjoying LIFE more because you finally feel confident in what you’re doing, rather than scrolling for what you must be missing 😓(no shame, I’ve done it too).

THAT is what a rock-solid sales mindset does for you. It helps clear out the noise because, for the first time in a long time, you feel clear on what works for you and your business and are getting the results from it – like those Consistent Clients you desire.

It’s consequently also what gives you the SPACE to enjoy life because you’re not stressed AF about where the next client is coming from.

So today, I’m sharing three game-changing mindset shifts that are the permission you didn’t know you needed to SELL (and feel really damn good doing it!) so you can close more of them.

It’s ok if it feels like work

Business gets about a million times more fun when you have the mindset to land clients on repeat…

AND (and this is a big AND)

It’s still work.

I built a six-figure business that I absolutely LOVE.

✨ One in which I work 20-25 hours a week.

✨ One in which I support clients who are an absolute JOY to work with.

✨ One in which I can sell in the DMs from a bubble bath.

✨ One that allows me to take off at 2pm on a random Tuesday afternoon to run around the lake.

✨ One with the flexibility and income to jet off to Hawaii twice last year among many other trips.


✨ I have seasons where I work more than 25 hours per week because I WANT to.

✨ I have international clients so sometimes my session times are a bit early or a bit later.

✨ I take sales calls *gasp* because I know it’s the fast track to relationship building.

✨ I pay more for my team so that I have that flexibility to take off and travel (and it’s so, so worth it).

My point is…

There’s this idea floating around in the online space that the “perfect” business is the one in which you can make the most and work the least.

And believe me, I get how appealing that messaging sounds.

But it’s also SUPER confusing to get into the coaching container that’s supposed to help you do that, only to realize… it’s still work. And also really difficult to get the right support from someone who never works. 😂

I’m all for infusing more fun and joy into your sales actions. I’m all for client check-ins by the pool or designing that brand package in that cute Airbnb by the beach.

But it’s still work.

And at the end of the day, I’m here to support you in growing the six-figure business you actually want to BE IN. The one that you WANT to show up for and do the work, not the one you’re hoping to make a quick buck and get out of as soon as possible.

So yes, it feels a million times more fun AND it’s still work. One doesn’t negate the other. 😘

Stop trying to sell without selling

Here’s my spicy take on this concept of “sell without selling”:

You don’t. That’s it. That’s the whole post.

I’m kidding, but in full transparency, this is one concept in the online space that I just can’t get behind:

The super damaging myth that “you can make sales in your business without actually selling.”

The truth is: sales are what make your business sustainable. If you’re not selling, it’s impossible for you to bring in money and stay in business long-term.

(Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love the impact I make supporting my amazing clients with their mindset around sales and watching them hit $16k months, but I can’t do it for free. And neither can YOU.)

One thing I share with all of my clients to help them ditch the “ick” or build confidence when it comes to selling is to embody the six-figure CEO now.

What I mean by this is embodying the person who wholeheartedly believes in what you are selling and is a living, breathing example of the difference it can make. So much of that congruence is based on mindset and energetics rather than what you’re actually SAYING when you sell.

Because when you lean into your offer, feel it in your core, and KNOW you can help your potential clients, that energy can’t help but translate to your sales process. And when that happens, you make more sales and more money in your business while feeling really freaking good about the process.

I do believe that when people say “sell without selling” that embodiment and energetic alignment is what they’re referring to – and that piece I can totally stand behind.

But the bigger picture is that when you’re showing up glowing in your own confidence and owning what you’re good at, you still need to have a sales process behind you.

The right mindset helps that process so so you can take more of the right sales actions in your business and it doesn’t feel like this hard or heavy thing to show up and sell!

Instead, it flows naturally and feels really good which translates to energy people want in on.

It’s sexier to sell in the dms

I’ve been hearing the online space buzzing with the idea that selling in the DMs is the easy way to land clients in 2023 and I’ll be honest, this gave me a reason to pause.

I think we’re forgetting a really important piece of the puzzle here which is the truth that:

All sales require SOME degree of effort.

I mean, really think about it – have you ever walked into a car dealership and handed them a check without sitting down to chat with someone, even if you already knew you were going to be driving off the lot with your brand-new Jeep Wrangler? Likely not.

While I totally get that there’s less scheduling in the DMs and you can sport a naked face sans any of your favorite Il Makiage accents, there are still things that need to happen there in order to make the sale.

And while you can have a casual conversation while you’re soaking in your tub instead of being glued to your desk, the DMs aren't just some magical place where sales just happen. AKA you still need to show up and sell!

On the other side of that (and this is coming from someone who really loves her afternoons in the hot tub), I think the DMs can make it harder to keep a comfortable cadence going to help potential clients really move through the blocks that are holding them back from buying.

As a 6-figure CEO who has made sales in the DMs AND has had a huge amount of success on sales calls, I wholeheartedly believe we need to stop pedestaling one process over the other because they both require connection and effort.

The only difference is that one may feel better for you than the other but at the end of the day, you’re still going to have to have a conversation, make the pitch, and tell them how much your offer costs.

So, if you love convos in the DMs, then, by all means, show up and sell there. But, if you love the deep dive that happens on sales calls, get those booked. There’s no one right way to do it in 2023.

The sales process is about finding what feels good to you so you can show up to sell, transform potential clients into paying clients, and make more money in your business.

The bottom line:

There’s no one “right” way to sell in your business – the same way there’s no one “right” business model or one “right” way to make money.

But this online space sure does get off on making you feel wrong. Not only that, but they make a sh*t ton of money doing it.

What I find to be true is that there isn’t a “right” way, but there is a “right for you” way. And when you have me by your side to help you uncover what that looks like and do the mindset work to believe in yourself and what you have to offer – you show up more, your results compound, and your success is inevitable.

THAT is what I’m here to help you uncover on an absolutely free Sincere Sales coaching call. Together we’ll get to the root of the mindset drama that’s keeping you stuck and shift it so you can lean into why YOU are the exact perfect person to support your clients AND sell them on that.

‘Cause not only does it feel a heck of a lot better to sell from that place, but it’s also the thing that supports you in hitting that first $2k, $5k, $10k+ income months too. There are limited spots available so don’t wait to grab yours!


Share with me in the comments:

I'd LOVE to know – Do you prefer to show up in the DMs or hop on sales calls? There’s no right or wrong answer! 


Three mindset shifts to show up consistently and attract ideal clients (even when things feel hard AF)


The mindset that has supported my clients in growing from $2k to $20k months