Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

162 SCHOLARSHIP NOW OPEN! How to take ownership of what you CAN control in your business to skyrocket your results with Chelsea Blackwell

My clients get incredible results. Period. But I know it’s one thing to have me say it, and a completely different thing to hear it in their own words. So today I’m re-airing my chat with Future You coaching scholarship participant, Chelsea Blackwell, about the mindset shift that made the absolute biggest difference in our work together.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

136 CROWD FAV: Is Social Media Toxic? with Amanda Joyce Weber

This week I’m taking some time off and enjoying vacation with the hubby! But I wouldn’t just leave you hanging without a podcast episode—so this week, on the One Simple Shift podcast, I’m re-airing a crowd favorite where I talk about the pros and cons of social media, as well as my thoughts on it now as an entrepreneur.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

117 Was “fun” the wrong word to choose for 2020? with Amanda Joyce Weber

I think we can all agree that 2020 looks exactly nothing like we thought it would. Personally, I’m over here nodding vigorously and raising my hand. I certainly had no idea what the Universe had up its sleeve when I chose “FUN” as my guiding word this year. And yet despite all that life has thrown my way in the past 12 months, I can see that there were so. many. lessons. that I so deeply needed.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

116 Is Social Media Toxic? with Amanda Joyce Weber

“Social media is toxic.” I’ve heard it on more than one occasion. And honestly, I used to think so too. That was until I realized exactly how much this single thought was holding me back from marketing my business. Each post I’d see had me swimming in a sea of comparison, wondering how other people were putting out SO much content, living amazing lives, and seemingly doing it all with so much ease.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

115 How streamlining and organizing may be keeping you stuck with Amanda Joyce Weber

Have you ever felt like if you had your client onboarding process perfectly mapped out THEN they would come rolling in? OR if only your desktop didn’t look like sheer chaos, THEN you’d feel so much better about your business? Or that SURELY redoing your investment guide for the fifteenth time would finally allow you to feel validated in your rates…

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

114 Using your unique human design to leverage business growth with Abigail Holland

What if you spent less time doing what you’re “supposed to do” in business and more time focusing on what you’re DESIGNED to do? We answer that question and so much more in today’s episode. We dive into human design—think about it like a combination between astrology and Myers-Briggs that is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design—and how knowing yourself and your energy can help you to leverage business growth.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

113 The best way to set financial goals in your business with Dondrea Owens

There’s a lot of hype in the online space around hitting those big number goals. In fact, it’s talked about SO much that perhaps you’ve never really stopped to consider what you actually want. Exactly how much money does your business ACTUALLY need to align with your purpose and your needs? Today we’re diving into the exact numbers you need to know in your business so you can make better decisions FOR YOU rather than some arbitrary number thrown around on the internet.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

112 You’re not actually broken (and neither is your business!) with Kaitlyn Kessler

Alignment. Ease. Effortless. Did those words get your attention? The truth is, that might be the exact OPPOSITE to how business feels to you right now. You may be husting it out, feeling like you need to do all the things, wondering how on earth you’re going to grow when it ALREADY feels so unsustainable to keep going like this.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

111 Why mindset alone won’t create the result you desire (and what to do instead!) with Amanda Joyce Weber

I say it ALL the damn time. Cultivate the mindset you need to take more of the right actions in your business. But perhaps that’s left you wondering, “What exactly ARE those right actions anyway!? And how is mindset going to be the thing that supports you in that!?” Today, I’m dishing out the answer to that and SO MUCH more so you can be sure you’re putting your energy and effort into what is ACTUALLY going to make the biggest difference in your life and business.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

110 Naming your inner imposter so you can take more aligned action with Jill Parekh

Perhaps you’ve noticed that no matter how much experience you have, how many credentials you stack up, or how much money you make in your business, you’re left with the lingering feeling that it just isn’t enough (or maybe even in hearing that your brain told you that you DON'T have experiences, credentials, and so on?!). You may even be afraid that one day you’ll be “found out” and everyone will know that you’ve just been winging it this entire time. Not only that, but this fear has been holding you back from showing up in your business and seeing more of the results you want in a major way.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

109 How to talk about what you do and who you help with more ease with Amanda Joyce Weber

If you’ve been holding yourself back from gaining visibility and marketing your business, I would be willing to bet that there are quite a few mindset hurdles standing in your way. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been there too, but I also knew that it was nearly impossible to actually land clients if I wasn’t doing this ONE thing. So today on the One Simple Shift podcast, I’m diving into one of the most important mindset shifts you need to feel good about your marketing and have it work wonders for your business.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

108 How to show up online and generate leads (in far less time than you think) with Amanda Joyce Weber

Let me tell you, I used to be a whole hell of a lot more intimidated by the word “marketing” than I care to admit. To me, marketing felt like this thing I didn’t really understand. I used to wonder exactly HOW to show up online in a way that landed paying clients. It felt like a giant puzzle that I couldn’t crack the code on. I know now what was missing (trust me, it makes so much more sense now!) and that’s exactly what I’m so excited to share with you in this episode. The good news is that it isn’t nearly as intimidating as I originally thought. I’m here today to fill you in on the easiest way to stay consistent with your marketing plan so you can make more money in your online business. If you’re someone who feels like you’re at the whim of referrals, seriously stresses over what to post to social media, or is wondering how you’re doing all these different things but STILL not getting leads, today’s episode is exactly what you need to shift your mindset and gain visibility.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

107 The #1 thing I see keeping new entrepreneurs stuck with Amanda Joyce Weber

I get it. You can’t pop into a Facebook group or scroll Instagram without hearing why this is THE THING you’ve been looking for to create the exact results you want. You connect with the video they posted. The copy reads like it’s straight out of your head. And it has you thinking, “maybe this IS the thing you’ve been looking for.” Not only that, but it sounds like there is some serious money to be made on the other side. And yet, this happens so frequently that it even has a name. Today, I’m talking about this ONE thing (that I see keeping MOST new entrepreneurs stuck) and how it may be keeping you at a standstill in your business. I’m sharing my personal story as to how this showed up for me in my business, plus the mindset challenges I racked up along the way. But, I like to think that I struggled so you don’t have to. If you’re someone who feels like you’ve downloaded all the freebies, bought your fair share of online courses, or has hopped from coach to coach more often than you care to admit, then this episode is exactly what you need to break the cycle and see more results!

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

106 How to take ownership of what you CAN control in your business to skyrocket your results with Chelsea Blackwell

My clients get incredible results. Period. But I know it’s one thing to have me say it, and a completely different thing to hear it in their own words. So today I’m chatting with last year’s Future You coaching scholarship participant, Chelsea Blackwell, about the mindset shift that made the absolute biggest difference in our work together. We’re going deep on the mindset work it takes to stop managing the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of others and what to do instead for more results. This is the exact mindset shift that literally changed Chelsea’s life and business. If you’re someone who is afraid to raise your rates because of what others might think, is worried about how your clients REALLY feel about working with you, or constantly feel like you’re at the whim of inquiries or referrals, this episode is going to be an absolute game-changer for you!

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

105 Loss, grief, and my best months in business with Amanda Joyce Weber

I can see really clearly now that I thought I would stop having challenges altogether when I hit a certain income goal. Saying it out loud, I can hear how silly that sounds and yet, I’ll be honest, that really was how I was thinking about it. I thought life and business were smooth sailing after a certain point. So imagine my surprise when my best income months ever showed up right alongside an unexpected loss and the grief that came with it. So in today’s episode, I’m sharing a quick life update and what I learned about taking a life-first approach to my business. PLUS, how I’m happier than ever (and continuing to hit those big income months!) on the other side (yes, really!). It’s my hope that in sharing this, you don’t have to have an experience that shakes you to decide to prioritize the things that really matter to you NOW, rather than waiting for that next income goal. If you’re someone who feels like your business is the MOST important thing, you’re always thinking about it, or when you get to a certain point THEN you’ll make time to have a life, this episode is for you.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

104 Exactly how my clients get such incredible results with Amanda Joyce Weber

You know that I don’t believe in a “secret” to success. But there is ONE thing that I’ve seen make a massive difference for my clients. It’s the foundation by which I coach and it has led to some really incredible results. It’s what’s made it possible for them to go from constantly wondering why business feels so hard, takes so much time, and there’s never enough money to truly thriving in life and business. So today, I’m giving away all my “secrets.” I’m telling you exactly how my clients get such incredible results in our one-on-one coaching work together. If you’re someone who feels like they’ve tried everything and “nothing is working” then this episode is going to help you identify those blinds spots in a big way. P.S. I only have 3 spots left for Future You coaching, so if you’ve been thinking about working together but haven’t pulled the trigger yet, be sure to reach out or book your free 30-minute Sincere Sales coaching call to get a taste of what coaching with me is like!

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

103 The Simplified Mindset Practice that will help you thrive in life and business with Amanda Joyce Weber (Copy)

Ladies, I don’t think I’ve ever created ANYTHING that I’m more excited to share with you. I just know deep in the depths of my soul that so many of you are going to experience massive life and business transformations through this super simple practice. Yes, I said SIMPLE. Because when things are simple we feel empowered and motivated to stick with them. And sticking with a mindset practice consistently is exactly how you start to see BIG results. So on today’s episode, I’m giving you an inside look at my Simplified Mindset Practice. Honestly, I created this because it was something that I NEEDED. I was doing these mindset exercises regularly to create more of the results I wanted and now I’ve condensed it into one simple daily practice, designed to help you move through the mindset challenges that are holding you back so you can reach that next level YOU in life and business. I’m breaking it all down in today’s episode so if you’re someone who has struggled with HOW to actually do mindset work, WHEN to fit it in, or has been unable to stick with it consistently, then this episode is for you.

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

102 How to stop feeling “stuck” in your biz with Cassie Gudmundson

When it comes to business, it’s easy to think that the answer to growth lies in going deeper down the rabbit hole of more knowledge, strategies, and resources. And while I can totally understand that impulse (and hey, I’ve been there too!) what I’ve found to be true is that it isn’t ALWAYS about the business. In fact, sometimes the thing that’s standing in the way of breaking through that income plateau has actually been there the entire time, waiting for you to be ready to do an entirely different kind of work. That’s why in today’s episode, we’re going real deep on how to leverage your personal healing journey into business growth. If you’re someone who would much rather bury your head further in the business or you’ve been feeling stuck and unable to reach that next level, this episode is for you. One note before we dive in: I did want to give a bit of a trigger warning that one of the guests shares a story of her own trauma and sexual assault and that while I believe it's incredibly valuable, I also wanted to give a heads up in case anyone else has trauma that would be impacted by this!

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

101 Healing past trauma for accelerated business growth with Laura & Betsy Milne

When it comes to business, it’s easy to think that the answer to growth lies in going deeper down the rabbit hole of more knowledge, strategies, and resources. And while I can totally understand that impulse (and hey, I’ve been there too!) what I’ve found to be true is that it isn’t ALWAYS about the business. In fact, sometimes the thing that’s standing in the way of breaking through that income plateau has actually been there the entire time, waiting for you to be ready to do an entirely different kind of work. That’s why in today’s episode, we’re going real deep on how to leverage your personal healing journey into business growth. If you’re someone who would much rather bury your head further in the business or you’ve been feeling stuck and unable to reach that next level, this episode is for you. One note before we dive in: I did want to give a bit of a trigger warning that one of the guests shares a story of her own trauma and sexual assault and that while I believe it's incredibly valuable, I also wanted to give a heads up in case anyone else has trauma that would be impacted by this!

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Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber Podcast Amanda Joyce Weber

100 Shifting Stress and Finding Your Peace with Stephannie Weikert

Have you ever found yourself seriously stressed in either life or biz, only to be even more stressed by the fact that you’re feeling that way? I think we’ve all been there at some point. The thing is, when you’re IN IT it can be difficult to know how to shift those feelings so you’re on your way to a different experience. Perhaps you’re stressed by the sheer number of things there are to do in your business. Maybe, you’re stressed about gaining visibility in a way you never have before. Or maybe a particular client has you stressing about the best way to handle a difficult situation. Whatever the cause of your stress, I think it’s safe to say that life and business are filled with ups and downs. So today we’re diving into how you can make peace with stress so you can be present, calm, confident, and heck, even change the world. Because the truth is, we always see more of the results we want when we feel good, so learning how to do that, regardless of what your circumstances throw at you is a skill worth cultivating. Plus, it’s probably far less involved than you may think!

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