100 Shifting Stress and Finding Your Peace with Stephannie Weikert


About this episode

Have you ever found yourself seriously stressed in either life or biz, only to be even more stressed by the fact that you’re feeling that way? I think we’ve all been there at some point. The thing is, when you’re IN IT it can be difficult to know how to shift those feelings so you’re on your way to a different experience. Perhaps you’re stressed by the sheer number of things there are to do in your business. Maybe, you’re stressed about gaining visibility in a way you never have before. Or maybe a particular client has you stressing about the best way to handle a difficult situation. Whatever the cause of your stress, I think it’s safe to say that life and business are filled with ups and downs. So today we’re diving into how you can make peace with stress so you can be present, calm, confident, and heck, even change the world. Because the truth is, we always see more of the results we want when we feel good, so learning how to do that, regardless of what your circumstances throw at you is a skill worth cultivating. Plus, it’s probably far less involved than you may think!

Show notes

In this episode, we chat about:

  • Stephanie’s fundamental belief that stress is not something to manage and how you can think of it instead so you can thrive

  • The signs to look out for in determining if chronic stress is impacting your life and business and what you can do to shift it for more results

  • One action you can take today to shift habits and behaviors that aren’t serving you, plus how this can transform your life and biz for years to come

  • The mindset shift you need to make peace with stress so you can get off the hamster wheel and make positive changes that last (and make it easier to grow your biz)

  • Stephanie’s signature 3-step process that you can start applying to your business NOW so you can be present, calm, confident, and heck, even change the world

Grab your free Sincere Sales Coaching Call

If you’re finding yourself stressed in your business more often than not, I would be willing to bet your mindset is playing a BIG part in that. I hear again and again that time and money are the absolute biggest stressors when it comes to building and growing a successful business, and I happen to be absolutely incredible at helping you to shift your mindset around both of those so you can gain visibility, close more sales, and truly thrive. And while your brain might be telling you that you need a ton more time to devote to closing more sales and making more money in your business, I’ve found that’s usually not the case. In fact, you may only be one simple shift away from actually feeling good about selling and closing more of them. That’s why I absolutely LOVE offering my free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching calls, where I coach you through your biggest mindset challenge when it comes to selling and how to shift it for more results. I only do a limited number of these each week, so be sure to head over to  amandajoyceweber.com/sinceresales to grab yours today!

About Stephannie Weikert

Stephannie Weikert is a Certified Yoga Therapist who helps smart, capable men and women manage stress with some of the most fundamental, yet little-known principles of yoga.

She’s been teaching therapeutic yoga for stress in studios, hospitals, businesses, and with her 1:1 clients since 2005. Now she’s on a mission to make meaningful personal growth doable and practical with her signature Make Peace with Stress approach so of us can be present, calm and confident, and change the world.

When not mentoring individuals and organizations to transform challenges into catalysts for growth, Stephannie can usually be found under a pile of books or working on writing her first book about how to take charge of your chaotic mind and focus on what’s really important to you.

Discover more about Stephannie’s work at stephannieweikert.com and Make Peace with Stress at makepeacewithstress.com.


101 Healing past trauma for accelerated business growth with Laura & Betsy Milne


99 Achieving your goals even when it’s uncomfortable with Bethany Adkins